Part 18 (Odomirok 25) Flashcards
**** Pillar 1
What does Solvency II link
Links the required capital to the insurer’s specific risk profile
What is Solvency II
A solvency regulation used in Europe
What are the 3 pillars of Solvency II
Pillar 1 - Quantification: quantifying amount of capital that needs to be held
Pillar 2 - Governance: activities of regulators
Pillar 3 - Transparency: reporting of insurance companies position to regulators and public
What does Pillar 1 address
quantitative requirements
Calculation in Pillar 1
Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR)
Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR)
Technical Provisions (basically the liabilities)
Solvency Capital Requirement is what
What happens if company with lower capital
Calculated using what 3 types of models
Required capital to limit the probability of ruin over the year to 0.5%
lower capital is subject to regulator intervention (where regulator takes over)
Standard formula (provided by regulator and more conservative with higher amount)
Internal models (need approval to use)
Mix of both
What is the Minimum Capital Requirement/what will happen if lower
company with lower capital will lose its license and not be permitted to operate
Technical provisions include what two things
How is it calculated
Includes reserves and risk margin
Calculated using methodology similar to P-GAAP, cost of capital exceeding the risk free rate (R- i) is 6%
Free Surplus calulcation
Free Surplus =
Assets - Technical Provision - SCR
What does Pillar 2 provde
Supervisory Review
Provides supervisors with
- Means of identifying firms with a higher risk profile
- and power to intervene
Pillar 2 requires addressing these 4 functional areas
- Internal Audit
- Actuarial
- Risk Management
- Compliance
Internal audit need production of what
report at least annually to board of directors about
- any deficiencies of internal controls and
- any shortcomings in compliance with internal policies/procedures
What does the Actuarial area ensure, perform, and give opinion on in Pillar 2
- ensures the methods and assumptions used to get provisions are reasonable
- performs retrospective analyses of best estimates vs experience
- gives opinion about overall underwriting policy and adequacy of reinsurance arrangements
What does Risk management monitor and ensure in pillar 2
- Monitors the risk management function
- Ensures internal model is integrated with risk management function
What does compliance ensure and report
Ensures the internal control system complies with laws and regs
reports any compliance issues to board
Pillar 2 also requires firms conduct what
an own risk and solvency assessment (ORSA)
What is an ORSA
an Internal Assessment of the solvency need based on risk profile
What should the ORSA contain info about
- Overall solvency need
- Compliance with capital and technical provision requirements
- Amount that risk profile differs from assumptions in SCR
Pillar 3 goal
Report capital position from pillars 1 and 2 to the supervisor and financial markets
What is the intent of reporting the information in Pillar 3
Provide the market with sufficient information to use its disciplinary function (like lower stock prices, less policyholders)
Key difference between Solvency 2 and U.S regime
Solvency II is designed to be a group wide solvency measurement, while U.S. measurement is focused on the regulation of individual statutory entities
How did the U.S regime treat capital before 2008 financial crisis
What did 2008 financial crisis lead to
Treated as being “walled” off from other entities in the group
2008 financial crisis lead to NAIC’s Solvency Modernization Initiative (SMI)
What did the SMI approach change to the walls approach
Gave Windows and Walls approach
What were the windows in SMI
- Enhanced communication between state regulators
- “Supervisory colleges” of international regulators (groups of regulators reviewing the performace)
- Access to and collection of information
- Enforced measured to protect policyholders if violations occur
- NAIC certification of state regulators
What did the SMI maintain walls at
the statutory level, so regulators are still making sure companies have sufficient capital