Paper 1- Christian Practices Flashcards
What is Christian prayer?
Communication with God in silence or in words of praise, thanks, confession and requests for guidance.
What does prayer give to us?
Gives reflection, strength, peace, talking / listening to God, close relationship with God. Jesus prayed.
What are the actions involved in Christian prayer?
Can kneel/press hands together/sit/stand. Catholics use prayer beads (rosary), Orthodox use icons.
What is formal prayer?
Prayers may be set/written down like Lord’s Prayer Jesus taught. The Lord’s Prayer is the perfect prayer involving praise and forgiveness for self Lord’s Prayer used at Holy Communion, Baptism, Marriage, Funerals and in schools too.
What’s informal prayer?
Prayers may be informal/made up to express feelings / needs to God.
What is the Holy Communion also known as?
Mass, Eucharist, Divine Liturgy, Lord’s Supper.
What does the Holy Communion do?
Brings individuals closer to God and brings communities together, remembers Jesus’ death/resurrection, encourages/ supports Christians in their life in wider society to love others and stand for justice.
What is used to resemble the Holy Communion?
Bread and wine remembers the body and blood of Jesus. Catholic, Orthodox and some Anglican Christians believe this actually becomes the body / blood of Jesus.
What are the two parts of Holy Communion known as?
- The Ministry of the Word(Bible readings, hymns, prayers)
- The Ministry of Communion.
What happens during a holy communion from Orthodox Christianity?
Priest blesses bread/wine behind a screen and gives it out on a spoon. The service aims to create Heaven on Earth.
What happens during a holy communion from Catholic’s and Anglicans?
Worshippers wish peace to each other. Bread and wine brought to the alter. The priest says “Do this is remembrance of Jesus. Priest blesses people.
What happens during a holy communion from Protestant churches?
An open table where bread (broken by worshippers) and wine (small cup). Passed around. There are prayers, a blessing, a sermon and bible readings.
What is Christmas?
Remembers the Incarnation of God in Jesus.
What is Easter?
Remembers Jesus sacrifice, death and resurrection .
How many Christians in the world?
1/3 of the population.