part 1 Flashcards
Deals with the natural world: its processes, elements, and composition.
- Branch of science that deals with the physical world, e.g. physics, chemistry, geology, biology
natural science
Branch of science that deals with human behavior in its social and cultural aspects. -Primarily focusses in human society and social relationships.
social science
Came from the Latin word “socius” – means companion and Greek word “logos” – means to study. It is a systematic study of human relationship along with human society and interaction.
coined the term sociology in 1838. He focused on the idea of improving the development of the society and how it operates. He also introduced the term Positivism through his book entitled Course on Positive Philosophy (1830– 1842) and System of Positive Polity (1851-1854).
Auguste Comte
a German philosopher and economist. He made Communist Manifesto (1848) with Friedrich Engels (1820–1895). The book presents Marx’s theory of society, which different from the point of view Comte.
Karl Marx
He defended sociology as a separate and independent field from psychology
Emile Durkheim
is another pioneer in the field of sociology. He emphasized the role of rationalization in the development of society.
max weber
Areas of Sociology
1. Social Organization 2. Social Psychology
3. Human Ecology 4. Applied Sociology
5. Population Studies 6. Social Change
7. Sociological Theory and Research
- It came from a Latin word anthropos – means man and Greek word logos – means to study.
branch of Social Science that deals with all aspects of human beings including their biological evolution and social and cultural features that definitively distinguish humans from other animal species.
is considered the Father of American Anthropology. His works focused on rejecting the biological basis of racism or racial discrimination.
- He also rejected the Western idea of social evolution thus, he favored historical particularism. It assumes that each society has a unique and different form of culture that cannot be incorporated under a predominant culture.
Franz Boas
comes from Latin word cultura, means cultivation.
“culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, law, custom, and all aspects of man as a member of society”
British anthropologist Edward B. Tylor (1832-1917) from his book Primitive Culture (1871)
The study of people with their variations and progress in terms of culture. It also deals with the description and analysis of the forms and styles of social life of past and present ages.
cultural anthropology
The study of language mainly but not exclusively among humans. It also deals with the study of communication’s origins, history, and contemporary variation.
linguistic anthropology
The study of past human cultures through their material remains. It also the study of past human culture through the recovery and analysis of artifacts.
The study of humans as biological organisms, including their evolution and contemporary variation.
Biological Anthropology