Pain medicine Flashcards
UFH (s/c prophylaxis) - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: 4 hours or normal APTT
- Wait following block: 1 hour
Indications for RF therapy
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Cervical cordolay
- Cervicogenic headache
- Spinal pain
- Groin pain
- Orchidalgia
Define complex regional pain syndrome
A chronic pain disorder characterised by:
- vasomotor
- sudomotor
- trophic
- inflammatory.
What is CRPS Type 1?
Symptoms preceded by tissue injury.
What is the previous name for CRPS Type 1?
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
What is CRPS Type 2?
Symptoms proceded by major nerve injury
What is the previous name for CRPS Type 2?
What is the pathophysiology of CRPS?
Unknown. Involves peripheral and central sensitisation and altered sympathetic function
What are the sensory symptoms of CRPS?
- Burning
- allodynia
- hyperalgesia
- sensory defects in CRPS 2
What are the autonomic symptoms of CRPS?
- Vasodilatation:
- Warm
- erythematous
- sweaty
- Vasoconstriction
- cold
- dry
- white
- Oedema also occurs
What are the trophic symptoms of CRPS?
- Atrophy of hair, skin and nails
- Joint stiffness
- Osteoporosis.
What are the treatment options for CRPS?
- Physiotherapy
- Pharmacological
- Interventional
- Surgical
- Psychological
- Alternative
What are the pharmacological treatments options for CRPS?
- Antineuropathic agents
- Opioids in refractory cases only
- Corticosteroids
- Calcitonin
- Bisphosphonates
- Free radical scavengers - NAC IV
- lidocaine infusions
What are the interventional treatment options for CRPS?
- LA sympathetic block i.e. stellate ganglion block
- Sympathectomies (RF ablation or surgically)
- Spinal cord stimulation
What are the surgical treatment options for CRPS?
- Surgical sympathectomy
- Amputation (reserved for most severe cases)
What are the physiotherapy treatment options for CRPS?
Graduated exercise programmes
What are the psychological treatment options for CRPS?
- Pain management programmes
What are the alternative treatment options for CRPS?
What is the budapest criteria?
A diagnostic criteria for CRPS
What are the 4 budapest criteria categories?
- Sensory
- Vasomotor
- Sudomotor/Oedema
- Motor/Trophic
What constitutes a diagnosis of CRPS on the Budapest Criteria?
- Symptoms in excess of the original insult
- At least 1 sign in 2 different Budapest categories
- At least 1 symptom in 3 difference Budapest categories
- No other better explanation for the symptoms
What are the sensory Budapest criteria?
- Allodynia
- Hyperalgesia
What are the vasomotor Budapest criteria?
- Temperature
- Asymmetry
- Skin colour changes
- Skin colour asymmetry
What are the Sudomotor Budapest criteria?
- Oedema
- Sweating changes
- Sweating asymmetry
What are the Motor/Trophic Budapest criteria?
- Reduced range of motion
- Motor dysfunction (weakness, tremor, dystonia)
- Trophic changes (hair loss, nail changes)
UFH (IV treatment) - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: 4 hours or normal APTT
- Wait following block: 4 hours
LMWH (s/c prophylaxis) - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: 12 hours
- Wait following block: 4 hours
LMWH (s/c treatment) - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: 24 hours
- Wait following block: 4 hours
Danaparoid prophylaxis - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: Avoid (consider anti-Xa levels)
- Wait following block: 6 hours
Danaparoid treatment - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: Avoid (consider anti-Xa levels)
- Wait following block: 6 hours
Bivalirudin - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: 10 h or normal APTTR
- Wait following block: 6 hours
Argatroban - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: 4 h or normal APTTR
- Wait following block: 6 hours
Fondaparinux prophylaxis - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: 26 - 42 hours (consider anti-Xa levels)
- Wait following block: 6 - 12 hours
Fondaparinux treatment - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: Avoid (consider anti-Xa levels)
- Wait following block: 12 hours
NSAIDs - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: no additional precautions
- Wait following block: no additional precautions
Aspirin - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: no additional precautions
- Wait following block: no additional precautions
Clopidogrel - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: 7 days
- Wait following block: 6 hours
Prasugrel - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: 7 days
- Wait following block: 6 hours
Ticagrelor - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: 5 days
- Wait following block: 6 hours
Tirofiban - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: 8 hours
- Wait following block: 6 hours
Eptifibatide - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: 8 hours
- Wait following block: 6 hours
Abciximab - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: 48 hours
- Wait following block: 6 hours
Dipyridamole - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: no additional precautions
- Wait following block: 6 hours
Warfarin - NAB timings
- Wait following dose: INR less than 1.5
- Wait following block: following catheter removal
List the drugs that require no additional precautions with respect to neuraxial blockade
- Aspirin
- Dipyridamole (wait 6 hours post NAB before dosing)
What are the safety features of a PCA?
- Anti-syphon valves
- Anti-reflux valves
- Kept below level of heart
- Naloxone prescription
- Handover to nurses on prescription and who to call for help
- Regular observations
Advantages of PCA
- Flexible to individual requirements
- Not reliant on nursing time
- Faster alleviation of pain
- Patient in control
- Reduced anxiety
- Better satisfaction
Disadvantages of PCA
- Equipment error
- Human error
- Not suitable for some patients (OA)
- Cost/Maintenance of pumps
- Regular training of nurses
What are some of the NPSA safety recommendations for epidural use?
- Label bags
- Ready-to-use bags
- Separate storage for LA agents
- Yellow colour coding (catheter, bags, pumps)
- Rationalise dose range
- Dedicated infusion pump
- Regular training
- Audut
- Guidelines
What are the indications for TENS?
- Nociceptive pain
- Post op
- Labour
- Neuropathic pain
- DM neuropathy
- Musculoskeletal pain
- Osteoarthritis
What are the contraindications to TENS?
- Pacemaker
- Epilepsy
- Communication difficults (doesn’t understand how to use)
How does TENS work?
- Not clear
- Some evidence of gate theory
- Increased endogenous opiod
- Decreased descending inhibition
- Effect abolished by naloxone
Trigeminal neuralgia
Paroxysmal, unilateral severe pain within the trigeminal sensory distribution. Often described as lancinating, sudden, severe and short lived (2 seconds - 2 minutes)
What is the incidence of trigeminal neuralgia?
- 5-10/100,000
- F > M
List the trigeminal divisions, and their exit foramina
- V1 Ophthalmic - Superior orbial fissure
- V2 Maxillary - Foramen rotundum
- V3 Mandibular - Foramen ovale
Think SORO
What are the main nuclei of the trigeminal nerve?
- Sensory
- Mesencephalic nucleus (proprioception)
- Main sensory nucleus (touch)
- Spinal nucleus (pain/temp)
- Motor nucleus
Where is the trigeminal ganlion located
Petrous temporal bone - Meckel’s cave
What is the aetiology of trigeminal neuralgia?
- Nerve root compression by blood vessels at/near entry of nerve roots into pons
- MRI shows blood vessel contact in 90%
- Patient wake pain free following decompressive surgery
- Nerve condution is immediately improved following decompression
- 5% associated with MS
- 2% posterior fossa tumours
Treatment options for trigeminal neuralgia
- Pharmacological
- Carbamazapine
- Phenytoin
- Baclofen
- Lamotrigine
- Interventional
- EtOH/glycerol/balloon microcompression
- Very high complication rate
- Sedation
- Loss of corneal reflex
- Masseter weakness
- Dysaesthesia
- Anaesthesia dolorosa
- EtOH/glycerol/balloon microcompression
- Surgery
- Microvascular decompression
- Gamma knife (less successful)
What treatment options are availible for neuropathic pain?
- Gabapentin/Amitriptyline/Duloxetine/Pregabalin
- Think “GADuP” in neuropathic pain
- Start with gabapentin, then move sequentially though the others.
- PRN Tramadol “rescue therapy”
- Capsaicin if localised
- 5% lidocaine patches
- Spinal cord stimulation
- Pain > 6 months, >50/100 VAS
What is the cure rate for Trigeminal Neuralgia following MVD?
70% at 5 years
Pain management of bony metastases
- MDT/palliative care/patient and family centered
- WHO analgesic ladder - include ketamine and methadone
- Radiotherapy
- Bisphosphonates
- Percutaneous vertebral augmentation
- Epidural steroids
Establishing palliative analgesia for the opiate naive
- Use oromorph for 24 hours
- Half the dose and give as MST BD
- Prescribe 1/6th total dose as breakthrough
What pain interventions are availible for palliative care?
- Brachial plexus catheters
- Epidurals/intrathecal catheters
- Fully external
- External with subQ port
- Fully implanted
- Intrathecal neurolysis
- Phenol
- Alcohol
- Cordotomy (C1/2 spinothalamic - mesothelioma)
List some pain assessment tools
- Unidimentional
- Numerical Rating Scale (NRS)
- Verbal Rating Scale (VRS)
- Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)
- Multidimentional
- The Brief Pain Inventory
- The McGill Pain Questionnaire
- Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score
- Children
- COMFORT scale
- Wong Baker Scale
- Patients with communication difficulty
- Doloplus
- PainAID
- Abbey Scale
Describe the Brief Pain Inventory
- uses NRS (1-10) in a number of different domains
- Self administered
- Chronic pain is qualified by how it has been over the past 24 hours
- Right now
- At its best
- At its worst
- On average
- Localisation of pain on a body chart
- How much pain interfears with 7 aspects ADLs
What is this?

The Brief Pain Inventory
Describe the McGill Pain Questionnaire
- Establishes sensory and affective aspects of pain
- Strengths
- Multidimentional
- Validated
- Useful for monitoring trends
- Weaknesses
- Takes time
- Relies on patient understanding

Describe HADS
- Single questionnaire with
- 7 questions for anxiety
- 7 questions for depression
- Each ranked 0-3
- Total max score 21
List some tools for screening for neuropathic pain
- Self completing
- Doctor completing
- DN4
What are the red flags for back pain?
- Signs/Symptoms of cauda equina/cord compression
- Immunosupression
- Trauma
- Hx of cancer
- Nocturnal pain
- Systemic effects (weight loss, fevers, night sweats)
- Thoracic pain
- Abnormal gait
- Age of onset < 20 years or > 55 years
What are the yellow flags for back pain?
- A - Attitudes
- B - Beliefs
- C - Compensation
- D - Diagnosis
- E - Emotions
- F - Family
- W - Work
What are the primary chemical stimulants for pain activation?
- H+
- K+
- Adenosine
- NO
- Histamine
- Peptides
- Serotonin
How is pain transmitted?
- C fibres (unmyelinated, slow, burning, poorly localised)
- Ad fibres (myelinated, fast, sharp, well localised)
Where do Ad/C fibres synapse?
Rexed lamina 1, 2 (and 5) or the dorsal horn
What is the gate control theory of pain?
Activation of Ab fibres in the dorsal horn leads to activation of inhibitory interneurones inhibiting C fibres
What are the risk factors for phantom limb pain?
- Lower limb
- Previous pain in limb
- B/L amputation
- Catastrophising
- Severe post op pain
Treatment options for phantom limb pain
- IV Calcitonin (acute rescue therapy)
- Ketamine
- Morphine
- Gabapentin
- Amitriptyline
- Sensory discrimination
- Mental imagery
- Surgical revision - if a clear cause
Pathophysiology of phantom limb pain
- Peripheral
- Ectopic discharges from damaged nerves
- Upregulation of Na channels
- Sensory-sympathetic coupling (similar to CRPS)
- Spinal
- Ab fibre sprouting in DH
- Sensitisation of the DH, mediated by increased NMDA receptors
- Central
- Cortical remapping
What are the complications of a coeliac plexus block?
- Severe hypotension
- Bleeding 2° to aortic/caval injury
- Intravascular injection
- Abdominal organ puncture
- Paraplegia (phenol injection into the arteries that supply the spinal cord)
- Sexual dysfunction (injected solution spreads to the sympathetic chain bilaterally).
- Lumbar nerve root irritation (injected solution tracks backwards towards the lumbar plexus).
What are the appropraite solutions for injection during a coeliac plexus block?
- Non-malignant pain: 10 ml 0.5% bupivacaine each side
- Malignant pain: 5 ml 6% aqueous phenol + 5 ml 0.5% bupivacaine each side
- Always inject region with radio-opaque die first to confirm correct placement
What are the indications for a stellate ganglion block?
- Pain syndromes
- Complex regional pain syndrome type I and II
- Refractory angina
- Phantom limb pain
- Herpes zoster
- Shoulder/hand syndrome
- Angina
- Vascular insufficiency
- Raynaud’s syndrome
- Scleroderma
- Frostbite
- Obliterative vascular disease
- Vasospasm
What are the contraindications for a stellate ganglion block?
- Coagulopathy
- Recent myocardial infarction
- Pathological bradycardia
- Glaucoma
Describe the proceedure for a stellate ganglion block
- Supine position, neck slightly extended, head turned away, jaw open
- Instil a bleb of LA for skin
- Needle puncture located:
- Between trachea and carotid sheath
- At the level of the cricoid cartilage (C6)
- Palpate for Chassaignac’s tubercle (TP of C6)
- Retract sternocleidomastoid and carotid artery laterally as the index finger palpates Chassaignac’s tubercle
- Press firmly onto the tubercle to reduce the distance between the skin and bone
- Direct needle onto the tubercle, then redirected medially and inferiorly toward the body of C6. After the body is contacted, withdraw 1-2 mm
- Confirmed needle position by fluoroscopy: checking for spread of radiocontrast cephalad/caudad confirmed in both AP and lateral views.
- Aspirate to rule out intravascular placement
- Consider small adrenaline test dose as IV injection into the vertebrals can result in significant LA neurotoxicity
- Cautiously inject 10-15 ml in 3 ml divided doses with intermittent aspiration
- Place patient in the sitting position to facilitate the spread of anaesthesia inferiorly to the stellate ganglion
- The onset of Horner’s syndrome indicates a successful block.

What does the BPS class as weak opiods?
- Codeine
- Dextropropoxyphene
- Dihydrocodeine
- Meptazinol