Parameters Flashcards
What are the params for diathermy?
- Frequency=27.12MHz
- Wavelength=11nm
- Tx Time: Thermal=15-20min
- Non-thermal (pulsed)=30-60min
- 1st Dose=No sensation of heat
- 2nd Dose=Mild heat
- 3rd Dose=Comfortable heat
- 4th Dose=Vigorous heat below pain threshold
What are the params for ultrasound?
Acute–>Non-thermal, Pulsed 20% Duty Cycle, 3MHz, .5W/cm^2, 3-10min *Also used for phonophoresis
Chronic–>Thermal, Continuous 100% Duty Cycle, 1Mhz, 1.5W/cm^2, 5-10 min
What are the params for hydrotherapy?
32-79°=Inflammation & Edema
92-96°=Tone, circulation, & sensation
99-104°=ST Extensibility & Pain
104°-114°=Same + Arthritis
What are the params for cryotherapy?
- Inflammation=15-20min
- Edema=15min w/compression
- Pain=10-15min
- Spasm=5min (DTR); 10-30min (Clonus)
What are the params for TENS?
*Chronic=Low rate, 50-80usec, 100-150pps, 20-30min *Acute & Repetitive Strain=Conventional, 200-300usec, 2-10pps, Unlimited time
What are the params for NMES?
Strengthening: Pulsed
- Pulse Duration=150-300usec
- Duty Cycle=1:5-3
- Frequency=50-80pps
- Time=10-20 contractions
Spasm, Edema, & DVT:
- Duty Cycle=1:1
- Frequency=20-80pps
- Tx Time=10-30min
- Duty Cycle=1:5
- Frequency=2,500Hz AC w/50bursts in 10ms,
- Tx Time=10 min
What are the params for IFC?
- Frequency=3,000-5,000Hz
- Beat Frequency:
- Pain=80-150pps
- Muscle=10-100pps
- Edema=1-10pps
- Time: Acute=5-10min
- Chronic=20-30min
What are the params for high volt?
Infection/Inflammation + Proliferation:
- Polarity=(-)/(+) *Pulse Frequency=60-125pps
- Pulse Duration=Preset @40-100us
- Amplitude=Comfy Tingling
- Tx Time=40-60min
- Polarity=(-)
- Pulse Frequency=100-120pps
- Pulse Duration=Fixed @40-100us
- Amplitude=Comfortable Sensory
- Tx Time=20-30min
Edema from lack of muscle contraction:
- Pulse Frequency=100-120pps
- Pulse Duration=Fixed @150-300us
- Amplitude=Small visible muscle contractions
- Tx Time=20-30min On/Off Time=1/2:1/2
What are the params for heat pack?
158-167°, up to 20 min
What are the params for parafin?
Continuous=1 coat, immerse
Dip-Wrap=6-10 dips, wrap in plastic
Paint=Brush 6-10 times, wrap in towel
What are the params for iontophoresis?
- Current type/Waveform=DC
- Amplitude=To pt tol, but <4mA
- Dosage=40-120mA/min
- Tx Time=Calculated by machine
- Polarity=Same as drug
- Electrode Placement=Active on inflammed area, dispersive on remote area
- Pulse frequency & duration are N/A
What are the params for microcurrent?
- Waveform=Constant or Pulsed DC
- Amplitude=1uA=1mA
- Polarity=Based on phase of healing
- Debridement=Anode
- Infection=Cathode or anode w/ionic Ag dressing
- Wound Contraction=Alternate anode & cathode
- Granulation & Epithelialization-Cathode
- Mode=Continuous or Pulsed(Wounds)
- Tx time=30min-2hrs, 1-4x/day, 5-7days/wk
What are the params for laser?
What are the params for EMG biofeedback?
Surface electrode goes over the clinical motor point & the other is 1-5cm away