Paraphilias - Kohlenberg Flashcards
what are the two categories of paraphilias in the DSMV?
anamalous activities
anomalous targets
what is a paraphilia?
Any intense and persistent sexual interest other than sexual interest in genital stimulation or fondling with phenotypically normal, physically mature, consenting human partners.
what is a paraphilic disorder?
paraphilia that causes impairment or distress or one that includes personal harm or risk of harm to someone else
does paraphilia by itself justify clinical intervention?
what are the two Dx criteria of a paraphilic disorder?
A: erotic nature of the paraphilia
B: negative consequences of paraphilia
To be diagnosed with a paraphilic disorder, DSM-5 requires that people with these interests: feel personal distress about their interest, not merely distress resulting from society’s disapproval;
Or have a sexual desire or behavior that involves another person’s psychological distress, injury, or
death, or a desire for sexual behaviors involving unwilling persons or persons unable to give legal consent.
Does atypical sexual interest indicate a mental disorder?
how long must you do things to be a voyeur?
6 months
what is voyeurism?
recurrent and intense sexual arousal from observing an unsuspecting person who is naked, in the process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual activity, as manifested by fantasies, urges, or behaviors.
acting on the urges causes distress
how old must you be to be a voyeur?
18 or older
what is the prevalence of voyeurism?
12% males
4% females
is voyeurism normal in adolescents?
is sexual contact sought in voyeurism?
when does voyeurism onset?
before 15; chronic course
Describe the criteria for exhibitionistic disorder?
6 months
arousal from exposing genitals to an unexpected person
can be fantasies, urges, or behaviors
acted on with non-consenting, or feelings of do so cause distress
What percent of sex offenders referred for treatment are exhibitionists?
what is the inhibited temperament exhibitionist?
tend to struggle with their urges and expose a flaccid penis
what is the aggressive temperament exhibitionist?
expose an erect penis and masturbate
reconviction rate for exhibitionists after the first is (low/high) while after the second exposure is (low/high)
first: low
second: high