Part 1 Flashcards
Stages of 1st Language Acquisition
5 Stages- Babbling, One- Word (oneunit), Two Word, Telegraphic, AND Multiword
Behaviorist Model
Skinner- Individuals learn language as response to stimuli. Correct responses to stimuli and reinforced so they are repeated
Nativist Model
Chomsky- UG- LAD-
Sociocultural Theory- learning begins with interpersonal communication then internalized as intrapersonal and ZPD
Ecological Model like 4 rings atom- Microsystem- immediate environment, Mesosystem interacts with microsystem, Exosystem general elements of environment, and Macrosystem cultural believes
Steven Pinker
communication increases survival also believes in LAD based off Chomsky
Jim Cummins
developed CALP AND BICS
Cognitive Model
Social Interactionist mODEL
-Developed by Piaget
CHILD learns to speak in the same manner as those who speak to him. Monkey see monkey do
Piaget 4+3
Conrete Operations
Formal Operations
Assimilation phase
accommodation phase
equilibrium phase
Stephen Krashen 5
5 theories?
Acquisition Learning Hypothesis Model- (two ways)
2 ways for proficiency-
Acquisition- which is subconscious
Learning- which is conscious study
acquisition is most important can still learn a language without direct learning
Input Hypothesis
information need to be given slightly above comfort level but hard to differentiate among kids.
Monitor Hypothesis
explain how learning grammatical rules effects acquisition.
as you learn grammar you monitor discourse you hear in the future and you polish your speech
affective filter
anxiety or low self esteem can raise this filter and make it hard to learn a language
natural order hypothesis
acquisition of language follows predictable patterns but avoid patterns in favor of immersion and interactive performance.
Sociocognitive approach
competence is being able to express yo self in different social contexts
social necessity is primary motivator to learn a language
Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills
able to listen speak read and write at content grade level
VERSION of language used by particular group of people
form of language appropriate for a given situation
Development of phonics
analytic -some words sound alike boy toy
orthographic- large site vocab
4 stages of spelling development
pre-phonetic- dont understand sounds = letters
transitional -write messages
conventional- perfect spelling
the way a language sounds
the sets of sounds that go to a language
system used to construct letters into words
smallest unit of a morphological system……basically any sound that has a meaning….basically morphemes are words….but s can also be a morpheme boy is a morpheme and s is a morpheme boys is a complex morpheme
basic structure of sentences in a language……its not grammar. grammar is recommendations for proper syntax. Syntax the entire collection of proper grammar the whole system.
study of sounds during human speech…these individual sounds are called phones…universal for all different languages every sound has a phone thats measurable.
semantics= meanings of words
denotation- literal
system you use a language in different social interactions.
basically how many different ways can you interpret
Will you go out with me?
phonemic awareness
Understanding that words are made up of individual sounds and different phonemes bat vs fat /b/ vs /f/
directed relationship between letters and sounds……the written shyt
2 types written Phonemes vs Graphemes
phonemes are always represented with the same signal and have there own alphabet
graphemes have there own alphabet…think the graphemes as the common alphabet or as an illustrative series
Consonants vs Vowels
consonants block air
vowels vibrate air
Consonant blends
combo of two constants sl dr
combo of two vowels boil oy u
combo of two letters that sound different then their native sounds ch th sh
onsets & rimes
sound that initiates a syllable-onset
vowel and constants afterwards-rime
onset s -rime-ag sag
onset b rime-ag bag
beginning, end, and medial phonemes
where phonemes are placed in a word
6 skills to graduate phonemic awareness and hardest one
sound matching, isolation, blending, substitution, deletion, and segmentation
segmentation is the hardest.
basic reading functions- grouping words and ideas into units of meaning on the sentence level
putting together all the small chunks of reading into a big idea.
Integrative processes
recognizing pronoun substitutions and recognize conjunctions ….know how to do sentence clauses
Elaborative processes
knowing the authors intent…..tought for esl kids because you have to connect personally to culture of writing….Abraham Lincoln
Metacognitive Processes
Self Critiquing your comprehension
relate it to your own life
William Labov and Joshua Fishman
dudes that popularized dialects
Dell Hymes and Basil Bernstein
speaking mnemonic- hymes
bernstien- distinguishing restricted code vs elaborative
Sheltered English Approach
all teaching should be based on comprehensible input and background knowledge
Comprehensible Input
you know this by now
Sheltered Instruction vs ESL
sheltered instruction- focus is on mastery of content
esl - focus is on mastery of language
Submersion Programs
sink or swim…throw a esl kid into a class with all english speaking naturals
Transitional ESL education
receive content instruction in 1st and 2nd languages
teacher should gradually raise English use in classroom
students first taught in first language
aligns nicely with Krashens Input Hypothesis because we are gradualy rasing the level of difficulty
Primary Language Instruction
so students dont fall far behind grade level during process of english instruction
English Language Development
doing a summative assessment, making different graduations for profiency levels, and having lots of ungraded stuff
teachers should be fluent in both languages
well versed in teaching all content areas
Dual immersion programs
esl kids with different first languages grouped and try and learn english as well as each others tounges
Specifically, designed, academic, instruction, in english…..students doing this program have to reach intermediate levels of english
students given all course work in both of their languages
teacher needs to be fluent in both languages
4 Orientations for teaching ESL
structural linguistic- comparing your 2 languages
cognitive- objectives on the generalization of rules in english
affective/motivational-increasing identification with native speakers to decrease anxiety
functional/communicative- selecting structures on the basis of needing to communicate
Audiolingual Method
repetition, overlearn it, memorization,
Top down vs Bottom Up
learn the overal meaning without concerning on the small pieces yet
learn the small pieces first before you go into the main idea
Communicative Strategy
need to create meaningful communication
create positive environment to lower the affective filters of students
use graphs and displays too
Total Physical Response Approach
giving commands to convey language
teacher gives command then demonstrates and example of the command
then teacher does it with kids
then teacher gives command and kids does it
then teacher gives command and one kid does it
then students give each other or teacher the command
for kinesthetic learners
Grammar-translation approach
lessons taught in primary language of students
then given text in english
goal is to translate the language into english
focus is not the content but the grammar rules in english
Direct approach
lessons begin with dialogue in English
students are given the translation of conversation for grammar purposes
but when kids are given literature they do so for content not grammar
cant be given literature till mastery of cognitive academic language
Community Language Learning approach
lower the affective filter of student first
5 steps 1st student dependent on teacher 2 student has contact with students 3 student speaks with english students 4 student speaks freely 5 student refines his speaking skills
did this really need 5 fing steps?
Reading approach
for the student who will not be living in an english speaking community
improve reading
and understand current events and historical knowledge of english speaking countries
who cares about pronunciation and conversation just read it
lots of emphasis on vocabulary for fluency
Functional-notional approach
divide language into units based on social context
Categories of discourse
5 categories personal, impersonal, directive, referential, and imaginative
Listening for comprehension
5 kinds of listening- appreciative, comprehensive, therapeutic, discriminative, and critical
4 chicks- marie, sharon, priscilla, and marilyn
all helpful to the reading recovery movement
cilla worked with dyslexic readers
Detached Intentional Listening
listening to someone before relating it to yourself
RRA technique
style of active listening…..Review, Relate, and Anticipate
Spoken Message
when listening look for the main ideas, organization, and supporting evidence
Listener assessment
analyzing the audience of the people who are listening….why is this person giving this speech…does the crowd like it?
listener analysis
ideas, organization, and support
critical listening
what are the problems with this speech
discriminative listening
things that are implied when someone is speaking….oh yeah i listened it looked like dude was in a rush to get out of here just watch his body language
speech topic
what is the main reason for this speech this person disorganized that is giving the speech
faulty attribution of causation
just assuming there is one cause….there could be multiple ones
circular reasoning
claims a speaker makes depend on his support
contradictory argument
a speaker introduces information that does not agree with his main idea.
social context
knowing your audience
communication rules
knowing the rules the audience is bound by….people listening to Kim Jong in North Korea arent going to speak out are they?