Parasitology 🪱 Flashcards
What is the geographical distribution of echinococcus granuloses?
- Cosmopolitan, more in cattle raising countries.
what is Hyadatid cyst?
- It is a cyst caused by the larval stage of Echinococcus granulosus cestode
What is a complex cyst composed of?
- A complex cyst composed of daughter (and even grand-daughter cysts) inside and may be outside the mother cyst and contains several scolices.
What is the commonest type of hyadatid cysts?
uni-locular cyst.
What is hydatid disease (hydatidosis)?
- It is the presence of hydatid cyst, larval stage of E. granulosus.
What are the commonest organs affected by hydatid disease?
- The liver is the commonest organ affected (70%) followed by the lungs (20%), then the brain and other organs (10%).
What are the methods of infection of humans by hydatid disease?
- Ingestion of eggs of Echinococcus species by the following ways:
✓ Ingestion of water or vegetable polluted by infected dog’s faeces.
✓ Handling infected dogs where hair is usually contaminated with eggs.
What is the morphology of unilocular hydatid cyst?
- It is the larval stage of E. granulosus.
- Size: 1-10 cm.
- Shape: spherical enclosed in a fibrous capsule produced by the host.
- The wall of the cyst has 2 layers:
✓ Outer laminated non-cellular layer.
✓ Inner cellular germinal layer which secretes the laminated layer and produces scolices, brood capsules and daughter cysts.
What are the contents of hydatid cyst?
- Individual scolices (microscopic). “Forms the head after being ingested by dogs”
- Brood capsules: Cysts formed by invagination of the germinal layer from which scolices develop.
- Daughter cysts: Cysts formed of the 2 layers of the mother cyst, giving rise to scolices, brood capsules and even granddaughter cysts.
- Hydatid fluid.
- Hydatid sand: “all contents”
- Detached scolices, brood capsules and daughter cysts that fall in the hydatid fluid are called hydatid sand.
- Exogenous daughter cysts:
- A daughter cyst is produced outside the mother cyst by herniation through the fibrous capsule, and may separate from it.
What is a sterile hydatid cyst?
- The germinal layer fails to produce scolices, brood capsules or daughter cysts
What is an osseuse hydatid cyst?
- Growth of hydatid cyst in bones is along the medullary cavity with erosion of osseous tissue.
What is alveolar or multilocular hydatid cyst?
- It is the larval stage of another species Echinococcus multilocularis or Alveococcus multilocularis.
What are the characteristics of alveolar or multilocular hydatid cyst?
- There is no laminated layer, hence the cyst has no regular shape and not defined from the surrounding tissue.
- The germinal layer infiltrates the tissue.
- There is no free fluid, but a jelly-like substance in irregular cavities separated by fibrous strands.
- The central area of the cyst undergoes necrosis while growth continues at the periphery
- Growth is neoplastic and metastasis occurs.
- In man the cyst is usually sterile or produces only few scolices and brood capsules.
What does the pathogenicity of hydatid disease depend on?
- Depend on the size of the cyst, the number and the organ affected
what is the clinical picture of hydatid disease?
- Hepatic hydatid cyst:
✓ Indigestion, jaundice and discomfort in the right hypochondrium. - Pulmonary hydatid cyst:
✓ Dyspnea, cough, chest pain and hemoptysis - Cerebral hydatid cyst:
✓ Symptoms of increased intracranial tension and epilepsy. - Osseous hydatid cyst:
✓ Erosion and spontaneous pathological fracture of long bones. - Rupture of the cyst results in anaphylactic shock and transplantation of the germinal layer in other tissues producing secondary cysts.
How is hydatid disease diagnosed?
Clinical and laboratory diagnosis
What is the clinical diagnosis of hydatid cyst?
- Slowly growing cyst with hydatid thrill in case of large abdominal cyst. “By palpation”
- History of contact with dogs.
What is the laboratory diagnosis of hydatid Cyst?
- Puncture and aspiration to demonstrate hydatid cyst (may lead to leakage of fluid and the risk of anaphylactic shock).
- Radiological: X-ray, ultrasonography (U.S.), C.T. scans.
- Blood examination reveals eosinophilia in 20-25% of cases.
- Serological methods: using hydatid fluid antigen for detection of antibodies by:
- Precipitin reaction: equal parts of hydatid fluid and patient’s serum incubated at 37°C for 1 hour show flocculation in 36 hours.
- ELISA and IHA.
- Complement fixation test (CFT).
- Latex agglutination test (LA).
- Indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFA).
- Immuno-electrophoresis test (IEP).
how is hydatid disease prevented and controlled?
- Hydatid cysts found in slaughtered animals should be destroyed.
- Pet dogs should be examined and dewormed periodically.
- Avoid close contact and playing with stray dogs.
- Avoid contamination of hands, food and drink with dog’s faeces.
How is hydatid disease treated?
- Surgical treatment: Is recommended for unilocular cysts in accessible sites with pre- operative administration of Mebendazole. “First choice”
Sterilization: Some of hydatid fluid is replaced by 10% formalin for 5 minutes then the content is aspirated and repeatedly washed with saline or ethanol to kill the germinal layer and scolices causing cyst collapse.
Medical treatment:
- When surgical interference is impossible or contraindicated
- Mebendazole can be used in high dose and for a long period (about 3 months up to one year), as the drug stop proliferation and spread of the cysts.
What is geographical distribution of Entamoeba histolytica?
- Worldwide especially in tropical and poor communities.
What is the morphology of Entamoeba histolytica?
Three stages: ✓ Trophozoite ✓ Precyst ✓ Cyst
What are the diseases caused by Entamoeba histolytica?
Amoebiasis, Amoebic dysentery.
What is the definitive host of entamoeba histolyca?
What is the reservoir host of Entamoeba histolytica?
Dog, rat, monkey
What is the habitat of Entamoeba histolytica?
Large intestine, especially caecum “Connection between a small and large intestine”
What are the stages of Entamoeba histolytica?
- Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites
- Entamoeba histolytica cysts
- Entamoeba histolytica mature qudrinucleated cysts
What is the mode of infection with Entamoeba histolytica?
- Ingestion of mature Entamoeba histolytica qudrinucleated cysts
- Ingestion of cysts in
✓ Contaminated food or water.
✓ Flies and food handlers
✓ Faeco-oral.
What is the lifecycle of Entamoeba histolytica?
- Trophozoites are found in the liquid stool as in diarrhea, or may undergo encystations
- Cysts pass with faeces (never within the tissues).
- Also trophozoite may invade the wall of large intestine by their lytic secretion to invade the host tissues through blood vessels (extra intestinal invasion as liver, lung, brain or skin, abscess formation).
What are the factors affecting the establishment of Entamoeba histolytica in the epithelium?
- Number of organisms (↑ with large number)
- Volume of the food (↓ with large volume)
-Motility of the intestine (↓ with hypermotility)
What is the nature of entamoeba histolyca?
- E. histolytica live in the large intestine usually as a commensal without producing any clinical manifestation but sometimes they change into pathogenic and attack the mucosa.
What do the pathogenic activities of Entamoeba histolytica depend on?
“The attacker, defender and the arena”
- Resistance of the host (immunity status).
- Virulence of amoeba (strain-number).
- Local conditions of intestinal tract: physical or chemical injury of mucosa, carbohydrate diet, constipation “prolong its duration” and type of bacterial flora. “Interactions with parasitic infections”
What is the pathogenicity of entameoba histolytica?
Entamoeba trophozoites attach themselves to surface epithelium aided by E. histolytica lectin enzyme then start crawling over the mucosa.
Depletion of mucus layer leads to contact between trophozoites and epithelial cells.
Trophozoites secret proteolytic enzymes as amoeba pore leading to necrosis of epithelial cells
Trophozoites enter the submucosa through the hole (pore), producing area of necrosis or nodular elevation with minute opening.