🌻parasitic pathologic location: passes digestive tract of humas w/o infecting them
🌻give example
spurious; Eimeria sardinae
🌻parasitic pathologic location: parasite residing in intestine
🌻give example
enterozoic; e.histolytica
2 species live together, but one specie benefits from relationship w/o harming or benefiting one another
🌻classification of parasite: free living state or become parasitic
🌻give example
facultative; s.stercoralis
🌻parasitic pathologic location: lives inside cells or tissues
🌻give example
cutozoic; t.spiralis
🌻classification of parasite which lives outside/skin body host
🌻causing an infection or infestation
ectoparasite; infestation
🌻parasitic pathologic location: lives in body cavities
🌻give example
coelozoic; Mansonella spp
classification of parasite wherein it is found in an organ which is not its usual habitat, but already causes systemic infection
🌻classification of parasite wherein female parasite is capable of reproducing eggs without being fertilized by man and whose eggs contain larva that immediately hatches
🌻give example
parthenogenetic; s.stercoralis
🌻classification of parasite which lives inside system of body host
🌻causing an infection or infestation
endoparasite; infection
🌻classification of parasite wherein it must live on a host otherwise parasite will die eventually
🌻give 2 examples of parasite
obligate; tapeworms & leishmania spp
🌻parasitic pathologic location: able to multiply in fecal matter outside human body
🌻give 3 examples
coprophillic; e.vermicularis, a.lumbricoides, amoebA
🌻parasitic pathologic location: lives inside rbcs
🌻give example
hematozoic; plasmodium spp
classification of parasite wherein it is found in an organ which is not its usual habitat
living together of 2 unlike organisms whose dependence on each other when broken apart life will still be POSSIBLE