What is rehabilitation?
To discourage them from reoffending through education and support
Wigan is incapacitation?
To take away the offenders freedom to commit an offence, right realists would support this approach through prison sentencing
What is deterrence?
This encourages people thinking twice before reoffending. Intermediate sentences mean people have to show they have reformed before they leave prison. Right realists approach
What is retribution?
To punish the offender because they deserve it. This may satisfy society that justice has been done
What are functionalist Durkheim’s ideas of retribution moving to restitutive justice and how this links to the functionality of crime
He says punishment is primarily expressive so it expresses societies emotions of moral outrage.
Explain Marxist view of punishment?
Says punishments correspond with means of production as capitalism prisoners are used as a form of cheap labour: on government website it says ‘’many prisoners get the chance to work while carrying out their sentence’
What does Marxist rusche and Kitchener say?
That there is a shortage of disciplined labourers to produce all the goods factory owners needed to make money so prisoners are used to produce goods cheaply
Ho does garland describe how punishment has changed?
Says we have moved to mass incarceration. The uk prison population has risen by 80% in last 30 years. Since 1980s right wing politicians have wanted to be hard on punishment to win elections. Sovereign state strategy