Paper 3 Flashcards
Micro causes of income inequality
- education
- age
- capital intesnvie production
- tech
- flexible labour contracts
- inheritance
Macro causes of income inequality
- one sector dominance
- recession; younger/low skill workers laid off quicker
- globalisation; intl trade, countries loses comp advant
- FDI: low wages driven down by influx of low skilled immigrants, FDI, competition from trade (lose comp advant or cut costs by lowering wage or firing)
- corrupt governmet policies
Micro consequences of income inequality
- social cost; negative externality to taxpayer
- incentive to be educated
- incentive for entrepeneurship; take risks to get lots of profit so v high income
- incentive to work to increase income
Macro consequences of income inequality
- gov finances; spending on benefits, less tax
- living standards
- asset bubbles (rich invest income, market crash?) and indebtedness (poor have to borrow); both of these lead to financial sector instability
- growth; growth is limited due to limited spedning pwoer of those with highest MPC
MICRO policies to fix income inequality
max/min wage
macro policies to resolve income inequality
- progressive income tax
- g spend on welfare transfer payment
- g spend on education/health
- universal basic income
micro effects of expansionary moentary policy
- impact on savers; erodes savings, ls fall as unemployed, people savign for house, pensioners rely on savings
- house prices; positive wealth effect
- firms costs and profitability; costs fall if on variable loans
- impact on indebted households; monthly repayments of variable loans for, dispo income rises, LS rise
macro effects of expansionary monetary policy
- growth
- unemployment
- inflation
- trade/CA position
micro effetcs of weak exchange rate
- high debt servicing costs; real value of debt falls
- high prices
- high costs of production
- productive/ x inefficiency; exporters can afford to let prices rises abit bc imported competition is weak
macor effects of weak exchange rates
- intl competitiveness
- increased exports, fall imports, CAD improves
- imported inflation; cost push
- greater FDI; lower startup costs an cheaper exports attract fdi
- EXPORT LED GROWTH sand unemployment
Micro effects of protectionism
- higher prices
- lower quality
- producer revenue
- consumer DWL/producer surplus
- allocative inefficiency DWL
macro effects of tariffs
inflation; imported inflation
- growth; net exports rise assuming export rev stays same, AD increase, growth rise
- employment; protects domestic firms so domestic employment protected
micro effects of NMW
- income ineqlaity reduced and equity improves
- higher prices. lower consumer surplus (wage price spiral)
- producer revenue/profit
- individual impact of job losses
macro effects
- unemployment
- inflation
- competitiveness/trade balance
- government finances
macro effects of unemployment
- lost output
- government finances
- hysterersis
- inflation
- current account
micro effects of unemployment
- social costs, pressure on public sector services
- pool of workers for firms
- individual costs
- worsening of market failure; drugs alcohol
market based development micro effects
- allocative efficiency
- dynamic efficiency
- market failures