Palpations Flashcards
femoral artery
p 339
sacrotuberous ligament
p 340
p 365
p 326
calcaneous and tuberosity
p 358
tibial tuberosity and shaft of tibia
p 350
pubic crest and tubercles
p 286, 293
sacroiliac joint
p 291
knee menisci
p 395
sustentaculum tali
p 359
rectus femoris
p 309
psoas major
p 334
flexor digitorum brevis
p 389
tibial plateaus
p 351
tibialis anterior
p 379
edges of femoral condyles
p 352
deltoid ligament (ankle)
p 401
posterior superior iliac spine
p 286, 289
calcaneal bursae
p 405
p 374
iliolumbar ligament
p 341
abductor hallicus
p 389
p 377
pes anserinus
p 352
all flexors of ankles and toes
p 383
epicondyles of femur
p 353
posterior sacroiliac ligaments
p 340
anterior inferior iliac spine
p 288
second through fifth metatarsals
p 363
p 323
p 361
peroneal trochlea
p 359
gluteal tuberosity
p 292
hip adductors as a group
p 322
vastus medialis
p 310
posterior tibia artery
p 404
p 291
inferior ramus of the pubis and ramus of ischium
p 294
hamstrings (group and separate)
p 313/314
tibial collateral ligament
p 395
p 365
lateral and medial malleoli (ankle)
p 357
tendons of posterior knee (goose foot)
p 327
medial tubercle
p 361
dorsalis pedis artery
p 405
peroneal retinacula of ankle
p 403
flexor retinaculum
p 404
knee bursae
p 396
fibular collateral ligament
p 394
inguinal ligament
p 339
p 330
plantar aponeurosis
p 404
anterior superior illiac spine
p 285 and 288
head of fibula
p 351
tensor fasciae latae
p 325
sciatic nerve
p 341
iliac crest
p 285, 289
malleolar grooves (ankle)
p 357
gluteus min and med
p 318
sesamoid bones of first metatarsal
p 405
plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament
p 401
quadratus femoris
p 331
trochlea of talus
p 361
extensor digitorum brevis
p 387
p 364
distal end if IT tract
p 325
greater trochanter of the femur
p 287, 292
inguinal lymph nodes
p 340
medial tendons of knee
p 327
iliac fossa
p 289
common peroneal nerve
p 397
vastus lateralus
p 310
adductor tubercle
p 353
lateral tendons of knee
p 327
first metatarsal
p 362
gastrocnemius and soleus
p 371-373
p 335
p 350
extensor digitorum longus
p 380
extensor retinacula of ankle
p 403
gluteus maximus
p 317
lateral collateral ligaments of ankle
p 402
abductor digiti minimi
p 389
second through fifth digits
p 362
extensor hallucis longus
p 380
p 375
ischial tuberosity
p 295
talus and head of talus
p 360
adductor magnus
p 324
popliteal artery
p 396
quadriceps femoris (group)
p 309
gracilis and adductor longus
p 322
superior ramus of the pubis
p 294
ischial tuberosity
p 287
tuberosity of fifth metatarsal
p 363
p 290