M3.3 Advance Commerical Information; Conveyance and Cargo Reporting Flashcards
What is ACI Advance Commercial Reporting?
facilitates the security and safety by providing CBSA with Information on conveyance and cargo destined for Canada
What is the obligation to providing ACI to CBSA?
What information is required for ACI
What are the allowed time frames for submitting the information for ACI
Why is ACI important
allows the CBSA to identify health, safety and security threats, before the goods arrive in Canada and to make informed decisions about whether they will examine goods and where the goods will be examined.
What is Conveyance Data?
Infor on Mode of transport - Carrying the goods
What is Cargo Data?
info on goods which are being carried
When did ACI start?
Multi phase in 2004
Fully implemented in 2021
What order of mode of transport introduced for ACI
- marine
- air
- highway and rail
- FrtForwarder and warehouse
What are some commonalities to all modes?
- unique 4 digit code Carrier code
- responsible for transmitting conveyance and cargo data
3.transmit prior to arrival - valid verification of transmitted data
- data requirements set out in the ECCRD
- failure to 1-5 can result in AMPS penalties
What is the time frame for submitting ACI for Air?
4 hours
What is the time frame for submitting ACI for Freight Forwarders?
4 hrs - Air
24 hrs - Ocean
1 hr - Highway
2 hrs - Rail
What is the time frame for submitting ACI for Marine?
24 to 96 hours
What is the time frame for submitting ACI for Rail ?
2 hrs
What is the time frame for submitting ACI for warehouse operators?
Upon Arrival
What are more reporting requirements for sufferance and warehouse owner/operators
- transmit WACM (Warehouse Arrival Certification Message for unreleased goods
- registered participant of CBSAs RNS
- use EDI or third party service to transmit arrival messages
what determines the time frames to submit marine ACI?
- loaded in the US or not
- type of cargo
- containerized, bulk or break bulk goods
What is Bulk Cargo pertaining to marine mode of transport?
loose and confined by the vessel structure/vessel’s hold.
ie oil, grain coal, ore
removed by shovel pumped, forked in handling or requires mechanical handling for removal.
What is break bulk goods pertaining to marine mode?
goods not with in the container or bulk such as Oil and gas equipment, construction equipment and automobiles
Conveyance time frames for containerized cargo?
NON USA - not less than 96 hrs
USA - not less than 24 hrs
Conveyance time frames for break bulk cargo?
NON USA - not less than 24hrs
US - Not less than 24 hrs
Conveyance time frames for bulk cargo?
NON USA - not less than 24hrs
US - Not less than 24 hrs
Conveyance time frames for empty containers?
NON USA - not less than 96hrs
USA - not less than 4hrs
Conveyance time frames for a combination of empty, marine, bulk, bulk break ?
NON USNot less than 96hrs
USA Not less than 24hrs
What conveyance data is required for marine transportation?
- customs procedure code or application type
- Conveyance type code -ANSI
- Conveyance report number
- Vessel Code - IMO or Lloyds register
- Voyage number
- Vessel Name
- Vessel Reg number and date
- Carrier Code
- # of crew members
- Name of Passengers
- Name/Address of persons caused good to be on the vessel.
- # of cargo containers
- weigth of containerized cargo with UOM
- weight of non containerized cargo with UOM
15.Type and size of containers - classification IOS - empty or loaded
17 all ports of call (itinerary route) - Last foreign port of departure
- date and time of departure
- Port of arrival in Canada
- arrival terminal in Canada
- ETA in Canada
What conveyance data is required for air transportation?
- Customs procedure coded
- Conveyance reference #
- Aircraft Reg number
- Aircraft type code - IATA
- Carrier Code
- Flight number
- Date/Time of departure
- Airport of departure
- ETA in Canada
- Flight routing (itinerary route
- Arrival Terminal in Canada
- Airport in Canada
What conveyance data is required for highway transportation?
- Conveyance number aka Cargocontrol number
- Customs Port of arrival
- ETA in Canada
- mode of transport code
- code for empty or loaded
- Licence plate country state of issue
- Licence plate of each trailer
- Seal numbers for each cargo container on board
- Manifest summary list - list of goods,Cargocontrol numbers bill of lading number etc
What conveyance data is required for rail transportation?
- Conveyance number aka Cargocontrol number
- Customs Port of arrival
- ETA in Canada
- mode of transport code
- code for empty or loaded
- Number for each locomotive
7 number for each rail car - Seal numbers for each cargo container on board
- Manifest summary list - list of goods,Cargocontrol numbers bill of lading number etc
What is The Bay Plan?
The Bay Plan or stowage plan is a document used my the marine transportaton industry to identify all containers and their location on a container vessel.
Are vessels carrying only bulk of break bulk cargo required to submit a bay plan?
No, it is used to plan the loading and unloading of containers
How does The Bay Plan aid CBSA?
by providing electronic bay plans CBSA can identify unreported containers and containers that pose a security risk.
What must be included on The Bay Plan?
CRN Conveyance Reference Number. It allows the bay plan, conveyance report and cargo documents to be linked.
When does CBSA require the Bay Plan?
CBSA requires the Vessel Operating Carriers VOCs to electronically submit the bay plan 48 hrs after the vessel leave the lasgt foreign port before the ETA to the Port in Canada
What are the circumstances where filing cargo data is not required (Conveyance is ALWAYS required)?
Emergency Reponse Vehicles/Personnel/Equipment in an emegency situation
CSA clearances - Trusted Traders exception when NON exempt cargo is onboard.
CBP Turnarounds - Highway mode
CTC Continuous Transmission Commodities - Oil Gas via piplelines
What are conveyance circumstances where cargo is data is not required?
Flying Trucks
Emergency Repairs ( unforeseen incident)
What does the ACI Response Message: Do Not Load mean?
Shipment cant be loaded; Typically Ocean
- CBSA requires more information
- CBSA is waiting for foreign customs admin
What does the ACI Response Message: Matched mean?
specific trade document is linke to a related trade document
What does the ACI Response Message: Not Matched mean?
either no links to a related trade document have been established or;
previously been matched to another document *becomes unlinked through a change or cancellation.
What does the ACI Response Message: Document Package Complete mean?
cargo and all other mandated pre-arrival trade documents necessary for CBSA to determine if the goods can be released have been received and accepted by CBSA
Under what section of the Customs Act requires all goods imported or moving in transit through Canada to be reported to CBSA at the 1st Port of Arrival?
Section 12
How does Subsection 12(1) of the Customs Act defines reporting for Rail Air and marine Modes?
Reporting conveyance at arrival by way of CACM (Conveyance Arrival Certification Message) and that is “Married” to the ACI Information.
When can the CACM be transmitted to CBSA for Marine Mode?
Time the vessel’s arrival, anchor, docks berth alongside, and can be transmitted /received by CBSA with in 2 hour window of arrival. 2 hrs if the vessel is with in Canadian Waters
When can the CACM be transmitted to CBSA for Air Mode?
Must be transmitted to CBSA, cleared by NAV Canada to land
When can the CACM be transmitted to CBSA for Rail Mode?
must be transmitted to CBSA as soon as the train crosses the border
Why is it different process when reporting Highway mode conveyance?
Nature of the border crossing
location of the CBSA
ability of CBSA to deny entry before arrival
What is a CRN?
Conveyance Reference Number alternate barcode or handwritten document
What is WACM and how does it work?
Warehouse Arrival Certification Message - warehouse operator must transmit the goods’ arrival
What are the basic steps involved with importing commerical goods
Pre-Arrival Reporting ACI
Reporting Conveyance CACM
Reporting Cargo ACI + CACM
Who MAY be responsible for reporting imported goods?
Travellers carrying their own baggage (tradesmen+tools)
Exporter if when courier or by mail
The Carrier
How is the imported goods reported?
Typcially transmitted online otherwise; paper form of a A8A B Cargo Control Document called a Manifest or CCD or if Marine then A6A.
How can corrections be made to a Conveyance or Cargo Report?
ACI allow for electronic; adding, deleting and cancelling of prearrival. Exception: if carrier has reportedits arrival the correction must be made by CBSA
If the Carrier has already reported arrival to CBSA what form must they complete for CBSA?
FORM BSD673 House bill, Cargo and Conveyance Manual Correction Request Form Port Arrival All Modes
What is an Cargo Control Abstract A10 and when could it be used?
it is a form that can be submitted for approval to report, or abstract the various shipment on an A8A.
3 boxes but 1 can’t clear, the carrier can sibmit the A10 and remove the 1 box and continue on their way with the 2 boxes
What is the role of a Freight Forwarder?
arrange for the international movement of goods in the most economical timely and safe fashion.
-recommend packing marking and labelling
-arrange insurance storage and delivery
What is the reporting role of the Freight Forwarder?
they must transmit a house bill close message to indentify the previous CCN of the consolidation and all related house bills.
What is the record keeping rules for carriers?
3 years
records of the electronic data transmitted to CBSA plus source documents