Paradise Lost/ Volpone women/ love/ pleasure Flashcards
WOMEN: obedience:
- Who starts convo
- Celia obedience
- LWB calls SP a…
“Eve first to her husband thus began”
Cv: “come, kiss me” [Celia kisses him]
LWB: calls SP a “loose knight”
WOMEN: vulnerability/ needs protection
- Eve = flower/ Adam= prop
- Cv making decisions for C
- B protecting C
“fairest unsupported flower, from her best prop so far”
“She shall do’t: Tis done”
B: “fear naught, you have a guard”
[Exit Bonario with Celia]
WOMEN: complexity
- how eve talks to A
- C being one dimensionally obedient
- How much V hates LPW
- Eve’s ambition
Complexity: “sweet austere composure”
“Sir, what you please, you may; I am your martyr”
“I’ll take her absence upon any price, with any loss”
“render me more equal, and perhaps… sometime superior”
WOMEN: foolish
- How narrator views Eve
- Condescending housewife viewpoint
- Eve mistaking Satan
- LWB lacking social skills
much failing, hapless Eve
“our credulous mother”
S=far from deceit or guile
LWB: calls Nano “good sir” LWB: “How does my Volp”
WOMEN: beauty
- Eve= nature
- Celia = money (x2)
“Veiled in a cloud of fragrance, where she stood, half spied, so thick the roses bushing round about her glowed
“Bright as your gold! And lovely as your gold! … M: C is “kept as warily as is your gold”
WOMEN: guilty/ bad
- Eve should have been more wary!
- Biblical reference
- Why did Adam do it?!
- In being unfaithful, Celia-
- LWB offer to M
- @ end, Adam’s comment on women
N: “his words replete with guile into her heart too easy entrance won”
A= “Samson”, E= “Philistean Dalilah”
N: “incur divine displeasure for her sake”
V: “Your wife has shown herself a very women” Unfaithful RE: C, Lady Would be offers herself to Mosca “use me”
“thus it shall befall him who to worth in women overtrusting lets her will rule”
WOMEN: jealousy
- V’s comment (gen)
- Eve’s jealousy
V: “they that use themselves most licence are still most jealous”- WOMEN
“Adam wedded to another Eve, shall live with her enjoying, I extinct; a death to think”
MARRIAGE/LOVE: together/ separate
- outlander marriage
- garland death
- post-fall awkz
- LP+ SP scenes stats
- CV + C opinion on adultery
“Flesh of flesh, bone of my bone”
fall=“the garland … down dropped, and all the faded roses”
“echoing walks between”- no chatting, awkward
LPWB+ SPWB only alone together once, only 2 scenes ensemble
C+ CV total opposites: “the thing, in ‘tself, I know, is nothing” “Are heaven and saints then nothing?” “How?”
MARRIAGE/LOVE: dominance/ submission
- adam to eve at end of argument (leave!)
- Cv makes decision for C
- V threatens force
- How does SP lack of control over LP seem
“Go; for thy stay, not free, absents thee more; Go”- causes fall
“She shall do’t: Tis done”
V: “Yeild, or I’ll force thee”- lack of control over LPB= embarressing “let loose their wives”
- Satan on love and beauty
- Adam post-coital view on sex
- Terms of adress post-lapsarian
- Cv calls C a…
- CV’s threat to C
- LWB view on the heat and her complexion
“terror be in love and beauty”
“foul concupiscence, whence evil store” sexual desire causes evil
“Adam severe”“ingrateful Eve”
Cv: “whore”
Cv: [draws his dagger] … “stung with dishonour, I should strike this steel into thee”
LWB: “This heat will do more harm to my complexion than his heart is worth”
- How eve’s love effects adam
- Eve’s effect on satan
- Celia’s effect on V
“I from the influence of thy looks receive access in every virtue”
“Her grateful innocence… overawed his malice, and with rapine sweet bereaved his fierceness”
V: of C “angry Cupid, bolting from her eyes, Hath shot himself into me like a flame”
- Adam bothering Eve for sex
- Who speaks more after the fall
- Volpone encouraging C (x2)
“Adam thus ‘gan Eve to dalliance move”
post-coitus Adam speaks more
V: “spend not the [Time’s] gift in vain”
V: “Why should we defer out joys?”
PURSUIT OF PLEASURE: pleasure/ end result
- Satan pleasure dilemma
- Satan not seeking pleasure
- volpone has no care for the end result
“the more I see pleasures about me, so much more I feel torment within me”
“nor hope to be myself less miserable by what I seek”
V: “I glory more in the cunning purchase of my wealth than in the glad possession”
PURSUIT OF PLEASURE: C vs E (the tempted)
- Eve resists “fruit” pun
- Eve’s bodily reaction to the fruit
- C’s view on innocence
- What does she want lightning to do?!
E: “fruitless to me, though fruit be here to excess”
“hunger and thirst at once… quickened”
C: “innocence is all I can think wealthy” does not budge “dire lightning strike this my offending face”- opposite of plesur
- Eve eating the apple
- V wanting some mischievous fun
- Adam’s view on the tree
- V’s view about taking pleasure/ sin?
- v and the turks
‘Greedily she engorged without restraint”
V: “ingenious knavery, that would possess me with violent laughter, would make me up again!”
“Much pleasure we have lost, while we abstained from this delightful Fruit”, wishes it had been “forbidden ten”
V: “’Tis no sin love’s fruits to steal”
“The Turk is not more sensual, in his pleasures, than will Volpone”