Papers Flashcards
What are the papers relating to the accessory nerve
Symes et al 2005
- Cervical plexus communication w/ XI (36%)
- motor inptut (known proprioceptive output)
Tubbs et al 2011
- Cervical nerve supply to trap muscles (C2,3,4)
- retained function after XI lesion
Benninger and McNeil 2010
- Molecular evidence to show cranial and spinal XI separate
- Internal ramus XI joins X and contributes to pharyngeal plexus
- Mixed evidence as to whether SCM and Trap derived from branchial arches or somites
Brinzeo and Sindu 2017
- Cranial XI innervates vocal cords
- Spinal XI does not
Ryan et al 2007
-1/12 demonstrated distinct communication between X and spinal XI
What papers relate to cervical plexus
Ella et al 2015
- angle of mandible innervated by Greater auricular nerve
- anastamoses w/ V causing hypersensitivity
Bitner et al 2015
- IA n block - inadequate anaethesia
- Transverse cervical and greater auricular block ^ success
What papers relate to root of neck
Kuhn et al 2015
- compression of brachial plexus
- vascular
- Neurogenic (95%)
- non surgical - activity modification, analgesia
- surgical - decompression
- cervical rib
- variation in scalene origin
- hypertrophy
-venous - sig. upper limb swelling
- Thyrocervical trunk
- 20% normal
- 16% thyrocervical trunk
- 20% trifurcation
What papers relate to phrenic nerve
Sharma et al
- accessory phrenic in 65%
- C5
- Lateral to phrenic in 90%
- Comes off n to subclavius and joins phrenic around internal thoracic
What papers relate to the trigeminal nerve
Khan et al 2014
- Trigemino - parasympathetic reflex - Increased intra/extracranial blood flow
- Neurostimulator - modulate pain
Robbins et al 2016
-pterygopalatine ganglion blockade supported in treatment of medically intractable headache
- Pterygopalatine: major post ganglionic fibre source to vascular bed of cerebral hemispheres
- Might be protective in stroke
-Zygomaticotemporal nerve
: Course over pteryon out of zygomaticotemporal formen, through temporalis
: Might be damaged in craniotomies -> headache –> lack of awareness due to lack of literature
-Musculovascular entrapment of ZTN –> migraine (surgical depression shown to improve)
-Inadvertent traction during craniotomy may damage post ganglionic fibres to lacimal gland (desiccated cornea)
-60% ZTN enter lacrimal gland directly
What papers relate to ICA
Bouthillier et al 1996 - reclassification of ICA into 7 segments -new classification in direction of blood flow C1 - cervical C2 - petrous C3 - lacerum C4 -cavernous C5 - clinoid C6 -opthalmic C7 - communicating
Chapman et al 2013
- vascular structures can be displaced, invaded or encased by neoplastic, inflammatory, or infectious causes
- increased surgical complications
- MRI angiogram best
- persistent trigeminal artery (fetal carotido-basillar communications)
What papers relate to TMJ disorders
Durham et al 2013
- Arthrlagia w/ myalgia (73%)
- Pain may radiate
- education
- Physio
- CBT -chronic pain (strongly associated with chronic fatigue)
What papers relate to parotid
Sood et al 2015
-EMG proposed to help preserve VII
Electromyography shows significant decrease in immediate post op weakness in parotidectomy
-non significant affect in long term weakness
What papers relate to the pharynx
Pengo and Steier 2015
- Decreased tone to Upper airway dilators (genioglossus) result in sleep apnoea
- XII simulation shows sig. improvment, invasive
- Transcutaneous electrical stimulation proposed
What papers relate to the larynx
kark et al 1984
- Voice changes common after thyroidectomy, even extubation carries risk of 3%
- most common nerve (external laryngeal)
- damage occurs when the supraclavicular vessels are ligated
- visualisation via retraction of infrahyoids and upper pole improve outcomes
Sanudo et al 1999
-anastomsis of internal and recurrent laryngeal
What papers relate to the mouth and tongue
Mun et al 2014
- Sublingual normally drains via small ductules (Risinus’s ducts)
- Variation: 1 main duct (Batholin’s )
Chen et al
-Recurrent ranula due to iatrogenic damage to Batholin’s duct
What papers relate to the nasal cavity
Rodnik and smith 2012
Intractable spontaneous epistaxis most commonly due to a posterior bleed (sphenoplatine artery)
- Trasnasal endoscopic sphenopalatine artery ligation offers superior complication risks to arterial embolisation
- both preferable to posterior packing and admission
Brushcini et al 2010
- Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
- Severe cases - surgical closure of nares or nasal swabs
What papers relate to the infratemporal fossa
Nussek et al
- extracranial -intracranial bypass
- restore perfussion via maxillary artery MCA bypass
- Shorter graft length than radial artery commonly used
What papers relate to spaces
Dehnam 2012
- Retropharyngeal space inaccessible for clinical inspection
- MRI mainstay for imaging
- Diseases in prevertebral and retropharyngeal spaces result in significant morbidity
What papers relate to the facial nerve
- 100% show bifurcation into cervicofacial and temporofacial trunks
- 30% have one branch connecting the two
Kanatas and McCaul
- Deep landmarks of facial: Post. sup. post belly digastric, tympanomastoid suture
- Superficial: mastoid process, cartilagenous tragal pointer