Paradise Lost/ Volpone Reason-emotion/ consequences/ disguise Flashcards
REASON VS EMOTION: led by emotion= sympathy?
- Satan being all emo
- Mosca success wanton
- how V describes their deeds
from inward grief his bursting passion into plaints thus poured”
“Success hath made me wanton”
V’s actions said to be “merry making”
- Eve shutting S down
- Eve thing S = reason
- Eve being logical about threat of death
E: “thy overpraising leaves in doubt the virtue of that fruit”
“in her ears the sound yet rung of his persuasive words, impregned with reason”
when eat fruit “our doom is, we shall die. How dies the serpent?”
REASON VS EMOTION: Led by emotion= BAD
- Adam reason for eating
- V after seeing C, giving M control
- B lead on by M
- Cv jealous of doctors getting the cash
“fondly overcome with female charm”
after C: V: → When M takes control “Mosca, take my keys, gold, plate and jewels, all’s at thy devotion; employ them how thou wilt”
B: of mosca crying “the sign is soft and good!”
“one o’ the doctors offered there his daughter”
REASON VS EMOTION: Transition between R and E
- reason –> emotion
- Volpone reconciling himself to his fate
- will bring down M with him
“sensual appetite, who from beneath usurping over sovereign Reason claimed superior sway”
V: “lose all that I have? If I confess, it cannot be much more”
V: → “My ruins shall not come alone; your match I’ll hinder sure”
- Satan appreciates beauty/ can’t enjoy
- Vol punishment (no profession)
- Cb punishment (no money)
- Cv punishment (no dignity)
“shores with forest crowned”… “but I in none of these find place or refuge”
vol “Art banish’d from their fellowship, and our state. “
Cb “possess Thy son of all thy state, “
Cv: row’d Round about Venice, through the grand canale, Wearing a cap, with fair long asses’ ears
CONSEQUENCES: elevation vs degradation& exclusion
- Satan godly ambitions, animalistic reality
- Satan overall quote about ambition and degradation
- V rues his actions
- comment about guilty me
“contended with gods to sit highest→ constrained into a beast, and mixed with bestial slime”
“Who aspires must down as low as high he soared”
V: “To make a snare for mine own neck! And run my head into it wilfully! With laughter! …Out of mere wantoness!”
M: “Guilty men suspect what they deserve still”
CONSEQUENCES: awareness of consequences prior
- Satan knows effects of revenge
- justice to exact re: Adam
- V comment about gold being worth …
“Revenge, at first though sweet, bitter ere long back on itself recoils; Let it”
“For whom all this was made, all this will soon follow”
“even hell, with thee to boot, is made worth heaven!”
CONSEQUENCES: instant (God/ Nature)
- Result of Eve eating apple
- Result of Adam eating apple
- V physical failing
E:“she plucked, she ate: Earth felt the wound” A:“Sky loured, and muttering thunder, some sad drops wept”
Post Court scene, V: his “his leg ‘gan to have the cramp… some power had struck me with a dead palsy”
CONSEQUENCES: Dirties/ Virginity
- Adam about Eves state of degradation
- V’s punishment
- Celia virgin once more
A: “how art thou lost,…defaced, deflowered”
V: “Straight confiscate to the hospital of the incurabili” syphilis
CV punishment →“send her [Celia] hone to her father with her dowry trebled” image of virginity
CONSEQUENCES: Effect on audience
- A and E emotional reaction
- V comment on his punishment
- V comment to audience at end
They “weep”
V: “This is called mortifying of a fox”
V: “though the Fox be punished by the laws, he yet doth hope there is no suffering”
DISGUISE: under guise of good
- How satan appears (x2)
- S Hiding and evil
- Glister/ Gold
- S talks about how he will ‘ruin’ eve
- M to B
- hiding emotions under…
- Vol summing up comment
- Mosca change in pronouns
“fawning” “gentle dumb expression”
“Such ambush hid among sweet flowers and shades waited with hellish rancour”
“so glistered the dire snake” glister gold shakespeare
“under show of love well feigned, the way which to her ruin now I tend”
M [weeps]
M: → Cv “The weeping of an heir should still be laughter under a visor”
Vol: (B) when 4th avvocato says that B’s rep is good, “So much more full of danger is his vice that can beguile so, under shade of virtue”
When talking to V, M: “we” “our” “us”, alone, only talks about himself in single sense
DISGUISE: maze imagery
- Snake
- Avoccatori clueless
Serpent “whose mazy folds to hide me, and the dark intent”
2nd AV: “What maze is this?” 1st AV: “Is he not guilty then?”
DISGUISE: inhuman/ godly
- Epic simile (x2)
- Mosca snake
- Mosca godly
- M omniscience
Epic simile of scary marsh lights “unctuous vapour kindled through agitation to a flame”
“hovering and blazing with delusive light”
“I could skip out of my skin, now, like a subtle snake, I am so limber”
most precious thing, dropped from above”
“be here, and there, and here, and yonder all at once”
DISGUISE: theatrical
- Eve’s behaviour (4 small ones)
- Eve’s face
- Dressing stage directions
‘with show” “new part puts on” “in act” “as to”x2
“in her face excuse came prologue, and apology to prompt”
[Mosca dresses Volpone][Mosca anoints Volpone’s eyes] in prep for Vol→ theatrical, audience privilege