Part 14: How can the taiga be conserved? Flashcards
- What are the arguments for protecting the taiga forests?
a. Trees absorb CO2 b. Deforestation destroys the land
- What are the arguments for exploiting the taiga forests?
a. Jobs b. Resources can be sold for money c. Hydroelectric dams do not generate CO2
- Why is deforestation increasing in some parts of the taiga?
a. Mining b. Timber for paper
- Why is deforestation not increasing in some parts of the taiga?
a. Some areas are protected
- What is a national park?
a. Protected land b. No one can build c. People can only visit
- Name a taiga national park
a. Wood Buffalo National Park, Canada
- Which species of animal live in Wood Buffalo?
a. Bison b. Wolves c. Black bears
- Why do people visit Wood Buffalo National Park?
a. Hiking b. Camping
- What is the west of the park used for?
a. Wildlife
- What are the possible threats to Wood Buffalo National Park?
a. Tar sands mining could pollute the water b. A new hydroelectric dam could take water out of the rivers
- What does commercial mean?
a. Businesses doing things for money
- What is commercial forestry?
a. Businesses cutting trees down for money
- How many jobs are there is forestry in Canada?
a. 500,000
- How much money does Canada make from logging each year?
a. US$15 billion
- What is clear cutting?
a. When all the trees in an area are cut down
- Is clear cutting sustainable?
a. No
- What is selective logging?
a. When only big, valuable trees are cut down
- Is selective logging sustainable?
a. Yes
- What is sustainable forest management?
a. When forests are used sustainably
- Can trees be cut down when there is sustainable forest management?
a. Yes b. Trees have to be replanted
- What sort of trees have to be replanted in sustainable forest management?
a. A variety of trees to encourage biodiversity
- What is happening to the Finnish taiga forests because of sustainable forest management?
a. The forests are getting bigger
- Who would be in favour of protecting the taiga forests?
a. Conservationists b. Indigenous people
- Who would be in favour of using the taiga forests to make money?
a. Oil companies b. Logging companies