Devlin - what are A and C to P
“servant” “necessary slave”
Hebron- In controling Caliban, P is
controlling his darker impulses
Hunt- caliban is better than everyone
“natural superiority”
“Every man overvaluing his own worth, would be a commander”
Clarke- S& T A&T want brits abroad wanting power
“travellers…eager for power”
Ratnam- not a fan of magic P
“vengeful magician”
Clarke- audiences like spectacle
audiences “delight in the beauty of stage contrivances”
Hebron Prospero is not a perfect magician, but human
“troubled soul” not a “benign sage”
“harmony”= kee in magic
Rolph - M and F
“fall in love swiftly and completely”
Brunner- unlike tragedy
“disruption without tragic conclusion”
Bowen- End
“unresolved” and “urgent”
Orgel- repentance
repentance is “largely unachieved”
Pane- Caliban at End
life will be “untroubled”
Soloman- Forgiveness
in his forgiveness, P is “christ-like”
Clarke- Ariel (non-corporeal)
“to be regarded as immaterial”
Devlin (colonial) depicts
depicts “the native” in a “state of dependance”
Hunt- P wants to fix stuff
aims to “create harmony from anarchy”
Ledingham P= driving force
“prospero is not effected by the narrative, he is the narrative”