Palate Flashcards
Name the suture that runs down the middle of the hard palate
medial palatine suture
Name the foramen at the most anterior part of the palate
incisive canal
Name the maxillary contributions to the hard palate
the palatine processes of maxillae
Name the structure of the maxilla distal to the molars
maxillary tuberosity
Name the foramina just medial to the maxillary tuiberosity
the palatine foramina
Name the structures posterior to the bilateral palatine processes of maxillae
The horizontal plates of the palatine bones
Name the hook like projection of the medial pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone
pterygoid hamulus
Name the suture of the palate that runs from R to L
transverse palatal suture
Name the type of epithelium of the hard palate
keratinised stratified squamous epithelium
Name the type of epithelium of the soft palate
non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium
Name the soft tissue structure overlying the incisive canal
incisive papilla
Name the ridges of the anterior hard palate
palatal rugae
Name the midline sturcture of soft tissue in the palate
palatine raphe
What is the palatine raphe?
fusion of palatal shelves
Why do cleft palates occur?
Failure of lateral palatine processes to meet and fuse, raphe doesn’t zip together