Panorama NT 3 Flashcards
1 Peter
“A letter of encouragement written by the apostle Peter to the saints scattered throughout Asia Minor.
Main theme: The privileges of believers who are following the example of Christ—to have victory during trials and to live holy lives in an hostile world. “
2 Peter
Largely a warning against false teacher and scoffers.
1 John
A deep spiritual message written by the apostle John to different classes of believers in the church. It stresses the believer’s privilege of spiritual knowledge and the duty of fellowship and brotherly love.
2 John
“A brief message from John on divine truth and worldly error. Addressed to the “chosen lady and her children.”
A warning against heresy and false teachers. “
3 John
An apostolic letter of commendation written to Gaius, containing character sketches of certain persons in the church.
“Probably written by the brother of James.
Main themes: Historical examples of apostasy and divine judgments upon sinners; warning against immoral teachers. “
“Written by the apostle John.
Mainly a series of apocalyptic visions dealing with the events in religious history. A great moral conflict is portrayed between the divine and satanic powers, ending in the victory of the Lamb. “