Last minute final exam Flashcards
e.g. of Amator
Cynthia with Propertius (you were praising me)
What is the importance of Amator
rejection of public life
puella docta
educated woman
e.g. of puella docta
Cynthia–reads propertius poetry and praises him
importance of cultus
women were respected to be elegant but they didn’t want him to be elegant in bed
Who was Tibullus mistress
Delia, Nemesis
Who is Propertius mistress
Who is ovid’s mistress
Who is Gallus’s mistress
“While you’ve (who) got the pristine blossom of youth, use it. It slips away on light feet” (author)
Delia; Tibullus
“That fight yesterday by lamplight was a pleasure for me (Who), so many curses, your (who) voice enraged, when crazy, drunk, you thrust your table away, and threw full wine bowls, your hand insane”
Propertius; Cynthia
I love and I hate, why do I do this you ask. I know not, but I (who) feel it happening, and I am tortured
In love, I want to feel pain, or to listen to someone in pain, to see tears, either mine (who) or yours (who)
Propertius; Cynthia