Paper 2 Flashcards
Is a measure of how the system performs relative to non-health aspects, meeting or not meeting a population’s expectations. Which of the following?
a) Equality
b) Equity
c) Satisfaction
d) Accountability
e) Responsiveness
Pre-adolescents and young adolescents often involve themselves in high-risk behavior due to…
a) Pre-frontal cortex is very active at this age
b) Pre-frontal cortex controls the limbic system and brings young people to act under the control
of prefrontal cortex
c) The lymbic system isn’t well developed and will come to complete maturation at the end of
d) The cognitive processes are ineffective and under the control of the limbic system
e) Pre-frontal cortex matures at the early stages of adolescence
________ are defined as comprising all the organizations, institutions, and resources that are devoted to producing health actions. Choose the missing among the following:
a) Health agencies
b) Health care organizations
c) Health improvement options
d) Health systems
e) None of them
Which of the following are primary prevention measures?
a) Education about proper nutrition, the importance of regular exercise, and the danger of
tobacco, alcohol and other drugs
b) Physical rehabilitation and psychological assistance
c) Screening tests to identify an unrecognized disease or condition in individuals without signs or
d) Immunization against infectious disease
e) Environmental interventions (land reclamation)
In women going through the menopause, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is very effective in reducing the distressing how flushes that are commonly experienced. Which other effects are associated with prolonged use of HRT?
a) There is some evidence that it may help to prevent osteoporosis
b) There is some evidence that it may increase bone thinning
c) It prevents heart attacks and stroke
d) Two large trials found that HRT would increase the risk of cardiovascular major events
e) HRT has only been studied for short-term effects (ie: menopausal symptoms and increases
bone mineral density)
Select among the following the components of vaccine that contribute to the risk of an adverse reaction
a) Antibiotics
b) Preservatives
c) Adjuvants
d) Stabilizers
e) None
Why “current care systems cannot do the job”?
a) Are too expensive
b) Are not sustainable
c) Are too oriented to chronic care
d) Are too oriented to acute care
e) Are too inequitable
Which of the following statements on vaccines and vaccinations are correct?
a) A vaccination with a second dose of a vaccine is contraindicated if a patient previously suffered
from anaphylaxis or a severe allergy due to this vaccine or one of its components
b) In individuals with symptoms of HIV/AIDS, live attenuated vaccines are contraindicated
c) Vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) occurs in 2-4 cases per 1 million vaccinated
persons with inactivated polio vaccine (IPV)
d) Conjugate subunit vaccines overcome the problem posed by bacterial pathogens with
polysaccharide capsules that protect them from host defenses
e) Compared to giving the first dose of measles vaccine, allergic reactions are less likely to occur
during the second dose of measles vaccine
Screening should be offered to the healthy people it seeks to reassure or treat if there is sound evidence that…
a) It will do more good than harm at a affordable cost
b) The test shows that it prolongs survival from date of diagnosis for the screened people
c) The test has decent diagnostic accuracy and there is an effective management strategy
d) The test shows that it prolongs survival from date of birth for the screened people
e) Comes from retrospective studies, such as case-control studies
Antibacterial antibiotics
a) The risk of resistance from livestock is high
b) The risk of resistance from crops is high
c) Most of the antibiotics used in animals are medically important for humans
d) Treatment, prophylaxis, and growth promotion are the reasons of use of antibiotics in livestock
e) None of them
Which of the following sentences on vector-borne IDs is incorrect?
a) Mosquitos and ticks are indispensable vectors for vector-borne IDs propagation
b) Water and food are indispensable vectors for vector-borne IDs propagation
c) Changes in the climate are crucial factors in facilitating the emergence or re-emergence of
vector-born IDs
d) Ebola is an example of vector-borne IDs
e) Dengue fever is an example of vector-borne IDs
People who are diagnosed before are known to have a better outlook than those who are diagnosed later. Which of the following statements regarding screening offered to healthy people are true?
a) These tests are usually able to pick up fast-growing diseases, which usually have a bad
b) For mass screening (eg: breast or prostate cancer), false positive results are low, usually below
c) Screening in healthy people (ie: low risk) might be associated with over-diagnosis
d) If the malignant form of the disease is highly prevalent, the chances of the screening to lead to
benefits are higher
e) Raw statistics can make screening appear to increase survival time (called lead time bias)
Medicines are available in the market once they have been approved by stringent regulatory agencies. However uncertainty about the effects of the new or old treatments is common. Which of the following statement is true?
a) Anecdotic evidence from patients, which shows one treatment in a particular light, is key in
deciding to prescribe that medicine to other patients
b) Even medicines such as rofecoxib and rosiblitazone, used for very common diseases and
tested in large controlled trials, can be associated with serious complications that cause
suffering and ultimately kill patients
c) Marginal benefits are usually tested in observational studies
d) To be approved, medicines should be associated with large benefits and minor harms, which
lead to a positive balance
e) Unanticipated dramatic effects are difficult to spot and should be always confirmed in high-
quality randomized controlled trials
During the great smog, London December 1952, the air pollutant responsible for the additional deaths was
a) Ozone (O3)
b) Methyl mercury (CH3)2Hg
c) Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD)
d) Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter
e) Benzene
Who runs a hospital?
a) The staff
b) The doctors
c) Nurses and staff
d) Doctors and staff
e) The organization as a whole