Paired Bones lecture and Comp Flashcards
To create the parietal axis of motion, where do the bevel of the suture change?
Bevel change midway along coronal and lambdoidal sutures creates a hinge for AP axis of motion (coronal plane).
During SBS flexion, indicate how each of these move
A. Parietal bones
B. Inferior borders
C. Superior borders
D. Pterion, asterion and squamous sutures ?
E. Sagittal suture
A. External rotation B. laterally C. medially and inferiorly D. laterally E. slightly inferiorly
What are some signs and symptoms of Parietal bone SD?
- headache: pain along a suture (OM and asterion) - often involved in tension headaches
- Pterion- often involved in temporal headaches
- Could be due to trauma to MMA, giant cell arteritis; head, face and tooth pain
What structures are contained within the petrous portion of temporal bone?
- Otovestibular organ
- E-tube
- border of foramen lacerum
- attachment of tentorium
- encloses ICA
- Lateral part of jugular foramen
- styloid process
true or false: newborn do not have a mastoid process
Internal rotation of the temporal will place pressure on the Eustachian tube which produces what kind of sound?
High-pitched tinnitus. External rotation causes how roaring tinnitus.
what are some signs and symptoms of temporal bone SD?
- TMJ pain
- pain along suture
- neck pain (SCM and other)
- Dizziness
- Ear infection
- swallowing and chewing
- Tinnitis and Etube dysfunction
- Bell’s Palsy - CNVII
What part of the frontal bone has hinge-like action?
Metopic suture
During SBS flexion, explain the motions of the frontal bone
External rotation: lat side moves ant/lat and slightly inf, glabella moves posteriorly. Opposite for Internal rotation (SBS extension)
What are some signs and symptoms of frontal bone SD?
- pain along a suture (coronal, pterion)
-head pain: from diminished primary resp and CSF flow due to increased dural tension at the cribriform plate - Sinusitus
_visual prob
-Anosmia - frontal influences cribriform plate
-Frontalis muscle (TrP/TP)
What are the fontanelles that the parietal bone contact?
pterion, bregma, lambda, and asterion.
sutures that connect them:
- coronal
- saggital
- Parietossquamous /parietomastoid
- Lamdoidal
What bones does parietal bones contact
- Frontal bone
- Occipital bone
- Temporal bone
What is the axis and plane of motion for parietal bone?
Ant/post axis; coronal plane
What bones does the temporal bones contact?
- occipital bone
- sphenoid bone
- zygomatic bone
- parietal
- mandible
How does temporal bone move during SBS flexion/external rotation?
Flexion: Superior border moves anterolateraly; mastoid moves posteromedially.
Extension: superior border moves posteromedially and mastoid moves anterolaterally