Lecture slides Flashcards
What innervates platysma
Facial - cervical branch
Describe the layers of tissue in the posterior triangle
Superficial fascia (CN VII)
Investing layer of deep cervical fascia
What does the investing layer of deep cervical fascia do
Covers deep structure (roof of posterior triangle)
Splits to enclose SCM and Trap
XI runs embedded in this layer
What plane does the external jugular vein run in
Between superficial and investing layer of deep cervical fascia
What are the attachments of the investing layer
- ligamentum nuchae
- hyoid bone
- inferior border of mandible
- superior nuchal line
- continuous with paroitid fascia
- external occipital protuberence
- Inferior extent of mastoid process
- spinous process C7
- Acromion
- Clavicle
- Scapula
What are the layers of the deep fascia in the neck
(also carotid sheath, derived from component layers of deep fascia)
Describe the attachments of the pre-vertebral layer
Envelops vertebrae and deep cervical muscles surrounding vertebral column - forming floor of posterior triangle
- basillar occipital bone
- jugular foramen
- carotid canal
- supeiror nuchal line & external occipital protuberance
-anterior transverse processes of C spine - 2 laminae (danger space)
-inserts onto bones surrounding superior thoracic aperture
What is the cervical plexus
Ventral primary rami of some spinal nerves unite shortly after their origins
- an example of which > cervical plexus
- sensory and motor from C1- C4
x superficial are sensory
What are the sensory branches of the cervical plexus and their respective roots
Lesser occipital
Greater auricular C2/C3
Transverse cervical C2/C3
Supraclavicular C3/C4
What is the ansa cervicalis
-superior root C1 - travels with hypoglossal nerve
x motor: thyrohyoid, geniohyoid
-inferior root C2-C3 - travels in carotid sheath
x motor: sternohyoid, sternothyroid, omohyoid
What are the borders of anterior and posterior triangles
- midline
- Lower border of mandible
- Investing fascia - roof
Posterior triangle
- Trap
- Medial 1/3rd clavicle
Where does the accessor nerve arise
Ventral horn cells C1-C5
Ascend through foramen magnum and exit via jugular foramen
What is the function of the larynx
Prevent food passage into lower respiratory tract
Allows passage of air
Organ of phonation
How many cartilages are there in the larynx
3 unpaired
- epiglottic
- thyroid
- cricoid
6 paired
- arythenoid
- cuneiform
- corniculate
What is the point where the thyroid laminae fused called
Thyroid angle