PART 135 Flashcards
135.19 - Emergency Operations
Certificate holder or PIC may deviate to extent necessary for safety of flight.
Send report to FSDO w/i 10 days, not including Sat/Sun/Holidays.
135.25 - Aircraft requirements
U.S. Registered aircraft
In airworthy condition
Exclusive use of at least 1 a/c for 6 mo.
Airworthiness certificate
135.63 - Record Keeping Requirements.
- Operating Certificate
- Ops Specs
- List of aircraft - (6 mo.)
- Pilot records - (12 mo.)
- M.E. Load manifests (30 days)
135.83 - Operation Information Required (Pilot)
- Checklist
- before start
- before takeoff
- cruise
- before landing
- after landing
- shutoff
- Aeronautical charts (IFR - enroute/terminal area/approach, & letdown. )
135.85 - Carriage of persons w/o compliance as pax
- Crewmember or employee.
- Necessary for safe handling of animals.
- Necessary for safe handling of hazmat.
- Security/honor guard of shipment for US Gov.
- Military courier or route supervisor.
- FAA inspector conducting enroute inspection.
- Authorized person connected with cargo operation.
- DOD Comm Air carrier evaluator conducting enroute insp.
135.89 Use of Oxygen in unpressurized aircraft
> 10,000’- 12000’ for more than 30 mins.
> 12,000’ - anytime.
> 10,000’ - 15,000’ > 30 mins for 10% of pax.
> 15,000’ to all pax.
135.93 - Minimum altitude AP use
TAKEOFF - below 500’ agl / twice the alt loss in AFM.
ENROUTE - 500’ agl / twice the alt loss in AFM.
APPROACH - 50 below DA (H) / MDA
135.117 - PAX Briefing Requirements
- No Smoking
- Safety Belt use
- Seatbacks upright position T.O. & Landing
- Pass door & Emerg Exits operation
- Location of survival equipment
- Location & Operation of fire extinguisher
- Extended overwater - ditching proc & Flotation equip
135.117 - Pax Briefing
Welcome you to Fenix Air Charter’s flight today. If I could have just a few minutes of your time to review a couple of safety items.
SMOKING - This is a non-smoking flight.
SEATBELTS - Your seatbelt is operated by inserting the latch into the buckle. Pull the belt snug around your lap. To release the belt, simply life up on the buckle and release.
SEATBACKS - Your seatbacks must be in the upright position for takeoff and landing. There is an adjustment on the side of your seat.
DOORS - We have two entry doors on this aircraft. One door located in the rear left of the aircraft, and the forward door. To operate the door simply pull the door closed and fasten the upper latch above your head. To open, simply release the latch above and pull the handle to open the door.
EMERG EQUIPMENT - The emergency equipment onboard our aircraft today consists of a fire extinguisher located beneath the co-pilot seat. In the event of a fire, grab the extinguisher, remove the safety pin, point at the base of the fire and pull the handle to spray.
(FRONT PASSENGER) STERILE COCKPIT - Since you’ll be seated in the front of the cabin, I would like to ask you to refrain from questions or comments unless an emergency during the critical phases of flight, which would be takeoff, and climb, or descent and landing. If you notice another aircraft, feel free to point it out, and I will acknowledge with a head nod. Once we’re in the cruise portion of our flight, I’ll be glad to answer any questions as time permits.
Do you have any other questions before we get started?
135.119 - Carriage of weapons
Officials or employees of municipally or state authorized to carry.
Crewmember or other person authorized by certificate holder to carry.
135.121 - Alcoholic beverages
Must be served by the carrier.
Not authorized to serve to someone who appears to be intoxicated.
Not authorized to board if appears to be intoxicated.
135.127 - Smoking prohibitions
On-demand ops
- n/a due to cabin not physically separate from
135.144 - Portable Devices Allowed
- Portable Voice Recorder
- Hearing Aids
- Heart Pacemakers
- Electric Shavers
- Any device Operator deems will not interfere.
135.149 - General equipment requirements
- Barometric adjustable sensitive altimeter.
2. Carburator heat.
135.155 - Fire extinguisher
- Suitable for types of fire likely.
- At least one located on the flight deck.
- A/C over 10 seats - 1 located in pax compartment.
135.157 - Pax oxygen requirements
- Enough to supply pilots (135.89).
- 10,001’-15,000’ - > 30 mins, 10% of pax.
- > 15,000’ - each pax.
135.159 VFR Night / VFR Over the Top Equipment Req
- Rate of turn indicator.
- Slip skid indicator.
- Att indicator.
- DG.
- Generator to supply elect loads.
Night - Anti-collision light system.
- Instrument lights.
- Flashlight w/ 2 “D” cell batteries.
135.163 - IFR PAX - Equipment Required
- Vertical speed indicator
- Free Air temp indicator.
- Heated pitot tube - each airspeed indicator.
- Power failure warning device for gyro inst.
- Alt static source.
- Two independent sources of vacuum pumps.
S.E. - Two independent elect power sources.
- Stndby batt or alt source of elect power capable of supplying 150% of elect loads. For safe emerg operation for 1hr.
135.181 - over the top IFR conditions.
If wx reports indicate allows flight under VFR under ceiling until at least 1 hr after ETA.
135.183 - land aircraft over water.
- Altitude that allows to reach land in case of engine fail.
- Necessary for takeoff & land.
135.203 - VFR Minimums
500’ above / 500’ horiz. from any obs.
1000’ above highest obs w/i 5 mi. horiz along course.
2000’ above highest obs w/i 5 mi.
135.205 - VFR uncontrolled Airspace
Ceiling > 1000’ - 2mi vis.
Night - 3 mi. Vis.
135.209 - VFR Fuel Requirements
To point of intended landing
Day - + 30 mins normal cruise.
Night - + 45 mins.
135.211 - VFR Over the top carrying PAX.
- Wx reports indicate at dest.
- allows descent under VFR until 1 hr after ETA.
- allows IFR approach and landing clear of clouds.
- Descent under VFR if engine fails.
135.213 - Wx reports & forecast
- U.S. national Wx service
- Source approved by U.S. nat wx Service.
- Source approved by the administrator.
- VFR - pilot obs. Other’s competent person’s obs.
- IFR - must be taken at same airport, unless ops specs allow otherwise.
135.215 - IFR Operating Limitations
- Not approved outside controlled airspace at airport w/o ins approach.
- Unless ops specs allow.
- must demonstrate navigation abilities.
135.217 - T.O. ALT requirement
Wx at or above T.O. Mins, but below landing mins.
- ALT airport w/i 1 hr flight time cruise speed.
135.219 - IFR: dest wx mins.
Wx at ETA must be at or above landing mins.
135.221 - IFR: ALT wx mins
To use as ALT, wx must be at or above ALT mins at ETA
135.223 - IFR ALT Airport fuel requirements
- To airport of intended landing.
- Plus to Alt Airport
- 45 Mins at normal cruising speed.
135.223 - IFR ALT Airport fuel requirements
ALT not required if:
At least 1 INS approach 1 hr before / 1 hr after ETA: 1. Ceiling 1500' above lowest circling MDA. 2. If no circling appch, higher of: - 1500' above lowest mins, - 2000' above airport elev. 3. Vis - higher of: - 3 mi. - 2 mi greater than lowest vis mins. For apprch to be used.
135.225 - IFR: T.O., Appch, & Landing mins.
- Wx reporting facility operated by US Nat Wx Serv., source approved by US Nat wx service, or by admin.
- Wx at or above minimums.
A.) May begin approach with no approved wx if:
a.) ALT airport has approved wx.
b.) ALT airport report has local alt setting for dest airport.
c.) local alt setting listed on approach plate. - To continue approach:
- ILS approach if past FAF.
- ASR/PAR if talking to final approach controller.
- Non-prec if past FAF or facility. Or if no FAF, then procedure turn inbound within prescribed distance.
- Operation Military airport:
- Takeoff - Vis =>1 mi.
- Land - 1/2mi.
- T.O. Mins:
- According to airport T.O. mins
- Ops Specs.
- If no T.O. mins listed for airport,
- Lowest straight in approach mins, if:
- wind allows for that approach
- equipment operating normal.
- cert holder has been approved.
135.227 - icing Conditions
No icing program
Clean aircraft concept.
135.229 - Airport requirements
Must be adequate for operations
Night pax:
- determine wind direction from illuminated wind indicator or local ground comm, or pilot obs.
- Limits of T.O. / Ldng area indicated by
a) boundary or runway lights.
b) Flare pots or lanterns with FSDO approval.
135.243 - PIC MIN Requirements
- COMM CERT - w cat/ class ratings.
- 500 TT
- 100 x-country
- 25 x-country night
- INS rating or ATP (N/A when SE or no schedule or mail contract.
- COMM CERT - w cat/ class ratings
- 1200 TT
- 500 x-country
- 100 night
- 75 Ins. (50 hrs in flight)
- INS rating or ATP.
135.245 - SIC Requirements
COMM w CAT & CLASS ratings.
Ins rating
IFR - must meet recent IFR exp.
135.247 - Recent Experience
W/I 90 days:
- 3 T.O. & Lndngs as sole manipulator of cntrls. Same Cat / Class
- Night - 1 hr after / 1 hr before sunset.
135.267 - Flight Time & Duty Req
500 - Quarter
800 - 2 Consecutive Qtrs
1400 - Cal Yr
13 - rest days per quarter (24 hrs).
Flt Time - 8 - 24 hrs (FLT Hrs)
Duty Period Max - 14 hrs/24 hr period. May exceed, up to FDP of max 14 hr. Must have immediate consec rest of 10 hrs. If exceeded due to beyond control, - 30 mins - 11 hrs consec rest. - 30-60 mins - 12 hrs consec hrs rest. - > 60 mins- 16 hrs consec rest.
135.293 - Initial / Recurring testing requirements
12 cal mo. -
- Written / oral test.
- Part 61
- Part 91
- Part 135
- Ops Specs.
- Powerplant, major components, systems.
- Performance, limitations
- Emerg procedures.
- Contents of AFM.
- Weight & Balance
- use of Navaids & Ins approach proc.
- Meteorology
- LLWS - Flight test
135.297 - PIC Ins proficiency check.
6 Cal mo.
- 1 straight in approach
- 1 Circling approach
- 1 M.A.