Parasites Flashcards
acanthamoeba castellani
parasite-unicellular protozoa -sarcodina/speudopod/ameba blood and tissue AIDS patient with a hot tub presents with keratitis of cornea granulomatous amoebic encephalitis can also be warm climate lakes.
ancylostoma canium/brasiliense
Parasite-multicellular metazoa/helminthes- nemathelmenthes(nematodes)/roundworm - Tissue VSPCA student with cutaneous larvae migrations prutitic lessions, creeping eruptions.
Ancylostoma duodenale
Parasite-multicellular metazoa/helminthes- nemathelmenthes(nematodes)/roundworm - intestinal hookworm anemic beach volley ball player with picca chitinow teeth produce anticoagulant eating thru intestin. Filariform larva penetrates foot. Migrate from lung to intestin. eggs in stool
ascaris lumbricodes
Parasite-multicellular metazoa/helminthes- nemathelmenthes(nematodes)/roundworm - intestinal giant common worm asymptomatic or asthma like patient with worms from nose at night oral/fecal unfertilized eggs can survive in environment. penetrates wall intestine to lung via blood stream and then migrates back to GI as adult. eggs in stool
Babesia microti
parasite-unicellular protozoa - sporzoa blood and tissue co-located with lyme disease malaria like symptoms without liver involvement and maltese cross merozoites formation in RBC
balantidium coli
parasite-unicellular protozoa - ciliate Intestinal same life cycle as giardia but bloody diarrhea due to colon wall invasion infects working animals (pigs) stool sample with mega/micro 2-nuclei
brungia malayi
Parasite-multicellular metazoa/helminthes- nemathelmenthes(nematodes)/roundworm - Tissue elephantitis lymphangitis/lymphadenitis edema so severe it stretches skin to point of infections. Larva/microfiliraria in blood
clonorchis sinensis
Parasite-multicellular metazoa/helminthes- platyhelminthes/flatworm - trematodes/flukes liver fluke (oriental fresh water snail & fish) sushi eating hipster with fatty stool eggs in stool
cryptosporidium parvium
parasite-unicellular protozoa - sporzoa Intestinal
AIDS patient with severe diarrhea self limiting in healthy people.
adhere intestinal epithilium.
stool inactive/infective thick walled oocysts.
Tx. nitazoxanide
cyclospra cayetanensis
parasite-unicellular protozoa - not disscusse imune suppressed Intestinal
cystoisospora belli
parasite-unicellular protozoa - not disscusse imune suppressed Intestinal
Diphyllobothrium latum
Parasite-multicellular metazoa/helminthes- platyhelminthes/flatworm - cestodes/tapeworm (fish) sushi eater with megaloblastic anemia and stool containing proglottids and eggs.
draconculus medinensis
Parasite-multicellular metazoa/helminthes- nemathelmenthes(nematodes)/roundworm - Tissue - guinea worm / fiery serpent tropical africa water with copepod cyclops. gravid worms migrate under skin and erupt to lay eggs. remove by twisting around something slowly pull out
echinococus granulosus
Parasite-multicellular metazoa/helminthes- platyhelminthes/flatworm - cestodes/tapeworm (dog and farm sheep intermediate) hydatid disease space occupying cysts. trauma cause anaphylaxis/migration often only found at autopsy.
entamoeba histolytica
parasite. unicellular protozoa - sarcodina/speudopod/ameba Intestinal
fecal-oral, sewage contamination
PATIENT: homosexual men with bloody exudative diarrhea (perferations, flask shaped ulcer in submucosa), RUQ abdominal pain,
amebic absecces in colon, liver (anchovy sauce pus), lung, brain, genitals
DGX: stool sample with 4-nuclei cyst and trophozoites with ingested RBC