What do right realists argue about formal social control of the police?
It should be strong and informal controls (law abiding citizens in areas) stop crime
What do right realists think about statistics?
They accept them if they show the working class are more likely to commit crime
What does Clarke say about crime?
It’s committed when the chances are highest of getting the maximum reward with minimum risk
What does Clarke say happens if people think they can get away with crime?
It will rise
According to Clarke, what does routine activity theory say?
Crime also happens when there is a target, motivated offender and no one to stop them.
What does Wilson and Kelling say about broken window shows due to vandalism?
That the residents of the neighbourhood don’t care about it and low level deviance is tolerated
What does Wilson and Kelling say areas that look bad attract?
Breaking the law and other criminals.
What does Murray argues about the underclass?
That it’s workshy whose broken communities feed crime
Why does Murray say a underclass of workshy welfare dependent boys turn to crime?
Because that is where their role models are and they see it as an easy way to make money and assert their masculinity
What does Wilson and Hernstein look at?
Biosocial theory which is biological differences which make people predisposed to crime. E.g. aggressiveness
What’s an evaluation from Marxists?
They only label working class crime
What is the prevention method of zero tolerance?
The theory is where even minor crimes must be pursued with the same purpose as series crimes.
What is a negative of zero tolerance policing?
It can give police powers which could be used to target ethnic minorities and working class communities which according to left realists can lead to alienation
What does the prevention method of target hardening mean?
Decreases the opportunity for crime with measures like CCTV, locks or anti climb paint.
There is a CCTV camera for every 1 in what people in the UK?