PALS Flashcards
What 8 sections are there to an annual review?
Symptoms Targets Emotions Medications Blood tests Lifestyle Extra info Demographics
What 4 questions come under ‘symptoms’?
- What symptoms were you diagnosed with?
- Any new symptoms?
- Ask about specific complications of condition
- Any hospital admissions?
What is Stage 1 hypertension?
BP >140/90
>135/85 ambulatory
How do you manage stage 1 HTN?
Lifestyle and diet
Follow up in 2-4 weeks
What is Stage 2 HTN?
BP >160/100
>150/95 ambulatory
What happens at stage 2 HTN?
Start antihypertensives
When do you start statins?
If QRISK >10-20%
OR if secondary prevent, have CKD/T1DM
What 5 sections are there to ‘medications’?
- Drugs - dose, frequency, durations
- Compliance
- Side effects
- Safety net complications
- Re-iterate interactions
What are the 6 sections of lifestyle advice?
Smoking Alcohol Diet Exercise Pregnancy eg. DM need 5mg folic acid daily Extra eg. avoid caffeine in AF
What 4 extra things should you check with DM?
- Retinal screen
- Foot screen
- Urine ACR
- Injection sites
What 5 things come under ‘demographics’?
- Height
- Weight
- Waist circumference
- BP
How much blood is lost in Stage 1 shock?
How are the obs in Stage 1 shock?
How much blood is lost in Stage 2 shock?
What are the obs of Stage 2 shock like?
HR <120, BP reduced
How much blood is lost in Stage 3 shock?
What are the obs of Stage 3 shock like?
HR <140, confused
How much blood is lost in Stage 4 shock?
> 2000ml
What are the obs for Stage 4 shock like?
HR >140, lethargic
When do you consider transfusing blood?
Stage 3 shock
What are the 5 criteria for the Major Haemorrhage Protocol?
HR >110 BP <90 Blood loss >5L in 24hrs Blood loss >2.5L in 2hrs Blood loss >150ml/min
What is the Major Haemorrhage Protocol?
Call blood bank
4 units RBC
4 units FFP
Tranexamic acid - factor 2 activator
What is placenta accreta?
Placenta attached to the myometrium, often follows LSCS
What is placenta increta?
Placenta invading the myometrium
What is placenta percreta?
Placenta invading the serosa
How does a placenta praevia present?
Painless vaginal bleeding
What is the management of placenta praaevia if shocked or >37wks?
LSCS + X-match 4-6 units
What is the management of placenta praaevia if not shocked or <37wks?
Give steroids and Anti-D
Elective LSCS at 39wks
How does a vasa praaevia present?
Vaginal bleeding following SRoM
Fetal bradycardia from torn fetal blood vessels
What is the management of vasa praaevia?
Continuous CTG +/- FBS in bradycardia continues
pH <7.2 = LSCS
How does a placental abruption present?
Painful vaginal bleeding with a tense woody uterus
What is the management of a placental abruption?
Give steroids and Anti-D
What is the management of a placental abruption with a CTG showing 1) distress 2) no distress >37wks 3) distress <37wks?
1) Distress = LSCS
2) No distress >37 wks = amniotomy to induce
3) No distress <37wks = conservative Mx, may discharge as high-risk
How does a uterine rupture present?
Very painful, less vaginal bleeding
What is the management of uterine rupture?