Parametric vs. Nonparametric Flashcards
Mann - Whitney U
Ordinal data, but not limited to Compares two independent groups (Medians) Parametric Counterpart = 2 (Independent) Samples t-test
Wilcoxon signed rank
Ordinal data Compares 1 median to a specified value / Para counterpart = z-test, 1-sample t-test Compares 2 dependent (paired) medians/ Para counterpart = Paired samples t-test
Ordinal data Compares 3 or more medians, 1 variable Parametric Counterpart = 1-way ANOVA
Compares 3 or more medians, 2 variables Parametric Counterpart = 2-way ANOVA
Chi-Square Test of Independence
Tests 2 categorical variables for independence (lack of association) No parametric counterpart
Primary citation for non-parametric test info
Martella, Nelson, Marchand-Martella (1999)
Three general reasons to use a non-parametric test
- Area of study is better represented by the median 2. You have a very small sample size 3. You have ordinal data, ranked data, or outliers that you can’t remove. 4. Data is not normal
Reasons to use a parametric test.
- We have continuous, “normally” distributed data 2. Usually have more statistical power
General rule of thumb for parametrics
It is recommend that parametric tests be used even in those cases in which data do not meet the assumptions of normal distribution or homogeneity of variance but are derived from interval or ratio scores. Martella, Nelson, Marchand-Martella (1999)
Non-parametric vs. Parametric Table

Ordinal data, but not limited to Compares two independent groups (Medians) Parametric Counterpart = 2 (Independent) Samples t-test
Mann - Whitney U
Ordinal data Compares 1 median to a specified value / Para counterpart = z-test, 1-sample t-test Compares 2 dependent (paired) medians/ Para counterpart = Paired samples t-test
Wilcoxon signed rank
Ordinal data Compares 3 or more medians, 1 variable Parametric Counterpart = 1-way ANOVA
Compares 3 or more medians, 2 variables Parametric Counterpart = 2-way ANOVA