Paper 1 - Beliefs - Overview - Key Words Flashcards
Define Ascension
Jesus returning (ascending) to be with God in heaven 40 days after the resurrection
Define Atonement
Making up for Sin, asking for forgiveness from God. Jesus atoned for all human sin
Define Benevolent
God’s nature as all-loving
Define Crucifixion
Jesus’ execution by the Romans on the cross
Define Denominations
Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant (Anglican, Methodist, Quaker and Baptist)
Define Good Friday
Day Jesus was crucified. His sacrifice means he is the saviour of humanity - “Good”
Define Incarnation
God becoming flesh in the form of Jesus Christ “word became flesh”
Define Just
God’s nature as fair - who goes to heaven/ hell. Injustice examples are poverty and prejudice
Define Messiah
Saviour the Jewish people were expecting, a warrior, a king
Define Omnipotent
God’s nature as all-powerful - the creator of the universe
Define Original Sin
The built-in tendency to do wrong which comes from Adam & Eve’s disobedience - they had FREE WILL
Define Purgatory
Catholic belief that you need to be cleansed from Sin before going to heaven
Define Monotheism
The belief in one God “We believe in one God”
Define Resurrection
Jesus returning from the dead after he was crucified - Body was gone/ appeared to others after death
Define Salvation
Being saved from sin and given eternal life in heaven by God