Paper 2 - The Changing Economic World Flashcards
What is development?
Its the process in economic growth, use of technology and improving welfare that a country has made.
When a country develops it basically gets better for the people living there - their quality of life improves.
What is the global development gap?
The difference in development between more and less developed countries.
Name the different ways to measure development
- Gross National income (GNI).
- GNI per head
- Gross domestic product (GDP)
- Birth rate
- Death rate
- Infant mortality rate
- People per doctor
- Literacy rate
- Access to safe water.
- Life expectancy
- Human development index (HDI)
What is gross national income (GNI)?
The total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year, including income form overseas. Its often given in US$.
What is GNI per head?
The GNI divided by the population of a country.
Its sometimes called GNI per capita.
What is gross domestic product (GDP)?
The total value of goods and services country produces in a year.
What is birth rate?
The number of live babies born per thousand of the population per year.
What is death rate?
The number of deaths per thousand of the population per year.
What is infant mortality rate?
The number of babies who die under 1 year old, per thousand babies born.
What is people per doctor?
The average number of people for each doctor.
What is literacy rate?
The percentage of adults who can read and write.
What is access to safe water?
The percentage of people who can get clean drinking water.
What is life expectancy?
The average age a person can expect to live to.
What is human development index (HDI)?
This is a number that’s calculated using life expectancy, education level (e.g - average number of years of schooling) and income per head.
Every country has an HDI value between 0 (least developed) and 1 (most developed).
Name the two categories based on how economically developed a country is
Richer countries were classed as more economically developed countries (MEDC’s).
Poorer countries were classed as less economically developed countries (LEDC’s).
What is the demographic transition model?
Shows how changing birth rates a death rates affect population growth.
What is natural increase?
When the birth rate is higher than the death rate, so the population grows.
What is natural decrease?
Death rate is higher than birth rate, so the population decreases.
What happens in stage 1 of the DTM?
Its the least developed -
The birth rate is high because there’s no use of contraception.
People also have lots of children because poor heathcare means that many infants die.
The death rate is high due to poor healthcare or famine, and life expectancy is low.
Income is very low.
What happens in stage 2 of the DTM?
Not very developed - Many LICs are in stage 2
The economy is based on agriculture so people have lots of children to work on farms, which means that birth rates are high.
Death rate fall due to improved healthcare and diet so life expectancy increases.
What happens in stage 3 of the DTM?
More developed - most NEEs are at stage 3.
The brith rate falls rapidly as women have a more equal place in society and better education.
The use of contraception increases and more women work instead of having children.
The economy also changes to manufacturing, so income increases and fewer children are needed to work on farms.
Healthcare improves so life expectancy increases.
What happens in stage 4 and 5 of the DTM?
Most developed - most HICs
Birth rates are low because people want possessions and a high quality of life, and may have dependent elderly relatives, so there is less money available for having children.
Healthcare is good, so death rate is low and life expectancy is high.
Income is high.
What are the physical factors for uneven development?
Poor climate
Poor farming land
Few raw materials
Lots of natural hazards
How does poor climate cause uneven development?
- If a country is really hot/dry not much will grow. This reduces the amount of food produced, which can lead to malnourishment, and a low quality of life.
- People also have fewer crops to sell, so make less money.
- The government gets less money from taxes, meaning there’s less to spend on development.