Paper 1 - Attachment - Types of attachment and cultural variations Flashcards
What research method was used by Ainsworth in the Strange Situation?
Bonus - strengths of this method?
Controlled observation
Strengths - objective behaviour categories and high inter-observer reliability
What were the behaviour categories being observed in the Strange Situation?
4 in total
- Willingness to explore (safe base)
- Separation anxiety
- Stranger anxiety
- Reuinion behaviour
How would a secure child behave in the strange situation?
- Willing to explore (use mother as safe base)
- Moderate separation anxiety (easy to soothe)
- Moderate stranger anxiety (easy to soothe)
- Joy on reunion (enthusiastic)
How would an insecure-resistant child behave in the strange situation?
- Not willing to explore (clingy)
- High separation anxiety (not easy to soothe)
- High stranger anxiety (not easy to soothe)
- Seek and reject (ambiguous)
How would an insecure-avoidant child behave in the strange situation?
- Willing to explore
- Low separation anxiety
- Low stranger anxiety
- Avoids contact
What were the % findings for different attachment types in Ainsworth’s Strange Situation?
- Secure - 60-75%
- Insecure-avoidant - 20-25%
- Insecure-resistant - 3-12%
Evalaute types of attachment (Ainsworth’s Strange Situation)
:) High inter-observer realibility (94%)
:( Fourth attacment type not considered - insecure-disorgansed
:( Genetic temperament - confounding variable
:( Cultural bias - SS as an imposed etic
Who studied cultural variations of attachment?
They are named on the spec so you need to know!
Van Izjendoorn
(and Kroonenberg)
What research method was used to investigate cultural variations in attachment?
Secondary research of existing studies with an effect size
How many participants and studies were in Van Ijzendoorns research?
- 32 studies of 8 countries
- 1,990 pps (or almost 2,000)
What were the key findings from Van Ijzendoorns research?
Hint - 4 in total
- 150% variation within cultures than between
- All countries most common secure
- Japan higher % of insecure-resistant (rarely separated)
- Germany higher % of insecure-avoidance (promote independence)
Evaluate research into cultural variations in attachment
:( Imposed etic using SS to measure universally
:( Lack of temporal validity - 2014 Italian study higher avoidant and lower secure - working mothers and childcare
:) Strengths of meta-analysis, large sample, external validity
:( Countries not cultures - urban areas vs. rural areas. Confounding variable.