GOM Flashcards
What are my recency requirements (landings in previous __ days)?
Note: This only applies to carrying pax
If IFR, the __ check must be current w/in preceding __months
To be PIC, then ___ and ___ checks must be current w/in preceding __ months
3 T/O and 3 Landings (as the sole person at the controls) in the previous 90 days
97 check, 6 months
93 and 99 checks, 12 months
Crew Rest
Duty Day: If, due to circumstances beyond my control, I exceed __ hours (Single)/__ hours (Dual) during 24 consecutive hours, I must get
__ hours rest (if fly time exceedance =__ minutes)
__ hours rest (if fly time exceedance between __ and __ min)
__ hours rest (if fly time exceedance > ___ min)
8 solo / 10 dual
11 Hrs = 30 min
12 Hrs 30-60 min
16 Hrs >60 min
Crew Rest: how many days of 24 hour rest do I get per quarter (this must be “hard scheduled”)?
Drugs and Alcohol ok to use while on duty?
- Not within ___ Hours
- Not while under the effects, legally > __ % BAC
- Drunk Pax Allowed?
Drugs and alcohol ok to use while on duty? No
- Not within 8 hours
- Not while under the effects, legally > 0.04% BAC
- Drunk pax allowed? No
What are the flight release requirements?
- Load manifest (W+B, # Pax, Registration, Origin, Destination, crew names/positions)
- Wx brief
- VFR or IFR flight plan (may air file if no comms at field)
- Release permission by dude with OPCON (Text < eng start > eng s/d)
- Preflight inspection, last to board
What equipment / actions required for flight?
Airworthiness, Registration, Radio Op License (int’l), Ops Manual, W & B, 1 D-cell flashlight per crew station, 2 iPads w/current Nav Data + Charts, 2 Mics (or 1 + 1 headset), Checklists, Acft Binder with load manifest on iPad, MEL/NEF (Non-essential equip + furnishings), deferral log, pax briefing cards
What are “stabilized approach” parameters, to prevent a bounced landing?
+5/-0 of FAS and configured by
500’ AGL (SEL)
1,000’ AGL (MEL)
…else go around. Notify DO if buffoon it.
What restrictions exists when braking action is reported as < Fair (
No taxi, t/o, or land
High Mins Captain:
When < ___ Hours as PIC, add __ ‘ and __ mile to approach mins (not to exceed ___)
100 PIC hours, 100’ and 1/2 mile (not to exceed alternate weather mins)
GOM Sections:
1-6(A,B,C), 7
GOM Sections: 1. General 2. Reserved 3. Personnel, Quals, Duties, Responsibilities 4. Policies and Procedures 5. Training 6. Flight Ops A-Preflight B- Dept/Enroute C- Misc 7. MX
- 14 PIC Duties (Slide 1):
- Ultimately responsible for ____ of pax and crew
- May delegate ___ (like pax 1 assist pax 2) but not ___
- Ensure current ____ and ___ certificates in crew possession
- Esure adequate __ and appropriate __
- Arrange __ and ___ for overnights
- Responsible for all aspects of __ __
- Ultimately responsible for safety of pax/crew
- May delegate functions but not responsibilities
- Ensure current airman and medical certificates in crew possession
- Esure adequate rest and appropriate attire
- Arrange food and lodging for overnights
- Responsible for all aspects of flight planning
- 14 PIC Duties (Slide 2):
- Ensures __ and __ charts onboard
- Ensures __, __, __, __ and __ for flight assignment (PILES)
- Supervises loading of __ and __ IAW __ and __, __ properly secured
- Ensures __ __ accomplished
- Files __ __, obtains __ __ from OCO.
- Ensures current and required charts onboard
- Ensures acft is preflighted, inspected, loaded, equipped and staffed for flight assignment
- Supervises loading of pax and cargo IAW wt and bal, cargo properly securEd
- Ensures pax brief accomplished
- Files flight plan, obtains flight release from OCO.
- 14 PIC Duties (slide 3):
- Operates at __ __, accounting for __, __ and pax __
- Performs __ __ prior to boarding; will be ___ to board and will __ and__ cabind door(s) is/are closed/locked
- Ensures all _ __ ___ is completed
- Operates at favorable altitudes, accounting for turbulence, O2 and pax comfort
- Performs walk-around prior to boarding; will be last to board and will close and ensure cabind door(s) is/are closed/locked
- Ensures all post-flight paperwork is completed
- 16: Ops Control/Command
- CC Responsibility commences from moment of __ until __ or __
- CC Authority over __ and __ __ from __ to __ duty
- Op’l Control has __ elements
- CC Responsibility commences from moment of release until returned or PIC properly relieved
- CC Authority over pax and all crew from on- to off-duty
- Op’l Control has 7 elements
- 16.E.1: Crewmember Requirements
- BAI will only use __ __ or __ during every aspect of part 135 ops
- BAI will only use currently __ /__, qualified pilots; listed by __ and __ __ on list maintained by CP at main base of operations
- 16.E.1: Crewmember Requirements
- BAI will only use direct employees or agents during every aspect of part 135 ops
- BAI will only use currently trained/tested, qualified pilots; listed by name and certificate number on list maintained by CP at main base of operations
- 16.E.2. Aircraft Requirements. BAI will not conduct any Part 135 ops unless each aircraft is:
- __ by BAI and remains in our __ and actual possession w/o interruption
- __ by BAI or otherwise in legal custody
- 16.E.2. Aircraft Requirements. BAI will not conduct any Part 135 ops unless each aircraft is:
- Owned by BAI and remains in our legal and actual possession w/o interruption
- Leased by BAI or otherwise in legal custody
3.16.E.3. BAI will always maintain 1 aircraft that meets ___ use requirements.
3.16.E.3. BAI will always maintain 1 aircraft that meets exclusive use requirements.
- 16.E.4. Use of Other Business Names BAI will not:
- allow/create circumstance where any other entity conducts flight for ___
- operate under fictitious name/entity unless authorized in __ __
- allow use of fictitious name to obscure responsibility/___ over our ops
- 16.E.4. Use of Other Business Names. BAI will not:
- allow/create circumstance where any other entity conducts flight for pay
- operate under fictitious name/entity unless authorized in Ops Specs
- allow use of fictitious name to obscure responsibility/accountability over our ops
- 16.E.5. Acft Operations Agreements and Other Arrangements
- Wet lease info
- w/aircraft owners fully explain how BAI oversees
- No ops that could shift ___ from BAI to owners
- 16.E.5. Acft Operation Agreements and Other Arrangements
- Wet lease info
- w/aircraft owners fully explain how BAI oversees
- No ops that could shift responsibility from BAI to owners
3.16.E.6. Management Personnel and Persons Authorized to Exercise OPCON:
- OPCON authorities are: __, __, __, __ and __ (normally in this order)
- At least one (not a pilot assigned to flight) must know
— whether crew member is __ and __ to serve as assigned.
— whether or not aircraft is ___ under BAI MX programs
3.16.E.6. Mgmt Personnel and Persons Authorized to Exercise OPCON:
- OPCON authorities: DO, DDO, CP, GM and Pres (normally in this order)
- At least one (not a pilot assigned to flight) must know
— whether crew member is qual’d and eligible to serve as assigned.
— whether or not aircraft is airworthy under BAI MX programs
- Flight Crew Quals:
- Only __ certificated airmen w/at least a __ certificate may be assigned.
- All pilots will possess a current __ __ medical
- Use of A/P in lieu of ___ only if authorized in __ __
- Flight Crew Quals:
- Flight Crew Quals:
- Only US certificated airmen w/at least a commercial certificate may be assigned.
- All pilots will possess a current class 2 medical
- Use of A/P in lieu of SIC only if authorized in Ops Specs
- Flight Crew Quals:
SIC duties
- must have a __ check w/in preceding __ months
- must complete FAA-approved Bode __ __
- IFR: only if __ or __ rating, min of __ hours, __ XC, __ night and __ actual/simulated instrument (at least 50 actual flight)
SIC duties
- must have a competency check w/in preceding 12 months
- must complete FAA-approved Bode training program
- IFR: only if commercial or ATP rating, min of 1200 hours, 500 XC, 100 night and 75 actual/simulated instrument (at least 50 actual flight)
- 18 Flt Crew Duty Limits
- Do not exceed __ hours (1 pilot) unless unforeseen circumstances = do not exceed __ hour duty day. Notify the __ immediately for either/both.
- 18 Flt Crew Duty Limits
- Do not exceed 8 hours (1 pilot) unless unforeseen circumstances = do not exceed 14 hour duty day. Notify the OCO immediately for either/both.
- 1: ___ Standards Policy
- No pilot will land at other than __ airports published in the ___ and which meet __ runway length in POH w/o clearance from the ___
- No pilot may leave the controls with the __ __
- A _ _ will be available and __ __ onboard during refueling
- No __ will be __ or __while prop or engine is operating
- 1: Safety Standards Policy
- No pilot will land at other than approved airports published in the AFD (Airport Facility Directory) and which meet min runway length in POH w/o clearance from the CP
- No pilot may leave the controls with the engine(s) running
- A fire extinguisher will be available and no pax onboard during refueling
- No pax will be boarded or unloaded while prop or engine is operating
- 1 Safety
- Do not __ between ramp and another acft loading pax
- No __ permitted to enter ramp until authorized by BAI personnel - Customer Relations
- Aim is best possible __ and __ with maximum comfort and __
- BAI may refuse service to an abusive/non-compliant __; will not allow an unsafe circumstance to continue and will __ ops until resolved. PIC contacts OCO to file report w/in 5 days.
- Customer Relations
- 1 Safety
- Do not taxi between ramp and another acft loading pax
- No pax permitted to enter ramp until authorized by BAI personnel - Customer Relations
- Aim is best possible safety and service with maximum comfort and convenience
- BAI may refuse service to an abusive/non-compliant pax; will not allow an unsafe circumstance to continue and will suspend ops until resolved. PIC contacts OCO to file report w/in 5 days.
- Customer Relations
- 3 Intoxicants:
- Except Emer, no pax who appears __ or __ __ __ of drugs allowed.
- No person may drink alcohol unless provided by __ for the pax. No person escorted under LE may consume.
- 3 Intoxicants:
- Except Emer, no pax who appears intoxicated or under the influence of drugs allowed.
- No person may drink alcohol unless provided by BAI for the pax. No person escorted under LE may consume.
- Blood Donations/Loss from Minor Injuries
- Recommended not to give blood w/in __ days of flight
- In no case execute crew member duties w/in __ hrs of donation. At that time, may resume duties provided a physician performs necessary tests
- Report donations/blood loss to __
- Blood Donations/Loss from Minor Injuries
- Blood Donations/Loss from Minor Injuries
- Recommended not to give blood w/in 7 days of flight
- In no case execute crew member duties w/in 72 hrs of donation. At that time, may resume duties provided a physician performs necessary tests
- Report donations/blood loss to CP
- Blood Donations/Loss from Minor Injuries
4.5. Only __ ___ and individuals certified by appropriate govt’s and are authorized/required to carry arms will do so.
4.5. Only BAI employees and individuals certified by appropriate govt’s and are authorized/required to carry arms will do so.
5.5. Training: Recurrent training must occur w/in __ calendar months after initial or last recurrent.
5.5. Training: Recurrent training must occur w/in 12 calendar months after initial or last recurrent.
6(Flt Ops)
6.2. Generally, crews report __ min < departure. May be reduced to __ min if:
- Acft is ___ and preflight inspection complete
- __ Briefing and __ __ filed prior to reporting
Report in uniform per employee handbook
6(Flt Ops)
- Generally, crews report 60min < departure. May be reduced to 30 min if:
- Acft is fueled and preflight inspection complete
- Wx Briefing and flight plan filed prior to reporting
- Generally, crews report 60min < departure. May be reduced to 30 min if:
- 3A: Preflight
- All pilots will use MyFBO to check out/in aircraft. If acft is blocked in MyFBO, PIC will telephone ___ who will then notify MX and verify acft is airworthy. If no contact, the flight will be ___. - 5B: MX Status. MEL may be used up to completion of __ __ check list and after shutdown. It may NOT be used in flight.
- 3A: Preflight
- All pilots will use MyFBO to check out/in aircraft. If acft is blocked in MyFBO, PIC will telephone OCO who will then notify MX and verify acft is airworthy. If no contact, the flight will be cancelled. - 5B: MX Status. MEL may be used up to completion of before takeoff check list and after shutdown. It may NOT be used in flight.
- 5.B.1. MEL log: Enter __ discovered, description, __ interval (A,B,C,D) and calculate __ to be accomplished
- 5.B.2. Acft Discprepancy Log: In MX Action column, mark as having been __, include reference to the item number in the ___ that applies. If M or O, comply with guidance before next flight
- 5.B.1. MEL log: Enter date discovered, description, time interval (A,B,C,D) and calculate date to be accomplished
- 5.B.2. Acft Discprepancy Log: In MX Action column, mark as having been deferred, include reference to the item number in the MEL that applies. If M or O, comply with guidance before next flight
- 5.B.3. (MEL Deferral)
- Placard item as __ via stickers in acft binder
- Call __ and __ to inform MX of deferred item
- Return to home station = contact/inform __.
- When discrepancy is corrected, MX person who performed will record it and endorse the “___ to service sign off” column in MEL deferral log.
- 5.B.3. (MEL Deferral)
- Placard item as INOP via stickers in acft binder
- Call OCO and DO to inform MX of deferred item
- Return to home station = contact/inform DM
- When discrepancy is corrected, MX person who performed will record it and endorse the “return to service sign off” column in MEL deferral log.
- 6.B (Wx brief reqt’s): if departing airport w/o weather info available, PIC may depart __. Once airborne, receive Wx briefing from nearest __.
- 7 (Flt Locating Procedures): for Part 135 operations, file/open a __ or __ flight plan. This may be done __ departure if no communications available. Exception for AFF-equipped acft.
- 6.B (Wx brief reqt’s): if departing airport w/o weather info available, PIC may depart VMC. Once airborne, receive Wx briefing from nearest FSS.
- 7 (Flt Locating Procedures): for Part 135 operations, file/open a VFR or IFR flight plan. This may be done after departure if no communications available. Exception for AFF-equipped acft.
- 7.B (Flt Location Proc).
- Prior to dept, PIC will notify ___ of ETD, route, ETA and any changes to __ __ or cargo via phone, text or email. Upon arrival, PIC will contact OCO with ETD and leave contact #. - 7.C. Acft equipped with operable sat tracking devices (auto flight follow) may use it in place of Flt plan only for DOA/I/D or other State Agency flights. If __, PIC must initiate radio FF with said dispatch. If no contact, initiate __ response procedures.
- 7.B (Flt Location Proc).
- Prior to dept, PIC will notify OCO of ETD, route, ETA and any changes to pax manifest or cargo via phone, text or email. Upon arrival, PIC will contact OCO with ETD and leave contact #. - 7.C. Acft equipped with operable sat tracking devices (auto flight follow) may use it in place of Flt plan only for DOA/I/D or other State Agency flights. If inop, PIC must initiate radio FF with said dispatch. If no contact, initiate emergency response procedures.
6.8 (W/B)
- Use pax/bag volunteered weight + __ lbs.
- Use __ crew weight and baggage for all flights
Load manifests will be used for all __ __ Part 135 flights
The DM will assure ops for cargo carriage in __ compartments
PIC ensures __ briefings completed before __ (in aircraft or on ramp prior to loading)
6.8 (W/B)
- Use pax/bag volunteered weight + 10 lbs.
- Use actual crew weight and baggage for all flights
Load manifests will be used for all multi-engine Part 135 flights
The DM will assure ops for cargo carriage in pax compartments
PIC ensures pax briefings completed before takeoff (in aircraft or on ramp prior to loading)
6.9.D. Each person shall occupy an approved seat w/a separate __ __ properly secured during movement on the __, takeoff + landing.
Only 1 person >/= __ y.o. per safety belt. A child may:
- Be held by __ if child is < __ y.o.
- Be in approved child restraint provided by BAI or: __, __ or designated attendant. See GOM for specific seat standards, weight limits, labels.
6.9.D. Each person shall occupy an approved seat w/a separate safety belt properly secured during movement on the ground, takeoff + landing.
Only 1 person >/= 2 y.o. per safety belt. A child may:
- Be held by adult if child is < 2 y.o.
- Be in approved child restraint provided by BAI or: parent, guardian or designated attendant. See GOM for specific seat standards, weight limits, labels.
- Fueling
- Do not __ or __ inside hangars.
- __ allow line personnel to leave nozzle unattended, carry lighters, tie open valves or have loose objects that could drop into tanks
- Off-station, PIC must ensure correct fuel type, __ and quality and security of caps. (PRIST: pre-mix or added?)
- Fueling
- Fueling
- Do not fueling or defueling inside hangars.
- Never allow line personnel to leave nozzle unattended, carry lighters, tie open valves or have loose objects that could drop into tanks
- Off-station, PIC must ensure correct fuel type, octane and quality and security of caps. (PRIST: pre-mix or added?)
- Fueling
- 10.B. Fueling procedures:
- Acft __ during servicing.
- Class _ + _ __ ___ immediately available
- No __ in or around during servicing.
- No __ w/in 100’
- If spill, all __ and __ equipment will be shut down
- 10.B. Fueling procedures:
- Acft grounded during servicing.
- Class B + C fire extinguisher immediately available
- No pax in or around during servicing.
- No smoking w/in 100’
- If spill, all pumps and electrical equipment will be shut down
- 10.B Fuel Ops:
- Acft __ should not be installed/removed during servicing
- Battery __ should not be dis-/connected/operated during.
- Acft ground power units should be as __ __ as possible, neither __ nor __ during servicing, and should be upwind.
- Don’t use electrical __ in or near during.
- Suspend ops during __ storms
- 10.B Fuel Ops:
- Acft batteries should not be installed/removed during servicing
- Battery chargers should not be dis-/connected/operated during.
- Acft ground power units should be as far away as possible, neither connected nor disconnected during servicing, and should be upwind.
- Don’t use electrical tools in or near during.
- Suspend ops during electrical storms
- 10.B Fuel Ops
- Should not do w/in __ ‘ of energized airborne radar equip
- No photo __ __ in immediate vicinity
- Flashlights used near fueling points should be type UL approved for __ locations
- 10.B Fuel Ops
- Should not do w/in 100‘ of energized airborne radar equip
- No photo flash bulbs in immediate vicinity
- Flashlights used near fueling points should be type UL approved for hazardous locations
In the event of a refueling fire (aircraft, truck or spill),
- __ __ __ first!
- Then fight the fire.
In the event of a refueling fire (aircraft, truck or spill),
- Call Fire Dept first!
- Then fight the fire.
- Hazmat incidents must be reported ASAP, but no later than __ hours after. See 6.11. for reqt’s
- Telephone report If hazmat = __, __ with hospitalization, gen’l public evacuated and/or major transport artery closed for >/= __ hr(s), operational flight pattern or __ of aircraft is altered.
- Hazmat incidents must be reported ASAP, but no later than 12 hours after. See 6.11. for reqt’s
- Telephone report If hazmat = death, injury with hospitalization, gen’l public evacuated and/or major transport artery closed for >/= 1 hr, operational flight pattern or routine of aircraft is altered.
- 12.
- Pax will not be ___ with engine running.
- (6.20) Pax will not deplane until the aircraft is __ and the __ __. CAUTION for other acft/engines. Crew assist pax to __ or clear.
- Avoid run-up areas with __ potential - 13 (Icing)
- Pilots may elect at any time __ to operate in ground icing.
- Use of holdover times/tables when using De-/Anti-Ice is __ only.
- 12.
- Pax will not be boarded with engine running.
- (6.20) Pax will not deplane until the aircraft is parked and shut down. CAUTION for other acft/engines. Crew assist pax to terminal or clear.
- Avoid run-up areas with FOD potential - 13 (Icing)
- Pilots may elect at any time NOT to operate in ground icing.
- Use of holdover times/tables when using De-/Anti-Ice is advisory only.
- Winter Ops
- BAI pilots will NOT take off when __, __ or __ is (or is expected) to adhere to … essentially any part of the airplane.
- No takeoffs w/ freezing __, __ __ or super-cooled liquid droplets.
- Pilots must perform a pre-takeoff contamination check w/in __ min of takeoff
- Pilots must have completed ground training in previous __ months
- Winter Ops
- Winter Ops
- BAI pilots will NOT take off when frost, ice or snow is (or is expected) to adhere to … essentially any part of the airplane.
- No takeoffs w/ freezing rain, fog, sleet or super-cooled liquid droplets.
- Pilots must perform a pre-takeoff contamination check w/in 5 min of takeoff
- Pilots must have completed ground training in previous 12 months
- Winter Ops
- When carrying pax at night, PIC will not __ __ unless they have determined wind direction from an __ wind direction indicator or local ground comms.
- The limits of the area used for __ must be clearly shown by boundary or r/w marker lights
- When carrying pax at night, PIC will not take off unless they have determined wind direction from an illuminated wind direction indicator or local ground comms.
- The limits of the area used for landing must be clearly shown by boundary or r/w marker lights
- Storm Detex
- Avoid cell core by a minimum of __ miles
- If airborne wx radar becomes inop, request __ __ of the area of severe wx
- Storm Detex
- Storm Detex
- Avoid cell core by a minimum of 15 miles
- If airborne wx radar becomes inop, request vectors out of the area of severe wx
- Storm Detex
- Severe Wx Avoid
- No acft (under IFR) will fly into known or forecast __ or __ icing unless certified/equipped for ops.
- No pilot may fly an acft into known or forecast __ icing.
- No pilot may fly __ into known __ or __ icing.
- No pilot will deliberately penetrate a __
- Severe Wx Avoid
- Severe Wx Avoid
- No acft (under IFR) will fly into known or forecast light or moderate icing unless certified/equipped for ops.
- No pilot may fly an acft into known or forecast heavy icing.
- No pilot may fly VFR into known light or moderate icing.
- No pilot will deliberately penetrate a thunderstorm
- Severe Wx Avoid
- Terminations short of dest.
- If necessary to divert, PIC will contact __ ASAP. Assistance to pax should not exceed what is reasonably expected.
- If flight cannot continue, contact __ for decision on further support.
- Terminations short of dest.
- Terminations short of dest.
- If necessary to divert, PIC will contact OCO ASAP. Assistance to pax should not exceed what is reasonably expected.
- If flight cannot continue, contact DO for decision on further support.
- Terminations short of dest.
- Terminal Arrivals
- Must __ all nav/radio equip. All usable equip will be used when ceiling is = __’ or visibility is = _ miles or in VFR at unfamiliar airports.
- Must not land at night, with pax, unless wind is determined by an __ wind direction indicator or ground comms and area is outlined by boundary or runway marker lights.
- Terminal Arrivals
- Terminal Arrivals
- Must TIM all nav/radio equip. All usable equip will be used when ceiling is = 800’ or visibility is = 2 miles or in VFR at unfamiliar airports.
- Must not land at night, with pax, unless wind is determined by an illuminated wind direction indicator or ground comms and area is outlined by boundary or runway marker lights.
- Terminal Arrivals
- Emergencies
- PIC will notify __ and __ after declaring an emergency, who reports to FAA w/in 24 hrs.
- PIC will review incident with the __ and __ w/in __ days (excluding Sat/Sun/Fed’l holidays) and possibly provide written statement to FAA.
- Emergencies
- Emergencies
- PIC will notify DO and OCO after declaring an emergency, who reports to FAA w/in 24 hrs.
- PIC will review incident with the DO and CP w/in 10 days (excluding Sat/Sun/Fed’l holidays) and possibly provide written statement to FAA.
- Emergencies
- T/O contingency plan: pilots will brief __ maneuvers and procedures in the event of an __ __ prior to takeoff. See training manual for wording.
- Pilots will receive PRF documents via e-mail and __, indicating compliance/comprehension. This is required prior to flight release.
- T/O contingency plan: pilots will brief emergency maneuvers and procedures in the event of an engine failure prior to takeoff. See training manual for wording.
- Pilots will receive PRF documents via e-mail and reply, indicating compliance/comprehension. This is required prior to flight release.
6.35. Last minute changes to IFR approaches require the PIC to __ or __ downwind vectors in order to complete reprogramming and rebriefing.
6.36. FRAF is required for all legs. In “Trip# / Designation,” the pilot will write __ __ and __ __ of person who has flight OPCON.
A) < __ = low = GO!
B) __ to __ = medium = call __ and either accept or mitigate (enter comments)
C) > __ = high = call __ and discuss. If risks cannot be reduced into medium or better, cancel.
6.35. Last minute changes to IFR approaches require the PIC to hold or extend downwind vectors in order to complete reprogramming and rebriefing.
6.36. FRAF is required for all legs. In “Trip# / Designation,” the pilot will write first initial and last name of person who has flight OPCON.
A) < 41 = low = GO!
B) 41 to 80 = medium = call OCO and either accept or mitigate (enter comments)
C) > 80 = high = call OCO and discuss. If risks cannot be reduced into medium or better, cancel.
- No PIC may allow any person to __ the flight controls during flight unless the person is
- a __ employed by the certificate holder and qualified in the acft, or
- an authorized safety rep of the __ who has PIC’s permission, is qualified in acft and is checking flight operations
- No PIC may allow any person to __ the flight controls during flight unless the person is
- No PIC may allow any person to manipulate the flight controls during flight unless the person is
- a pilot employed by the certificate holder and qualified in the acft, or
- an authorized safety rep of the Administrator who has PIC’s permission, is qualified in acft and is checking flight operations
- No PIC may allow any person to manipulate the flight controls during flight unless the person is
EFB Checklist: Batt: \_\_% Flight: Plan, File, \_\_ Transmitters: \_\_ Database Currency: \_\_ Screen Level/Orientation: Check \_\_ Ownship Posit: \_\_ Airport Diagram: \_\_ EFB Mounting: \_\_ Stratus: \_\_ Charging Hardware: \_\_ (and works!) Second EFB: \_\_
EFB Checklist: Batt: 10% Flight: Plan, File, Brief Transmitters: off Database Currency: check Screen Level/Orientation: Check and lock Ownship Posit: ON (GOM says ground only but allowed) Airport Diagram: On EFB Mounting: Secure Stratus: On Charging Hardware: available (and works!) Second EFB: available
- Electronic Records: Pilots sign A-7 (time + duty) via __ __ then e-mailed to __ @flybode.com from the pilot’s ___ provided e-mail.
- Several exceptions for carrying persons aboard w/o pax-carry requirements. Check it!
- Electronic Records: Pilots sign A-7 (time + duty) via employee number then e-mailed to charter@flybode.com from the pilot’s company provided e-mail.
- Several exceptions for carrying persons aboard w/o pax-carry requirements. Check it!
- PIC is responsible to ensure all __ entries are properly certified, entered in logbooks and __ for the work when repairs/MX are conducted away from home base.
- PIC authorized up to $__ repairs else call DO or DOM
- Pilots ensure binder has been __ within one week (Form A-12).
- If problems, PIC contacts __ to resolve. If unable, ground acft.
- Binder flies with airplane and is either returned or __ in the aircraft at the end of flight operations.
- PIC is responsible to ensure all __ entries are properly certified, entered in logbooks and __ for the work when repairs/MX are conducted away from home base.
- PIC is responsible to ensure all MX entries are properly certified, entered in logbooks and sign for the work when repairs/MX are conducted away from home base.
- PIC authorized up to $1K repairs else call DO or DOM
- Pilots ensure binder has been audited within one week (Form A-12).
- If problems, PIC contacts OCO to resolve. If unable, ground acft.
- Binder flies with airplane and is either returned or locked in the aircraft at the end of flight operations.
- PIC is responsible to ensure all MX entries are properly certified, entered in logbooks and sign for the work when repairs/MX are conducted away from home base.