Parasites Flashcards
Organisms from what groups are considered “parasites?”
Protozoa and Animalia
Protozoa- amoeba, flagellates, ciliates and sporozoa pathogens
2 fungi sometimes listed as protozoa
Pneumocystis jirovicii (pneumonia in immunocompromised)
Microsporidia (spores of numerous fungal species associated with numerous different infections in immunocompromised)
near the skin surface (most arthropods)
“inside” the body
Most GI and respiratory mucosal surfaces are still in contact with the external environment
Entamoeba histolytica
Asymptomatic or invasive intestinal amebiasis (bloody diarrhea, colitis, appendicitis) with possible extraintestinal amebiasis (liver abscess)
Free Living Amoeba
Acanthamoeba castellanii can cause keratitis in contact wearers
A. castellanii and Balamuthia mandrillaris cause granulomatous encephalitis
Naegleria fowleri can cause meningoencephalitis, usually via cribriform plate fracture
Dx – culture for amoeba
giardia lamblia
Causes diarrhea with “fatty” stools .
under microscope looks like kites with eyes
swallowed string test
Leishmania donovani, etc.
Vector is the sand fly
Cutaneas, visceral (=kala azar), and mucocutaneous exist.
promastigotes in sandfly and in culture
kinetoplastid amastigotes in macrophages in lesions of human tissues
Trypanosoma cruzi
Chagas disease = American trypanosomiasis
Vector is the kissing=reduviid=triatomine bug feces,
Romana sign– big swollen eye at the beginning of the infection
Kinetoplastid amastigotes in muscle tissue (heart, etc.)
Trypanosoma brucei
Sleeping sickness = African trypanosomiasis
Fulminant East African
chronic West African
Vector is tsetse fly
Parasite initially forms chancre, gets into blood evading host response via VSG glycoprotein gene rearrangements (recurrent fevers) and causes lymphadenopathy; later crosses into CNS (demyelinating panencephalitis) and can lead to coma and death if not treated
Trichomonas vaginalis
Sexually transmitted can be asymptomatic or cause urethritis in males or vaginitis in females
smells “fishy”
Plasmodium spp
–> febrile hemolytic illness during merozoite release from RBCs that causes hemoglobinemia and hemoglobinuria (blackwater fever)
sometimes cerebral malaria = cerebral ischemia
Anopheles spp. mosquitoes is final host and humans the intermediate hosts of malaria
Vector (female mosquito) injects sporozoites
Sporozoites infect hepatocytes which reproduce asexually forming schizonts filled with merozoites
Merozoites infect RBCs forming ring forms that grow into trophozoites that can produce gametocytes
Mosquitos ingest male microgametocytes and female macrogametocytes from human blood
Dx – thick and thin blood smears
plasmodium spp. life cycle
mosquito takes up blood meal
pre-erythrocytic (exoerythrocytic) schizogony
Schizonts are filled with asexual haploid merozoites
dormant in hepatocytes (hypnozoites) –> recur years later
Erythrocytic schizogony (24-72 hours): immature trophozole (ring stage)–> mature–> schizont–> rupture–) immature trophozole
can continue from that phase to gametocytes
histology of plasmodium falciparum
1- Malaria has hemozoin (iron- brown pigment)
2- the falciparum gamteocyte is elongated/ banana shaped
treatment of malaria
Quinoline drugs (quinine, etc.) thought to inhibit heme transformation to hemozoin, which is required by the parasites as heme is toxic to the parasite
Different types of plasmodium spp
P. flaciparum- malignant tertian presentation. Crescent (banana) shape
P. vivax- benign tertian
P. malariae- Quartan
Toxoplasma gondii
Toxoplasmosis is usually asymptomatic with infectious cysts in meats or cat feces
worse in immunocompromised
TORCH syndrome with fetomaternal transmission
Definitive host is the cat
Cryptosporidium parvum
Cryptosporidiosis - watery diarrhea and gastroenteritis, especially in immunocompromised
Dx- stool exam w/ AFB stain
Cystoisopora belli
diarrhea, commonly in immunocompromised people
dx: acid-fast oocysts
Babesia spp.
hemolytic anemia; in immunocompromised can lead to DIC and death
Vector is Ixodes scapularis (blacklegged = deer tick)
** No hemozoin pigment
dx- ring forms (esp. tetrad maltese cross)
inflammatory response to helminths
Th2 –> cytokines –> eosinophils -> IgE
blood flukes, lung fluke, sheep liver fluke, fish liver fluke, intestinal fluke
various tapeworms
Schistosoma spp.= Blood Flukes
get it from the water
–> itchy rash
Chronically can lead to liver (pipe-stem fibrosis and ascites), intestinal (bloody diarrhea), pulmonary, bladder (hematuria) and CNS inflammation and fibrosis from misplaced eggs
S. haematobium involves urinary bladder and can lead to squamous cell carcinoma
dx- eggs in urine for H. haematobium, eggs in stool for others
different schistosoma by egg descriptions
lateral spine– mansoni
terminal spine- haematopium
no spine- japonicum
cercarial dermatitis
Cercaria intended for other species can cause an itchy rash (swimmer’s itch) which is self-limited as human is an incidental dead-end host
normal host is ducks
Paragonimus westermani, etc.
Lung Flukes
Causes paragonimiasis – asymptomatic to acute syndrome with cough, abdominal pain, and low-grade fever
Spread by consumption of undercooked shellfish, crabs and crayfish
Dx – eggs in sputum or lung biopsy;