Part 2 Exam 2 Flashcards
In vergil’s Aeneid book 1, what is the main conflict
Juno sides with Carthage, forcing Aeneas to wonder for many years until he washes up on the coast of Libya due to Juno’s storm
“Take heart: no one will touch the destiny of your people. You (who?) see Lavinium in its promised walls, and raise your brave aeneas to the stars. No new thoughts change my purpose. But you’re tormented, so I’ll telll you the future, uniwinding to the light fate’s secret scroll. In Italy, your son will crush a fierce race in a great war…his son Ascanius, called Iulus too now will reign…and he will”
Venus aka Aphrodite’s
T/F Roman myth believed that rome was pre destined and divinely sanctioned
Although she (who?) has not yet reached the age of fourteen, she had the intelligence of an old woman, the dignity of a matron, the sweetness of a girl, together with the modesty of a maiden. How she used to hang from her father’s neck! How affectionately and modestly she used to embrace us who were her father’s friends! Her nurses, her minders and teachers, how she respected each of them according to their duty! With what care and intelligence she used to read. How sparingly and with what restraint she played.
Minicia Marcella
______: enslaved persons owned by their husband and wife
T/F House/villa as a status machine
In an upper class roman house were there segregated women’s quarters?
In an upper class roman house were roman wives at Baquets?
______ a public space shared by both males and females
What was the purpose of Julian law?
combat declining birth rates and rampant adultery
Infamis: T/F could occur from remaining single or childless
Education of roman girls; what does rufus say
daughters should have the same education as sons
What can a womens education be interrupted by
What happens in Livy, History of Rome
Cloelia helps a group of adolescent girls escape form Roman camp, which ends up resulting in the release of male youths
Now with mainly courage held in such esteem, women too were moved to seek public honors. The maiden ______, one of the hostages deceived the gaurds leading a band of maidens, swam across the Tiber amid a shower of enemy spears, since the Etruscan camp was located not far from teh band of the Tiber. She (Who?) restored all girls, unhurt, to their families in Rome.