Paper 2- Research Methods Part 2 Flashcards
What are the three types of experimental design ?
Independent group design
Repeated measures design
Matched pairs design
What does independent group design do ?
Uses different participants in each condition, so they only carry out one
Participants are being tested against each other
What are the strengths of independent group design ?
NO ORDER EFFECT- due to participants only carrying out one condition the order they do it in won’t matter
DEMAND CHARACTERISTICS - participants do one condition so it’s less likely the guess the purpose of the study
TIME SAVED- participants can be tested in different conditions at the same time
What are the weaknesses of independent group design ?
MORE PARTICIPANTS NEEDED- due to the group only carrying out one condition
GROUP DIFFERENCES - may be due to participants variables rather than the manipulation of the IV
What is repeated measure design ?
Each participant is tested on all conditions of an experiment
Tested against each other
Strengths of repeated measures design ?
GROUP DIFFERENCE- no participant variables as everyone is tested in all conditions
MORE DATA- each person is doing all conditions so you are getting more data for each person
LESS PARTICIPANTS- everyone is carrying out all conditions
Weaknesses of repeated measures design ?
ORDER EFFECTS- participants carry out all conditions so the order they do them in may affect the results
DEMAND CHARACTERISTICS- more likey participants can guess the purpose of the study and act accordingly due to them doing all conditions
TAKES MORE TIME- you need a gap between maybe to change material needed or to let participants have a break
What is matched pairs design ?
Where psychologists pick participants matching hem on characteristics important for the study
Advantages of matched pairs design ?
NO ORDER EFFECTS- participants are only carrying out one condition
DEMAND CHARACTERISTICS- they are less likely to guess the purpose of the study as they are only carrying out one condition
GROUP DIFFERENCE- less likely chance of participants variables
Weaknesses of matched pairs design ?
MORE PARTICIPANTS NEEDED- due to participants only carrying out one condition
MATCHING IS DIFFICULT- hard to find matching pairs for every variable needed and maybe be vital for experiment
TIME CONSUMING - takes a long time to match people
How to stop order effect ?
Through counter balance where you split half the trip equally and half do condition A follow by condition B and the other half do condition B followed by condition A