Paper 2 - The Challenge Of Resource Managemnt Flashcards
How does food affect well-being?
- Without access to enough safe, nutritious food people can become malnourished.
- Malnourishment increases the likelihood of getting diseases.
- People who aren’t getting enough to eat may not perform as well at school, meaning that they lack skills needed to help a country’s economic development. It can also prevent people from working.
How does water affect well-being?
People need clean, safe water for drinking, cooking and washing.
Without proper sanitation, water sources get polluted by raw sewage. Water borne diseases kill many people each year.
Having to walk long distances to get water can also have an impact on people and on a country’s economy.
Water is needed to produce food, clothes and many other products.
How does energy affect well-being?
Countries need energy for industry and transport, as well as for use in homes.
Electricity can allow industries to develop, creating jobs and making countries wealthier.
The way of life in HICs depends on having a large, stable supply of energy.
Without electricity people may burn wood or kerosene. Using fuel wood can contribute to deforestation, so people have to walk further to get fuel. Kerosene stoves can release harmful fumes and may start fires.
Electricity can also power pumps for wells and provide more safe water for communities.
What is energy security?
It means having a reliable, uninterrupted and affordable supply of energy available.
What does energy security depend on?
Supplies available
Size of the population
Amount of energy a person uses.
Why is the global energy production unevenly distributed?
Some countries produce lots of energy because they have large energy reserves and the money to exploit them.
Some countries produce little because they have few resources or are unable to exploit them due to the lack of money or political instability.
Why is energy consumption unevenly distributed?
Wealthy, developed countries tend to consume lots of energy because they can afford to.
Poorer less developed countries consume less energy as they are les able to afford it.
Why is the global demand for energy increasing?
The world population is increasing.
Recent economic development has increased the wealth of some poorer countries so people are buying more things.
Technological advances have created loads of new devices that all need energy, and they are becoming more popular.
What are the factors affecting energy supply?
What are the physical factors affecting energy supply?
There is unequal distribution of fossil fuels in the world so some countries have fewer resources than others.
Fossil fuels are non-renewable, so will run out eventually.
Variations in climate and geography affect the potential for use of solar, wind, hydroelectric, wave and tidal power.
Natural disasters
What are the economic factors affecting energy supply?
Non-renewable energy sources that are left in the world are becoming increasingly difficult to reach, so are more costly to extract.
The prices of fossil fuels such as oil and gas are very volatile (can vary).
Some LICs may have potential energy sources but cannot afford to exploit them.
The cost of building new infrastructure can be very high.
What are the technological factors affecting energy supply?
Some countries are not able to exploit their energy resources as the technology required is unavailable or too expensive.
What are the political factors affecting energy supply?
Was and political instability in countries with large energy reserves can affect their ability to export their resources.
Climate change linked to burning fossil fuels has resulted in international agreements to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions. In some countries this means they cant burn fossil fuels as much as they used to.
Concerns over the safety of nuclear power and nuclear waste disposal have related in stricter regulations. This means its harder to build the stations.
What are the impacts of energy insecurity?
As fossil fuels get used up, reserves in more difficult and environmentally sensitive areas are exploited. This increases the cost.
Demand for cheaper and cleaner energy sources increases demand for biofuel. Growing crops for biofuels has negative impacts on the environment and takes up land that could be used to grow food.
Energy shortages and higher energy cost reduce industrial output.
What are some renewable energy sources?
Biomass Wind Solar Hydro Tidal Wave Geothermal
What are some non-renewable energy sources?
Fossil fuels
What does sustainable energy mean?
It provides energy today without preventing future generations from meeting their energy needs.
What is a carbon footprint?
Measure of the amount of greenhouse gases an individuals activities produce.
What are the ways energy use can be reduced?
Sustainable design
Increasing efficiency
Demand reduction
What does sustainable design mean?
Homes, workplaces and transport can be designed to use energy more sustainably:
Modern boilers
Switching to electric
Solar panels
What does increasing efficiency mean?
Doing the same job but using less fuel.
- Hybrid cars, vans and trains combine diesel and electric power.
- Engine manufacturers are making more efficient engines.
- Power stations are becoming more efficient by switching to gas.
- Road vehicles and trains can be fitted with devices to store energy lost under braking.
What does demand reduction mean?
It can reduce the amount of energy that needs to be generated.
Demand can be reduced - e.g - by encouraging people to turn lights off when they’re not needed. Boiling only the water needed.
Improving public transport and encouraging walking or cycling.
What are the advantages of fracking?
- There’s lots of shale gas in the UK. It increases the energy security of the UK as other sources begin to run out.
- Gas is less polluting than other fossil fuels.
- Fracked gas can be cheaper than some renewables (costs a lot to extract).
- The technology has already been tested and is shown to work unlike some renewable sources.
What are the disadvantages of fracking?
- Gas is not sustainable, and it release CO2, so contributes to global warming.
- There’s a risk of polluting water supplies and air.
- It uses a lot of water.
- Its known to cause small earthquakes.
- Its an issue people feel strongly about.
- Investment in fracking may slow down the investment in renewable energy.