Part 2 Study Deck Flashcards
What is the official newspaper of the Gov?
The Canada Gazette
What prefixes a bill that begins in the Senate?
“S” prefixes a bill that begins in the Senate.
Who guides the gov policy determines its agenda and selects the cabinet?
Prime Minister
Proposed regulations are pre-published in the Canada Gazette to give those who are affected by the proposed changes an opportunity to express their views
how many days is required for the Statutory Instruments Act for transmission of regulations to the Clerk of the Privy Council after they are made so that they can be registered, unless the SI Regulations exempt them from this requirement because they are too numerous. Indicate your answer numerically.
7 (number seven is required for the answer to be correct)
What document granted Canada full independence from Britain and incorporated the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The Constitution Act, 1982
Operational Group contains individual D memos that address transportation.
Does the Constitution Act, 1867 delegate the King’s authority in Canada to the Prime Minister of Canada
False - The King’s authority in Canada is delegated to the Governor General.
Can policies can be published in D Memos or in Customs Notices.
yes - True
Is the consent of all three bodies of Parliament is required for the passage of a bill?
Yes True
Describe the history of Canada’s legislative process
Describe the purpose of the Canada Gazette
Explain the difference between an Act, a Regulations and an Order-in-Council (OIC)
Identify the three parties that make Canadian federal laws
What agency is dedicated to safeguarding food, animals and plants, ensuring the health and well-being of Canadians, the environment, and the economy.
Operational Group contains individual D memos that deal with goods that are regulated by OGDs.
Do all OGDs have programs which are compatible with the Single Window Integrated Import Declaration (IID).
no False
The head of the CBSA reports to the Public Safety Minister.
How many geographical regions does the CBSA have?
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is responsible for the administration of tax programs for both imported and domestic goods.
The Minister of National Revenue is responsible for the CRA’s day-to-day operations.
five agencies of Public Safety Canada are
Correctional Service Canada (CSC); Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA); Parole Board of Canada (PBC); Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); and the Canadian Security Intelligence Agency (CSIS)
Describe the mandate, roles and responsibilities of the CBSA
Describe the mission, roles and responsibilities of the CRA
The Customs Act covers both the importation and the exportation of goods from Canada.
The Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) is a civil penalty regime that ensures compliance with customs legislation through the application of monetary penalties
Excise duty is imposed on all spirits, wine, tobacco and cannabis products manufactured or produced in Canada.
A travel trailer used to smuggle goods across the border may be seized in conjunction with the confiscated goods.
The Customs Tariff Act provides the legislative authority to apply and enforce the collection of duties and taxes that are imposed under separate taxing legislation.
The Customs Tariff Act includes
parts, comprised of
sections. Indicate your answer numerically.
9 parts and 214 sections
The price discrepancy caused by dumping of imported goods may be offset by additional duty, called “anti-dumping” duty.
What is the selling of goods in another country’s market at a lower price than the price at which the same goods are sold in the domestic market of the exporter.
Excise Act is comprised of how many parts?
6 parts
What part _ of the Customs Tariff Act lists the regulations that may be made by the Governor in Council with respect to this Act.
part 4
Describe the Customs Tariff Act