parliament, people, courts Flashcards
changes in beliefs,
In any society, beliefs, values and attitudes tend to change overtime
in order for the law to remain relevant and acceptable it must keep up with and reflect these changes.
However, rapid changes of law, before communities are ready accept them can result in people becoming resistant
Most people are law abiding citizens however if laws do not reflect basic beliefs and standards they may be reluctant
political conditions
Changing in political and global circumstances will influence law reform. Laws need to be kept relevant with economic and political circumstances that may occur
a formal written request to the government to change the law or to take action on a matter.
strengths of petitions
simple and inexpensive way for a group of people to be able to share their desire for a law to be reformed
by creating a large group of people sharing their support for the change of a law makes the government for inclined to adopt this change
weaknesses of petitions
petitions may not gain a large amount of signatures due to the need for people to put their and address and email on the petition.
petitions may not gain a large amount of media coverage making it difficult for the government to recognise and adopt the change if it doesn’t have a large amount of community support
government receives hundreds of petitions in which many are not supported as there is no compulsion or guarantee for the change to be adopted
occurs when a group of individuals gather together to express their common concern or disatisfaction for an existing law
law reform organisation implemented to assist the government with continuing to provide a fair, inclusive and accessible legal system by investigating the need for change in victorian laws.
examining or reporting on a proposal referred by attorney general and making recommendations to the attorney general for law reform. this may include conducting research or consulting the community.
if in the case recommendations for law reform do not consume to many resources, VLRC can investigate minor areas of law reform without the need for referral by the attorney general.
VLRC will monitor and coordinate law reform activity in victoria in which they will may then make suggestions to have VLRC investigate a particular law reform issue
VLRC will hold education programs to the community about the work vlrc does with its investigations on law reforms and relevant laws.
strengths of VLRC to influence law reform
- By the government asking for VLRC to investigate a certain law reform this makes the government more inclined to implement the recommendations and reports from VLRC (approx 70 per cent are accepted)
- By the process of consulting and receiving submissions from the community VLRC are able to MEASURE community values and reflect these views in the recommendations they make; furthermore this makes the government more inclined to implement these recommendations as they may uphold the principles of a representative government
- VLRC is independent of parliament and other political parties allowing for its recommendations to be objective and unbiased, rather than based on the views of a specific party.
weaknesses of VLRC in influencing law reform
- VLRC does not have access to investigate a large amount of reforms as the reforms in which they can investigate must either be minor issues that do not take up a lot of resources or must be referred to investigate by the attorney general.
- although VLRC can make recommendations on reforms; the government has no obligation to adopt these recommendations as well as they may require the crossbench to support these recommendations in order to pass these reforms
- VLRC can only investigate victorian law reforms and not commenwealth
royal commisions
the highest form of inquiry into matters of public concern and importance
- they are considered ‘royal’ as they are created by australians head of state through their representatives.
processes used by royal commissions: consultation, research and background papers
prepared to provide information to the public and community surrounding the inquiry to
form the basis of discussion and interest
consultation sessions
may be prepared to gain input views and opinions from individuals or organisations who may be particularly interested in the area of investigation.
public hearings
may be held or commissions may meet in private to gather relevant evidence to the terms of reference
prepare a report
once submissions and evidence is considered the commission will construct a report gathering their finding and make recommendations in relation to the matter under investigation