Paper 3 Flashcards
What approaches are deterministic
Half cognitive and SLT
Why are some approaches half deterministic
Cognitive and SLT - we choose thoughts/actions but only operate within limits of what we have learnt
Define soft determinism
There is a cause of action but we have conscious mental control
Research methods of nomothetic
Make laws
What approaches nomothetic
Bio Cognitive Behavioural SLT Half psychodynamic
Define socially sensitive research
Research that could lead to negative consequences for either the people or the institution participating directly in research or the group of people research is about
How to deal with ethical issues
Briefing, informed consent
Debriefing, consent, return to original state
Reasons ethical issues must be considered
To avoid harm due to sensitive topics
Protect reputation of psychology as a science (milgram and zimbardo damaged)
Arguments for free will
Theologians (religion) say it is good given and form of morality
Members of legal system say its necessary for accountability
Feel like we have free will, face validity
Argument against free will
Twin concordance rate, Billet OCD, schizophrenia
Libert used EEG and found decisions were made by unconscious regions before individual consciously aware of thoughts
Real life application of nomothetic
Attachment type
Schaffer stages of attachment
Animal studies
Ethical implications examples
IQ under 70 US, no death penalty
Maternity leave, Bowlby, IWM
Interview technique for kids after McMartin
Labels due to stat infrequency
CI technique, Geiselman
Forced sterilisation of African Americans due to low IQ, test had many American culture questions
3 psychological theories of romantic relationships
Social exchange theory
Quity theory
Rusbult investment model
Concepts of social exchange theory
Minimise cost, maximise reward
Cost: money, time, stress, missed opportunity
Reward: happiness, sex, companionship, praise
How much award u think u deserve depends on esteem
Comparison of alternatives is cost outweigh reward
Evaluate social exchange theory
+ justifies why people leave unhappy relationships
- people don’t always look for rewards
- don’t always weigh up and look for alternatives
- hard to quantify, objective
+ used in couple therapy, taught to increase positive exchange
Beliefs of equity theory
Not equal but fair, otherwise distress, it is subjective how much u think is fair
Dissatisfaction if unfair
Realignment to restore equity
Evaluate equity
+ Hatfield assessed newlyweds contribution level, least satisfied under benefited, next least satisfied were over benefited, most satisfied when equal
- ethnocentric, western, collectivist culture prefer over benefit, individualist prefer equity
- individual difference, some are benevolent and feel guilty for over benefitting
- Clark and Mills argue equity has bigger role in non romantic relationships
- sex difference, over benefit men almost equal to equity men, over benefited women less satisfied
Explain rusbult investment theory
More we invest the more commuted and stable relationships is
Factors that affect commitment: comparison of alternatives, satisfaction and investment
Types of investment are intrinsic (time, info, energy, money, we put in) or extrinsic (things that come out of relationship, kids, memories)
Evaluate Rusbult theory
+ Rusbult found theirs who invested more and were satisfied less likely to look for alternatives
+ explain why people stay in abusive relationships, extrinsic kids, lack alternative
- too simple, don’t consider culture or gender
+ Lee meta analysis, invest less, less likely to be satisfied
- self report technique
- correlation not causal
Stages of Ducks phase model
Intra psychic phase- cognitive process in individual, realise dissatisfaction, look at pros/cons and alternatives
Dyadic phase- confront partner about dissatisfaction
Social phase- made public to friends/family. Next steps discussed, still time to save
Grave dressing phase- move on, new relationships. Individuals tell own version of break up
Evaluate ducks phase model 1+ 4-
+ real life application, people can identify stages of in therapy and try fix before too late, Duck said people in intra should look at positives
- describes rather than explain
- cultural bias, break up quicker in individualist culture
- no individual difference
- incomplete/ oversimplification, resurrection phase
CMC meaning
Computer mediated communication
What did walther say
Hyper personal model:
Online relationships more personal, greater disclosure, develop and end quickly
Sender has time to manipulate image to promote intimacy
Studies to support hyper personal model
Students paired and asked to discuss abstract dilemma. Transcript of unprompted non-task related conversation made, disclosures rated.
Experiment 1- half face to face, half computer chat program
Experiment 2- all computer chat programme, half also had video connection
1- computer mediated had greater disclosure
2- video call had less self disclosure
+ control variables
- same sex pairs can’t be generalised
- biased ratings, eventhough judges didn’t know groups they could probably tell
Rubin found with strangers, if further away more likely to self disclose as less likely to see them again and they can’t report to individuals social group
Types of self awareness
Public- aware of how u appear to others, increase when face to face
Private- looking inwards and being aware of own feelings, increase with CMC
What is missing in virtual relationships
Absence of gating
For example: body shape, introvert/extrovert, appearance, social skills not obvious so cause increases self disclosure
What did McKenna do 1
Sent survey to 570 internet users about their online and offline interaction and how close relationships.
Follow up 2 years later.
. 70% of online relationships still together.
.50% ftf relationships still together
Believe virtual lasted long because based more on interest than appearance
- self report , bias, socially desirable
+ real life, high EV
McKenna experiment 2
Pairs of opposite sex met online or offline then 2nd time in person.
More likely to like each other if first meet online
Face to face people had less conversation quality and intimacy
+ anxious people express more on CMC
Natures of virtual relationships
Reduced cue theory
Absence of gating
More self disclosure
Reduced cue theory
Lack of tone, sarcasm, expressions when CMC cause miscommunication and deindividualisation
Emojis and timing of response are cues
Factors that affect self disclosure
Gender differences
Virtual vs face to face
Who made social exchange theory
Thiabault and Kelley
What is it called when someone judges if they could be getting fewer costs and greater reward from someone else
Comparison level of alternatives
Study about shy people preferring cmc
Survey 207 people
Shy people positive correlation between shyness and score of quality of virtual relationships
Non shy no correlation
Shows shy people find virtual relationships very rewarding since negative emotions like anxiety from ftf removed
Symptoms of schizophrenia
+ hallucination
+ delusion
+ jumbled speech
+ catatonic behaviour (repeating)
- no emotion
- avolition (no motivation)
- Speech poverty
- withdrawn from socialising
At least 2 symptoms for 6 months, at least one hallucinations/delusion
Reliability of schiz diagnosis
- cultural bias, in Bristol over diagnose Indian patients
- low inter rated reliability between cultures, American and British psychiatrists studied same person, diagnosis 69% for American, 2% British
- gender bias, POWELL asked 290 psychiatrist to diagnose man and woman with identical symptoms. 56% man, 20% woman diagnosed