🌎ETHNICITY - 3 POSITIVE EXTERNAL FACTORS for! Include Archer’s, Strand Sewell study!
(Archer) Parents have high aspirations for their children - Archer states that Chinese students are the highest achieving ethnic group in the UK. This is due to the fact working class AND middle class Chinese parents invest time, money and energy in their children. This reflects the cultural importance of education in the Eastern world and means some ethnic groups work harder to get into universities to become doctors
(Strand) Attitudes of immigrants - Strand argued that poor immigrants who have recently arrived to the UK see education as a way out of poverty, especially Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. They perform better than white working class pupils, who have the lowest attainment level at 16. Additionally, Strand admits that this argument doesn’t explain the low attainment of Caribbeans as their parents encourage high aspiration for their children. This shows the determination immigrants have to do well in education and achieve top grades.
(Sewell) Sewell suggest that street culture and the style of black masculinity adopted by Afro Caribbean males May help to explain why some black boys full behind you in secondary education whilst other ethnic minorities closed the gap with white students. A higher proportion of black Caribbean families are loan parent families are headed by women and men in Black boys lack the discipline and male role model is provided by the father. As a result boys are drawn towards a gang culture which emphasises a macho or aggressive form of masculinity, focusing on the importance of street fashion and music rather than academic success. Hard work and doing well at school is seen as bad and boys gain status and acceptance in a paid group by adopting an anti-school posture - Road man
(Vincent) - studied black middle-class parents who had a high aspirations for their children such as making efforts to meet teachers and instilling high standards for their children. whilst Parents had a high degree of cultural capital, so example carrying out research to improve their own understanding of education they still found that many teachers had an assumption that the new less about education and white parents and were less interested in their children’s education
ETHNICITY - 3 NEGATIVE EXTERNAL FACTORS Include Strand, Sewell & Vincent
(Strand) Attitudes of white British pupils - Strand studied 1,500 white British and black Caribbean working class students of both sexes snd found they had the lowest attainment at 16. He argues that white working class families may have experienced poverty and unemployment for up to three generations, so therefore believe education is ineffective. This mentality will rub off onto their children
(Sewell) Street Culture and Black Masculinity - Street culture may be a reason as to why Afro-Caribbean males behind during secondary education. A higher proportion of black Caribbean families are from single parent families led by the mom, resulting in black boys lacking a male role model and the discipline provided by a father. As a result, black boys are drawn towards a gang culture which emphasises macho masculinity. This focuses on the importance of street fashion and music rather than academic success. Hard work and performing well at school is seen as bad and boys gain status and acceptance in a pair group by adopting an antisocial posture.
Vincent - Black middle class parents had high aspirations for their children, for example making efforts to meet teachers and enforcing work on their children. However, whilst parents have a high cultural capital, many teachers had an assummption that they were uneducated and werent interested in their child’s education.
Explanations for differential educational achievement: • inside and outside school factors
• structural, 💸material (OUTSIDE ✅) and 🌎cultural factors
The question may relate to social class, gender or ethnicity
Barron and Norris - Families with a lack of funds can’t pay for school uniforms or textbooks. Additionally, this means children cannot go to school as they can’t afford travel.
They also are not being able to afford the technology (such as a computer) meaning children cannot complete homework. These can lead to children being bullied and failing in school.
Blanden & Gregg - There’s a direct relationship between income and educational attainment. One third of reduction in income increases the probability of a child getting less than a C grade, Reducing the chance of this child getting a degree at University.
Callender and Jackson - Debt aversion was discouraging some students from lower income households from going to university. In 2012, uni fees were raised causing a 10% drop in university applications.
Feinstein -
Identified two codes – restricted code and elaborated code.
Restricted – Shorthand speech when speaking on familiar things, used by working class.
Elaborated – Complex speech which doesn’t rely on knowledge of what’s being discussed. Used by middle class
Teachers use elaborated speech more, proving difficult for working class children to understand work.
functinalst view of education
davis and moore - some students are more talented than others n particular subjects nd sme work roles are more complex than others and require greater skill - education tests studets t find out who is more intelligent than others and pushes them towards the better subjects. a meriotocratic education system allows everyone to compete equally. it sifts and sorts individuals so that the most talented get the best qualifications and are allocated the most important jobs. speicalised subjects ie soomeone who’s good at science will be pushed into a science career & sets based n ability and grants for smarter children (sift and srt pupils into future work roles)
once the best students have been identified and are studying thebetter subjects they are then able to go on train for the most important jobs - these jobs ave higher rewards offered such as better subjects, they are able totrain for the most important jobs, these jobs have higher rewards offered so everyone’s motivated to strive for them. thiis ensures that the best peole are doing the bet job they have been allocated to the corret roles. as a result, society is more productive because the most able people do the most important jobs.(role allocation)
durkheim - educaton teaches us to understand that we’re a part of a society, otherwise society wouldnt work. it does this by transmitting soceity’s culture via secondary socialisation. (to create social solidarity)
as a result of structual differtiation, (where institutions become more specialised as society becomes more complex, the economy demands speicalist workers who have to undeo long periods of training for spceciic occupations. education equips indivudals with the specialist skills needed to work in a modern economy (to learn specalist skills)
parsons - during primary socialisaton withi the family, each child is treated differently, as somene who’s speical which parsons refers to as particlaristic values.. wider soecity cannot function in this way, everyone has to be treated and measured in the same way via universastic values. eduction promotes these universalustic sandars and acts as a brdge between family and wider society. in particularl, it socialises individuas into the sared vvalues o a meritotcratic soociety (education is. an important part of secondary socialisation)
meriocraticacy means a system thats fair giving everyone an equal chance of success - if yu work hardm and are talentwd, you’ll succceed.
it’s based on two key vaues
- indivudal achieventn - eeryone achieves their status through their own efforts and abilities. it’snot who yu know or where you come from, bt what yu can do that gives you your postion in society (acheved status ibstead of ascrbed status)
equal opportunity - for everyone t acheve their full potenital
Mirza - Studied girls in comprehnsive school and found there was a myth of underachievement for black women, s most girls were confident in their own abilities but put down by teachers put them dow and didnt give them a chance to prove themselves. Some teachers were openly racist, whereas some ignore blatent racism in school. some failed to understand or respect the needs of black students or patronised the black girls. Therefore, mirza concluded despit the fact black girls re denied multiple oppourtiuntes due to teacher’s low expectations, they tried to rise above tit and achieve well in their exams anyway.
institutional racism
gilborn and youdell - INSTITUTIONAL RACISM IN MARKETISATION white pupils were twice as likely to be selected by teachers for admission to gifted and talented programmes than BAME teachers. selection and admission processes may favour white students who may be seen as potentally more academically gifted than BAME studentsUCAS suggested that white students were more successful in obtaining uni places than black students ith similar a level results.