Part 2 Flashcards
Minute ventilation
- Respiratory Rate x Tidal Volume
- Normal range 5-6 L/min
Plateau pressure
- Positive pressure applied to small airways & alveoli
- Goal is to keep under 30 cmH2O because excessive alveoli stretch is thought to be a cause of ventilator-induced lung injury
Peak flow
- Determines rate of tidal volume delivery to the patient during mandatory volume control breaths
- Affects I:E ratio & peak pressure
Volume control ventilation
- Tidal volume is preset & the resultant airway pressure is a function of lung compliance & other factors
Volume control ventilation advantages
- Advantages
- Guaranteed minute ventilation
- May help lung compliance in certain surgeries (abdominal or chest surgery
Volume control disadvantages
- Patient does not trigger breath, but can see patient effort in capnogram
- May need to reduce tidal volumes if you get high PIP/PAP
Pressure control ventilation
Peak airway pressure is preset & the delivered tidal volume is a product of lung compliance & other factors
Pressure control ventilation advantages/disadvantages
- Reduced ventilator-induced lung injury because able to limit peak inspiratory pressure which will also limit transalveolar pressure
- Improved gas distribution because uses decelerating flow
- More rapid improvement in lung compliance & oxygenation compared to VCV
Does not guarantee minute ventilation
Volume Controlled Ventilation
Dependent variables
Dependent variables
- PIP is determined from tidal volume set
- Plateau Pressure is determined by applying an inspiratory hold (0.5-1 sec). Hold represents no flow, which gives pressure the alveoli are seeing
Pressure control ventilation
- PIP usually same as Plateau Pressure because of how breath is delivered
- There is an inherent inspiratory pause
Pressure support ventilation
Spontaneous ventilation mode that provides constant pressure once patient inspiratory effort is sensed.
Pressure support ventilation independent variables
Independent Variables (What you set)
- Support Pressure
- Inspiratory Time
- Flow Trigger
- FIO2
PSV dependent variables
Tidal volume
Respiratory Rate
PSV advantages
- Able to have patient breath spontaneously & not “fight” the ventilator
- Able to augment tidal volume
- Able to adjust ETCO2 with support pressure
PSV disadvantages
Requires patient to be breathing spontaneously
- Breaths are given at preset time intervals
- Patient can breathe spontanously between the ventilator breaths
- Ventilator will not give a breath if the patient inspires at that same instant
SIMV independent variables
- Tidal Volume
- Respiratory Rate
- I:E Ratio
- FIO2
- Pressure Support Level
SIMV dependent variables
Peak Inspiratory Pressure
Plateau Pressure
SIMV advantages
Can be used as way to start building up CO2
Back-up mode for PSV
SIMV disadvantages
May confuse patient’s brain because not physiological
Set TV to adults? children?
10-15 mL/kg (adults)
6-10 mL/kg (infants, children, & COPD)
minute ventilation formula
4 x BSA for Men
3.5 x BSA for Women
Ventilator fresh gas flow coupling
Fresh gas flow adds to tidal volume delivered by ventilator
inspiratory pause
- Holds breath at end of inspiration (before exhalation starts)
- Allows breath to diffuse better
- Only available with VCV
- Usually 25% of inspiratory time
- Takes time from inspiration & adds it as a hold (expiration remains same)