4.1.9 - international competitiveness Flashcards
What is international competitiveness
International competitiveness measures the relative cost and value of a countries exports.
meausres of international competitiveness
o relative unit labour costs (total labour costs/output)
o relative export prices
exchange rate affecting international competitivness
- exchange rate: A rise in the pound will cause exports to become more expensive,
and thus make UK goods less competitive as their price changes. However, this
depends on the elasticity the good and the reaction of the firms as explained in 4.1.8.
productivity affecting international
A rise in productivity will cause a rise in the UK’s competitiveness because costs are lower and so prices will fall. Labour productivity is important.
How does regulation affect IC
High levels of regulation slow down business decisions, making them
less adaptable to changes in the global market. It also increases their cost of
production. Therefore, regulation reduces competitiveness because of higher costs
and slow decision making.
How does investment affect IC
Investment in infrastructure improves productivity and ensures firms can
deliver and produce their product reliably, cheaply and efficiently. Investment in
research and development allows firms to develop new products, which increases
competitiveness as other countries won’t have these products, and new technology,
which reduces costs and increases efficiency.
How does taxation affect IC
- High levels of taxation reduce investment and so cause a reduction in international competitiveness in the long term. It can also reduce incentives for individuals to take risk, and thus reduce innovation
- low income tax incentivises worker to work more becuase they eanr greater after tax income comapred to working same amount previously and can attract foreign skilled workers
How does inflation affect IC
Low levels of inflation increase competitiveness since UK goods increase
in price by less than goods in other countries and so they become more competitive
over time
How does factors of production affect IC
A country with a lot of good quality factors of production will be able to produce more and better quality goods than a country which has limited or poor quality resources
How does openness to trade affect IC
This means trade barriers will be low and so other countries are likely to have low barriers on goods coming from the UK, meaning it is easier and cheaper to export. It also means that firms inside the UK will not suffer from high costs of production due to import barriers
Key factors affecting international competitiveness
- relative wage and non wage costs (pensions, sick pay, maternity pay, taxes paid by employers)
- relative exchange rates
- relative rates of inflation
- relative level of regulation
- relative labour productivity
- relative levels of investment
- quality of goods and innovation (Rand D)
- gov policies on tax, trade, infrastructure investment (link back to regulation here)
What is ULC determined by
productivity of labour, skills, strict labour regulation
how does labour market flexibility affect IC
- If the labour market is flexible, this will improve competitiveness as
businesses will be able to move labour in response to changes in demand and
prevent unnecessary wage rises
+ (a lack of flexibility would mean higher wages had to be offered to get people to move jobs). - This keeps costs and prices low. Moreover, flexible and efficient managers will be able to manage change within the company and adapt production when demand for products changes
- flexible working arragements: zero hour cotracts, part time workers to minimise costs
Econ plus dal factors affecting ic
labour flexibility
labour skills
tax regimes
innovation - production becomes more efficent, so better speed, lwoer costs
infrastructure - atrracts FDI, quicker cheaper prod
regulation - lower prcies and attarcts FDi , fewer inefficiencies
economic stability
Using relative ULC as a measure of international competitiveness
- Relative unit labor costs compare the cost of labor in one country to another.
- It is calculated by dividing the average wage in one country by the productivity of labor in that country, then comparing it to the same ratio in another country.
- A lower relative unit labor cost indicates greater competitiveness, as it suggests that a country can produce goods and services at a lower labor cost.