Pardot Salesforce Integration for Lightning app Flashcards
Data is shared through the SF-Pardot connector via the what?
Connector user
How many SF connectors can you have in Pardot?
Only one
By importing prospects into Pardot firsts sync them with Salesforce. Unassigned prospects sync to Salesforce but records aren’t created when there is no matching what?
Email address
How often does Pardot check for changes in SF?
Every 2 min
True or False
Prospect records can be manually synced while the connector is paused
Prospect data is sent from _______ to _______.
Lead or contact record data is sent from ______ to _______.
Prospect data goes from Pardot to SF
Lead or contact record data foes from SF to Pardot
What type of relationship is between a Pardot prospect and a SF lead/contact/person account?
One to one relationship
The SF-Pardot connector uses _____ as the matching criteria for syncing in both directions in accounts that allow multiple prosects with the same email address.
What is the Pardot integration user?
Automatically provisioned user that connects to SF to sync data
True or False
Connector user and Pardot integration user are not the same
They are the same
What are the septs to install the connector and Enable Pardot with SF?
- Grant a user the connector user ability
- Install the Pardot AppExchange Application
- Configure and unpause SF connector
- Go to connectors tab under Pardot settings
- Review settings of connector preferences and unpause
- Sync is on
True or False
If you have leads and contacts in SF that do not exist in Pardot, they don’t sync to Pardot automatically. You need to import those records to establish a sync
Pardot generates a new leads in SF anytime you create a new prospect in Pardot that doesn’t have a corresponding lead record in SF. But when Pardot converts that lead to a contact in SF, the contact record may not pull all the data from the lead record. What needs to happen
Map Pardot Custom fields to contacts fields in SF
A qualified lead is a contact in SF
Once Pardot custom fields are mapped to Contact Fields and Lead Fields in SF, what needs to happen next?
By default the custom Pardot fields are added to SF but not displayed on the lead and contact page layouts. To update, add them to your SF lead and contact page layouts
What can be added in SF on the lead or contact page layouts that makes it easy to add SF leads or contacts to Pardot/easy to sync records if already exist?
Send to Pardot button
*user must be SSO enabled to use Send to Pardot button
What does the Send Pardot Email allow SF users to do?
SF users that are assigned the Pardot permission set to send a Pardot tracked email from SF
How do you give SF users access to Pardot data in SF?
Apply the Pardot permission set that is included with the AppExchange package to any user who accesses or uses Pardot data in SF
When configuring Pardot for the SF-Pardot connector, map SF custom fields to Pardot custom fields so they can what?
sync back and forth
True or False
IF your Pardot account was created after June 2016, allow multiple prospects with the same email address setting is enabled by default and it cannot be disabled.
Why does Pardot restrict the import and sending to role-based email addresses by deafult?
Role-based email addresses often represent multiple recipients and they’re more likely to generate spam complaints