Parasites Flashcards
Define Symbiosis
Two ornagism of different species living together
Symbiotic relationship in which the parasite is benefited and the host is neither benefited nor harmed
Both parasite and host are benefited
Symbiotic relationship in which one organism, the parasite, is metabolically dependent on another organism, the host, the may or may not be harmed in this relationship
Pathogentic Parasite
Parasite that harms the host
Facultative parasite
Normal free living organism but may become an opportunistic parasite
Obligatory parasite
Cannot survive in a free living state
A parasite living inside the host
A parasite living on the external surface of the host
Any living organism, animal, plant that harbors or nourishes another organism
Definitive Host
The host that harbors the adult or sexually reproducing stages of a parasite
Intermediate Host
Host which harbors the immature, larval, or asexually reproducing froms of a parasite
Reservior Host
Host which replaces man in the life cycle of the parasite
Paratenic Host
A host that serves as a transport host in which the parasitic forms undergo no development, but passes on to the final host
Life Cycle
Process of a parasites growth, development and production which proceeds in one or more different host depending at the species of parasites
Infective stage
A stage when a parasite can invade human body and live in it
Infective mode
How the parasite enters the body
Carrier, usually arthropod which transmits and infective form of the parasite from host to another
Reinfection in which the host is its own source of infection from source already present in the body
Route of Ingestion Infection
Oral in food, water, arosoles
(a) Remains in gastrointestinal tract
(b) Internal migration to other host organs or systems
(c) migration through other host systems and return to gastrointestinal sites
Active Penetration
Usually through host tissues, skin, or mucous membranes
(a) Can remain on or within the epidermis or subcutaneous tissues
(b) Penetrates to other host organs or tissues
What medicinal substances can interfere with examinations of specimens collected?
(a) Antacids
(b) Antidiarrheal compounds
(c) Mineral Oil
(D) Antibiotics
Barium sulfate, delay 1-2 weeks
(a) Crystals interfere with detection of organisms
What is one of the most important factors in affecting the diagnosis of specimens?
Age of Stool Specimen
Liquid or Diarrheic: 30 min
Soft Stool: 1 hr
Formed: several hrs or longer, should be same day
What is Pinworm Prep-Scotch Tape prep used for?
Best method of recovery for pinworm eggs before defication, bathing or dressing in the morning
Enterotest-String Test
- Detects protozoa, helminths, parasites
- String eaten and taped to your check, collects materials from stomach and upper intestine
What methods are used to interrupt the lifecycle of parasites?
(a) proper disposal of human and animal waste
(b) Purification of drinking water
(c) Processing and treatment of food supply
(d) Improvement of housing quality
(e) Elimination of intermediate hosts or vectors
What are 5 examples of damage caused by parasites?
Obstruction Host Reactions Lost nutrients Loss of Fluids Dehydration
What are three characteristics of Fecal Specimen collection?
1) Collected in a clean, wide mouthed containers
- Water or urine
complicates diagnosis
2) Several Stool Examination are necessary before parasitic infection can be ruled out
- 3 collections within 6-
10 days
3) Time factor
What are some fecal preservatives?
10% formalin
Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA)
Merthiolate-Iodine- Formalin (MIF)
Sodium acetate formalin (SAF)
Explain- Proglottids, Strobila, Scolex
Proglottids- (segments) forms body
Strobila- Chain of proglottids
Scolex (head)- differ in number or placement of suckers and presense or absense of hooklets
What is the anatomical difference when in labratory diagnosis?
T-solium: 7-13 uterine branches per proglottid
T- Saginata: 12-30
What determines Cyctercosis?
Caused by development of cystercerci in various sites
What are two characteristics disguised by cystercosis
Cerebral Cystercercosis, Asymptommatic subcutaneous nodules
How does the scolex differ between the T-Solium/Sagniata
Solium: 4 muscular shapped suckers, crown of hooklets
Saginata: 4 muscular cupped shaped suckers, no crown of hooklets on rostellum
Where is Taenia sollium found and its intermediate host?
Worldwide, Pigs
What is the Diphyllobothrium?
"Fish", Broad tapeworm" Largest human tapeworm Long Lasting (decades) Mostly Asymptomatic Vitamin B12 deficency - If symptoms present (abd discomfort/diarr/vomit/weight loss)