What is a gender and crime statistic?
In 2019 74% of individuals dealt with by the criminal justice system were male and 26% female. At 30 June 2018 95% male and 5% male
What is sex role theory according to Parsons?
Something that argued that because females carry out the expressive role in the family which involves them caring for their family and husbands, so girls grow up to internalise such values as caring and empathy, less likely to commit crime
What does Heidensohn say?
A patriarchal society reduces a woman’s opportunities to offend. I the home, childcare, chores and housework reduced leisure time and opportunity to commit crime. Most crime takes place at night but media generated stories about rape make women unlikely to go out. At work they have no broken glass ceiling to be able to commit fraud.
What does Carlen say?
Women have the gender and class deal. They are made to conform because if do not commit crime they get to keep their family, love from their husbands and pay. Women who commit crime don’t have these deals
What does Pollak say?
The criminal justice system is more lenient towards women. The police may be more likely to caution than to charge them and the courts to acquit or impose lesser sentences. This is chivalry thesis. But Heidensohn argued that the criminal justice system actually treats women as double deviants.
What does Adler say?
As women become more free from patriarchy, their crimes will become as frequent and serious as men’s. Elizabeth Holmes’s, increased power WCC.
What is sex role theory to do with men?
Males are less adequately socialised in the home as father absent values not instilled.
What does Messerschmidt say?
Masculinity has to be achieved it’s a social construction. Dominant form of masculinity is hegemonic masculinity. Males are socialised into expected behaviours, to be providers through work and that women are subordinate. Opportunities to assert masculinity blocked can’t be bread winner so turn to crime
What does Winlow say?
Working class men used to have status through working in traditional industries. With deindustrialisation crime became a way of getting status. A bouncer also became a new career with opportunities to do drug dealing in the side.