Parasitology :) 165-179 Flashcards
What are some substances that will interfere with examination of feces for ova and parasites?
Antibiotics, antiseptics, laxatives, mineral oil, soap, water, and urine
How many specimens are usually seen for ova and parasites?
At least three since some parasites are eliminated intermittently
Name several preservatives for fecal specimens for ova and parasites.
Polyvinyl alcohol, 10% formalin, SAF, and MIF
What is the disadvantage of mercuric chloride-based polyvinyl alcohol?
Because it contain mercury, it is poisonous an requires special handling and disposal.
What guidelines should be followed regarding the number and timing of stool for routine O&P testing?
No more than 2 or 3 specimens per patient should be submitted and should not be submitted from patients after the fourth day of hospitalization.
What are the recommended time limits for examination of formed, soft, and liquid stool specimens for O and P?
Liquid specimens should be examined within thirty minutes of passage or preserved. Soft within 1 hour and formed within 24 hrs.
What 3 examinations are usually performed on fresh stool specimen?
Direct wet prep, concentration, and a permanent stained smear
What is the purpose of the saline direct smear in the ova and parasite examination?
It is used to study the motility of trophs
What is the consistency of the stool specimen in which trophs are most likely to be found?
A liquid specimen
How concentrated should the saline direct smear be in the ova and parasitic examination?
One should be able to read newsprint through it
Why is iodine used in the direct smear in the ova and parasite examination?
Iodine stains the cysts and allows visualization of the nuclear structure. Trophy are killed by iodin
What is the purpose of the concentration technique in the ova and parasite procedure?
It concentrate the parasites and separates them from the fecal debris so they are easier to find
Which concentration technique is most widely used for ova and parasites
The sedimentation method. It is the easiest method and least subject to errors
What is the disadvantage of the formalin-ether sedimentation method
Ether must be stored in an explosion-proof refrigerator
Which parasites are best diagnosed by a permanent stained smear
Name a fixative used for preparation of a permanent smear
Name 2 stains used for permanent stained slides in parasitology
Iron hematoxylin and trichrome
Which intestinal ameba is pathogenic for man?
E. histolytica
Name an ameba with cigar shaped chromatoidal bodies in the cyst
E. histolytica
Name an ameba whose cyst contains up to 8 nuclei
E. coli
Name an ameba whose trophy ingests RBCs
E. histolytica
Name an ameba whose nucleus has delicate, even, peripheral chromatin and a delicate, central karyosome
E. histolytica
Name an ameba whose cyst has a large glycogen vacuole
Iodamoeba butschlii
Name an ameba whose cyst has only one nucleus
I. butschlii