Paper 1- Islam Beliefs Flashcards
What are angels and who made them?
Made by God(Qur’an 35) bring God’s word to prophets. Spiritual being who constantly serve and praise God. Can take human form.
What are the angels jobs?
Some are God’s messengers. Some take care of people. Some record our actions. Some take people’s souls to God / Heaven or Hell in the after life.
A quote for angels?
“An enemy of angels is an enemy of God.”
What are the characteristics / appearance of angels?
Pure, sinless, supernatural, created from light ins unseen world. Not free
What do the guardian angels do?
Guardian angels watch over us from birth, record our deeds/words in the books of deeds presented on the Day of Judgement.
What does angel Israfil do?
Angel Israfil blows a trumpet on Day of Judgement.
What does the angel of Death do?
Takes people’s souls to God and guards hell.
What’s an archangel?
Is a special angel?
What did Archangel Jibril do?
Gives revelation of the Qur’an (spiritual nourishment). Jibril purified Muhammad’s heart when young.
What did Archangel Mika’il do?
Is the angel of mercy - rewards the good and nourishes the earth with rain, food, weather.
Two quotes to explain who Muhammad is?
“God’s Messenger”
Name means “the praised one.”
What happened to Muhammad in 570 CE?
Born in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Father died before born. Mother died aged 6. Brought up by uncle. Honest. Prayed on Mount Hira.
What happened to Muhammad in 610-32 CE?
Received the Qur’an. Revelations began on Night Of Power.
What did Muhammad do in Makkah?
Stood against immorality in Makkah - idol worship, gambling, alcohol, Makkah did not care about the poor/widows. Persecuted. Death threats.
When did Muhammad experience the prophets, Heaven and God?
When angel Jibril to him in Jerusalem on the Night Journey.
What happened to Muhammad in In 622?
He was approached by citizens of what would be called Madinah (City of Prophet) to lead them. 622 left Makkah (the Hijra - the Muslim calendar dates from this moment). Set up the first Muslim community (ummah). United tribes. 5 pillars started here. Defended himself from Makkah (in 3 battles)
What did he do to Makkah and the Ka’aba?
Peacefully took over Makkah and destroyed the 360 idols in Ka’aba.
What happened to Muhammad in 632?
Returned to Makkah, became ill and died.
What does the word Islam mean?
Islam means peace through submission/ surrender/ obedience to Allah.
What is ‘the greatest’ in Islam? How many names for God in Qur’an?
Allahu Akbar.
99 names for God in Qur’an
What does Monotheistic mean?
Belief in 1 God(Tawhid). Nothing on Allah’s Level. No pictures of Allah (sin of Shirk) 99 names for God in Qur’an.
What does Omnipotent mean?
What does Omniscient mean?
What does omnibenevolent/ beneficent mean?
All loving/ good, merciful, forgiving.
What does Just mean in Islam?
What has Allah created?
Creates/ sustains universe.
God has always existed and was not created quote?
“Begot no one and not begotten”
What does transcendent mean?
Beyond universe, unlimited.
What does Immanent mean?
In universe, close to us, involved.
Quotes for Allah? “Most..? “With...? “No vis...? “God is..?
“Most excellent”
“With you whenever”
“No vision can Allah in.”
“God is the One. Eternal. No one comparable.”
What’s predestination?
God knows the future - God’s Plan - Gods knows best. Allah’s will is supreme - nothing happens without Allah. “Even misfortunes”. Say “God willing” after a promise. Some say God knows the future and we act according to God’s will.
We cannot change our destiny. “Only God has decreed what will happen.” God knows all choices we make. Either way we are still accountable on the Day of Judgement.
What’s a Sunni Muslim?
What’s a Shi’a Muslim?
What is life after death? (Akhirah)
What does it encourage?
- Death is the beginning of a new stage of life called Akhirah.
- Encourages human responsibility/ accountability before Allah. Justice/hope for sufferers.
What’s happens after death?
Muslims enter a stage called barzakh or waiting. No one can cross the barrier. As they lie in the grave, Allah sends angels to question their faith. If they answer correctly, they will see what is to come. Some think punishments start straight away. Others that they start on the Day of Judgement.
What’s the day of judgement?
Angel Israfil will blow a trumpet and the present world will be transformed into the new world. The trumpet will blow again and everyone will be raised (resurrection) and judged by God. People will be given new bodies and the book of deeds of their life read out by person. Of the book is put into the right hand, they will go the Heaven. If in the left hand, go to Hell. People that go to heaven cross the Surat Bridge that crosses the fires of Hell. God forgives those truly sorry.
What is Heaven? (Jannah)
Is paradise. A beautiful gardens of eternal happiness in the eternal presence of God with pure drink and fruit and meat of any bird to eat.
What is hell? (Jahannam)
Is a place of fire, torment, punishment, separation from God, “scorching wind, scalding water”, wearing “garments of fire” restrained by iron crooks
What is the belief of prophets called?
What has God chosen prophets to reveal?
Will/gift/message. Gods gift.
Who are the role models in Islam?
Roles models eg Musa(Moses), Isa(Jesus), Muhammad, Adam, Abraham(Ibrahim). They help people to understand God. They set a good example.
Who and what is the prophet Adam do?
First prophet. Father of humans. Built the Ka’aba. Given knowledge/understanding. Created from dust/clay with spirit of God. Was “taught names of things”. Eve (Hawaa) was his companion. Allah told the angels to bow down to Adam but Iblid (became Satan), refused, was thrown out of heaven and tempted Adam/Eve to eat fruit form forbidden tree. Evil in world because of Adam/Eve disobedience. God forgave Adam/Hawwa.
Who and what is the prophet Ibrahim(Abraham)?
Role model. “Friend of God”. Faithful, kind, compassionate, obeyed God, refused to worship idols and destroyed them with an axe in Temple when young. God saved his life when he was burnt as punishment. Willing to sacrifice son (remembered at Id-ul Adha) Re-built Ka’aba in Makkah. Muhammad related to him. Showed faith in God.
What is the Qur’an?
The word of God, directly revealed to Muhammad through angel Jibril in 22 years. Contains history and guidance.
Written in Arabic. Original in Heaven. God speaks directly through it.
The Qur’an actual meaning?
Means recital.
What is someone called who memorises the Qur’an?
What could Muhammad do with the Qur’an?
Muhammad could not read or write. Memorised. Followers wrote it down.
The two quotes to describe the Qur’an?
“Scripture in which there is no doubt.”
The Qur’an is “truly glorious”
The other holy books in Islam? Revealed to Abraham? To Moses? To David? To Jesus?
- Scrolls
- Torah
- Psalms
- Gospel