Papers Flashcards
What is the paper from Nelson & Kinney (1997) about?
Nelson & Kinney 1997 (WK2)
The effects of ambiguity on loss contingency reporting judgments.
The paper is about the effect of ambiguity on loss contingency reporting judgments.
What is the result of ambiguity and a large chance of loss contingency on our assessment?
Nelson & Kinney 1997 (WK2)
The effects of ambiguity on loss contingency reporting judgments.
We assess the chance of loss contingency as smaller (conservative)
What is the result of ambiguity and a small chance of loss contingency on our assessment?
Nelson & Kinney 1997 (WK2)
The effects of ambiguity on loss contingency reporting judgments.
We asses the chance of loss contingency as larger.
What is loss contingency?
Nelson & Kinney 1997 (WK2)
The effects of ambiguity on loss contingency reporting judgments.
a situation where there’s a reasonable chance that an asset has lost value or that a liability has been incurred.
When must auditors report loss contingency?
Nelson & Kinney 1997 (WK2)
The effects of ambiguity on loss contingency reporting judgments.
When loss of material amount is probable.
The higher the ambiguity, the … the doubt
Nelson & Kinney 1997 (WK2)
The effects of ambiguity on loss contingency reporting judgments.
The higher the ambiguity, the higher the doubt.
What is the paper from Brink & Raking 2013 (WK2) about?
Brink & Ranking 2013 (WK2)
The effects of risk preference and loss aversion on individual behavior under bonus, penalty, and combined contract frames.
The paper is about the effect of risk preferences and loss aversion on individual behavior under bonus, penalty, clawback and combined contract frames.
What is the reason that people prefer differently framed, yet economically equivalent, incentive contract?
Brink & Ranking 2013 (WK2)
The effects of risk preference and loss aversion on individual behavior under bonus, penalty, and combined contract frames.
People have different preferences due to risk preferences and loss aversion.
What is the order of preferences of incentive contract?
Brink & Ranking 2013 (WK2)
The effects of risk preference and loss aversion on individual behavior under bonus, penalty, and combined contract frames.
Bonus only –> bonus or penalty –> combination bonus & penalty –> Clawback
What is the take away from the paper of Brink & Ranking 2013 about effect of risk preference and loss aversion on individual behavior under bonus, penalty, clawback and combined contract frames.
Brink & Ranking 2013 (WK2)
The effects of risk preference and loss aversion on individual behavior under bonus, penalty, and combined contract frames.
Take away is to be wary of framing. The same contract can be experienced very different based on the way it is presented.
What did Brink & Raking 2013 research?
Brink & Ranking 2013 (WK2)
The effects of risk preference and loss aversion on individual behavior under bonus, penalty, and combined contract frames.
Researched if individuals prefer differently framed, yet economically equivalent, incentive contracts.
What is the paper from Rose et al. 2022 (WK3) about?
Rose et al. 2022 (WK3)
Effects of uncertainty visualization on attention, arousal, and judgment
The paper is about effects of uncertainty visualization on attention, arousal and judgments.
What do the researchers from Rose et al. 2022 (WK3) test?
Rose et al. 2022 (WK3)
Effects of uncertainty visualization on attention, arousal, and judgment
The researchers test if different visualizations of information can influence judgments in the context of uncertainty of estimations.
What is the key take away from Rose et al. 2022 (WK3)
Rose et al. 2022 (WK3)
Effects of uncertainty visualization on attention, arousal, and judgment
Information that is more uncertain, should be relied upon less. Sometimes decision makers fail to account for uncertainty. Visualizations of uncertainty can improve judgment quality through attention and arousal.
What is the paper from Joyce & Biddle 1981 (WK3) about?
Joyce & Biddle 1981 (WK3)
Anchoring and adjustment in probabilistic inference in auditing
Paper is about anchoring and adjustment in probabilistic inference accounting
What does the paper Joyce & Biddle 1981 (WK3) research?
Joyce & Biddle 1981 (WK3)
Anchoring and adjustment in probabilistic inference in auditing
Anchoring and adjustment heuristics were known prior, but assumed to not influence professionals. Article applies known knowledge in a professional setting, and tests for cognitive biases.
What are the results regarding anchoring?
Joyce & Biddle 1981 (WK3)
Anchoring and adjustment in probabilistic inference in auditing
Strong then weak –> more substantive tests
Weak then strong – > less substantive tests
Strong then weak shows bigger differences then weak then strong.
What is the reason for the differences in strong vs weak system first?
Joyce & Biddle 1981 (WK3)
Anchoring and adjustment in probabilistic inference in auditing
Reason for difference is due to anchoring, with strong then weak order the weak becomes more noticeable.
What is the result for the conjunctive event bias?
Joyce & Biddle 1981 (WK3)
Anchoring and adjustment in probabilistic inference in auditing
Conjunctive formulation –> higher chance
Disjunctive formulation –> lower chance.
Its about chance of auditor giving going concern statement.
What is the paper from Chan & Thornock 2022 (WK4) about?
Chan & Thornock 2022 (WK4)
Disaggregated versus holistic performance evaluations in a promotion setting
The paper is about the impact of holistic vs disaggregated performance systems on supervisors’ subjective evaluation in a promotion setting.
What two reasons might there be for a manager to give a better evaluations to a subordinate they want to promote?
Chan & Thornock 2022 (WK4)
Disaggregated versus holistic performance evaluations in a promotion setting
- unconsciously (confirmation bias)
- strategic choice (motivated reasoning)
Under which system is it easier to bias performance evaluation?
Chan & Thornock 2022 (WK4)
Disaggregated versus holistic performance evaluations in a promotion setting
More holistic system