Paradise Lost: Sin/Innocence Flashcards
‘woman first _______, yet find we no mention of spiritual ____________ till the man had _______’
‘woman first sinned, yet find we no mention of spiritual nakedness till the man had sinned’
Rachel Speght (20th)
‘Soon found their ____ how __________ and their _____ how __________’
‘Soon found their eyes how opened and their minds how darkened’
- Knowledge of their guilt has permeated/disturbed their sleep
- The immediate effects of their sin
‘Defaced, ________ and now to death _______?’
‘Defaced, deflow’red, and now to death devote?’
- Eve has lost her purity/Innocence
- Fall from grace
- Plosive ‘d’
- In love/deviated to death = accepting of her punishment
‘There was no ____, Adam and Eve were always _______’
‘There was no fall, Adam and Eve were always flawed’
Bell (20th)
‘Greedily she ________ without _________’
‘Greedily she engorged without restraint’
- Eagerness for knowledge, not ‘restrained’ by Gods restrictions/awareness of punishment
- Unable to restrain her ‘greedy’ desires
‘The corrupting of __________ begins with the corrupting of ______________’
‘The corrupting of innocence begins with the corrupting of language’
John Leonard (20th)
‘The _________ me ____________ and I did ____’
‘The serpent me beguiled and I did eat’
‘He clad their _____________ with ______ of _______’
‘He clad their nakedness with skins of beasts’
- God clothing Adam + Eve’s shame
‘_________ left to ________ shame’
‘Naked left to guilty shame’
- Spiritually naked
- Their shame/guilt cannot be shielded
- Nakedness acts as a perpetual reminder of their actions/shame
‘the _________ being the stronger _______ is to bear a greater _________ than his ____’
‘the husband being the stronger vessel is to bear a greater burden than his wife’
- Adams sin is greater/heavier as he is the stronger being while she is merely a helper
Speght (A Muzzle for Melastomous)
‘for a ____ is a __________ thing good for nothing else, and women are ________ by ________’
‘for a rib is a crooked thing good for nothing else, and women are crooked by nature’
- Women easily/inherently prone to sin
- Use of biblical authority to criticise women
Swetnam (The Araignment of…)
‘Both have ________, but thou against God ______, I against God and ____’
‘Both have sinned, but thou against God only, I against God and thee’ (Eve)
- Eve’s transgression against both God and Adam
- Acknowledgement of her sin/her manipulation of Adam
- The additional burden of her sin
‘Earth felt the ________’,
‘Earth felt the wound’,
- Impact of Eve’s sin on the earth, widespread effect of the fall
‘O _________ joys of _________ dear bought with lasting _____!’
‘O fleeting joys of Paradise dear bought with lasting woes!’
- Fleeting joy from eating the fruit
- Brief enjoyment has led to eternal pain/sin
‘Out of my _____, thou _________!’
‘Out of my sight, thou serpent!’
- Adam refers to Eve as a ‘serpent’
- Her false nature, Eve is full of hellish impulses
- Deceived Adam similarly to how Satan deceived her
‘_________ by nature’
‘Crooked by nature’
- Adams view of women
- Naturally/innately immoral
- All women are tainted by sin
‘the ____ of Adam and Eve was a ________ fault, a _____ culpa’
‘the sin of Adam and Eve was a happy fault, a felix culpa’
- If their sin had never occurred, the incarnation and redemption could have never occurred
- Their sin led to possibility of redemption/salvation for humankind
‘________ that motivates the fallen Eve’s _________ to make Adam ____ too’
‘Jealousy that motivates the fallen Eve’s desire to make Adam fall too’